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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
heavy oak tent-pin in his mouth; and when he would not open his mouth sufficiently — not an easy operation — he struck him in the face with the oaken billet, a blow which broke several of his teeth and covered his mouth with blood! On the other hand, some of the officers were as humane and merciful as these wretches were brutal and cowardly, and all who were my fellow-prisoners will recall, with grateful remembrance, Captain Benjamin Munger, Lieutenant Dalgleish, Sergeant-Major Rudd, Lieutenant McKee, Lieutenant Haverty, commissary of one of the regiments guarding us, a whole-souled Fenian, formerly in the book-business in New York, and still there probably, and one or two others. These officers were assigned in the proportion of one to every company at first, but to every three hundred or four hundred men afterwards, and were charged with the duty of superintending roll-calls, inspecting quarters, and seeing that the men under their charge got their rations; and the system was e
s could be completed Colonel Davis, on May 29, 1847, with the First Mississippi Rifles, left the Brazos on the same ship with the Second Kentucky Infantry, for New Orleans, which port they reached June 9th. They bore with them the remains of Colonel McKee, and Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Clay, one of Colonel Davis's friends at West Point. The New Orleans Picayune of June 9th said: It is in no invidious spirit that the Mississippi Volunteers are selected for a public demonstration, as they arepart of us. The Mississippians bring here their Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel, maimed and pierced with honorable wounds; but Davis and McClung yet live to cheer their hearts and received with them the reward of daring and brilliant actions. Colonel McKee and Lieutenant-Colonel Clay (Second Kentucky) came not at all. In the Picayune of June 11th I find this notice of the ceremonies: Yesterday was a day devoted by our citizens to the reward of patriotism and heroic deeds. It was a day appo
he enemy to be charged on three sides at the same time, by Cols. Cox and Smith and Lt.-Col. Malone; and the charge was repeated four times; but the enemy was so strongly posted that it was found impossible to dislodge him. Rosecrans makes his entire force who participated in this struggle 37,977 infantry, 3,200 cavalry, and 2,223 artillery: total, 43,400 ; and states his; losses as follows: killed, 1,533; Among our killed, beside those already mentioned, were Cols. Jones, 24th Ohio, McKee, 3d Ky., Williams, 25th Ill., Harrington, 27th Ill., Stem, 101st Ohio, and Millikin, 3d Ohio cavalry. Among our wounded, beside those already named, were Cols. Forman, 15th Ky., Humphreys. 88th Ind. Alexander, 21st Ill., Hines, 57th Ind., Blake, 40th Ind., and Lt.-Col. Tanner, 22d Ind. wounded, 7,245; total, 8,778, or fully 20 per cent, of the number engaged. He adds that his provostmarshal says his loss of prisoners will fall below 2,800. He says nothing of prisoners taken by him, thoug
hington, 180-1: position of, during McClellan's advance, 136; ordered to the Valley. to intercept Jackson, 136; his testimony relative to pursuit of Jackson, 137; in the Army of Virginia, 172; he marches on Gainesville, 181; retreats on Manassas Junction, 183; fights at Gainesville, 185; general order respecting Slavery, 237. McDowell, Va., battle at, 132-3. McElroy, Col., killed at Fort Sanders, 432. McIntosh, Gen., killed at Pea Ridge, 28; 30. McKean, Gen., at Corinth, 225. McKee, Col., killed at Stone River, 281. McLaws, Gen., at Malvern Hill. 165; at Harper's Ferry, 200; attacks Maryland Heights. 200; at Antietam, 207; at Chancellorsville, 363; at Gettysburg, 380 to 387; at Chickamauga, 422. McLean, Major, wounded at Manassas Gap, 393. McLean, Col., killed at Gaines's Mill, 157. McNairy, Col., killed at Fort Donelson, 283. McNeil. Col. John, routs guerillas at Kirksville, Mo., 35-6: cooperates against Price, 560. McPherson, Gen. James B., at Cori
Doc. 43.-Second regiment Wis. Volunteers. The following are the officers of the regiment: Field and Staff.--Colonel, S. Park Coon; Lieutenant-Colonel, H. W. Peck; Major, Duncan McDonald; Quartermaster, H. E. Pame; Adjutant, E. M. Hunter; Aid to Colonel, rank of Captain, Henry Landes; Surgeon, Dr. Lewis; Mate, Dr. Russell. Captains of Companies.--Captain Colwell, La Crosse Light Guard; Captain Mansfield, Portage Light Guard; Captain Bouck, Oshkosh Volunteers; Captain Stevens, Citizens' Guard; Captain Strong, Belle City Rifles; Captain Allen, Miners' Guard; Captain McKee, Grant County Rifles; Captain Randolph, Randall Guard; Captain Ely, Janesville Volunteers; and Captain Langworthy, Wisconsin Rifles.--National Intelligencer, June 26.
Louisville, Oct. 8.--Col. McKee, late editor of the Louisville Courier, will take command of a regiment under Gen. Buckner.--The Citizens' Bank of New Orleans are circulating fives cut in two, each piece to represent two and a half dollars.--Thirteen hundred Indian warriors crossed the Arkansas River, near Plymouth, on the 15th of September, en route for Ben McCulloch's army.--N. Y. Commercial, Oct. 9.
ey so dearly won at Donelson. I cannot fail to mention the gallant Major Nevins, who, though wounded, bravely performed his duty; and Adjt. Dickey, ever cool and courageous, rendered most efficient service. The noble, lamented Carter, Captain commanding company K, who, with his company, so bravely cut his way through the rebel cavalry at Donelson, was among the first to fall on this bloody field mortally wounded. A good man, a true soldier, his loss is irreparable. Capts. Waddell and McKee, always at their posts, the latter wounded — both men in the gallant fight of the evening, the former commanding the regiment — are deserving of my grateful acknowledgments. Capt. Coats, who rejoined the regiment on the morning of the sixth, but partially recovered from a severe illness, was wounded and remained with his command, and was particularly distinguished. Lieut. Field, commanding company A, whose coolness and bravery have always made his command invincible, was borne to the r
headquarters in the town, and eight companies of his regiment, commanded by Major McKee, took possession of the earthwork, on a commanding point, a half-mile distann; and at seven o'clock on the morning of the fifth, an attack was made upon Major McKee, who held the redoubt, while a portion of the enemy went to the left, flankigh the fight. While the fight was progressing in the town, the rebels had Major McKee completely surrounded, and were throwing shot and shell into his works with ad, as they supposed, obtained every advantage, Richardson sent a message to Major McKee, saying they had taken all the rest prisoners, and demanded his surrender. isted men killed, sixty-one wounded, and six missing. The redoubt held by Major McKee was one hundred and fifty feet square, and during the fight, over fifty shelr than ours. All speak in terms of the highest praise of the gallantry of Major McKee, of the Eleventh Illinois, and Major Cook, of the First Missouri. All did t
the night,) on the ridge northeast of the redoubt held by the Eleventh Illinois, commanded by Major McKee, and a detachment of the First Mississippi cavalry, under command of Major Cook, who occupied. About twelve o'clock General Ross sent a flag of truce with the demand for a surrender. Major McKee, not liking the style of the thing, returned it without an answer. When Major McKee started Major McKee started to meet the first flag of truce, Major Cook, supposing the flag to have been raised first on our side, called to Major McKee and said: Major, for God's sake, what are you going to do? You are not goMajor McKee and said: Major, for God's sake, what are you going to do? You are not going to surrender? The Major's reply was: Ask my men if I ever surrender. At the same time that General Ross took position around the fort, two regiments of General Richardson's command, the Fiftet is entirely unnecessary for any apologies. Had it not been for the coolness and bravery of Major McKee, who had command in the fort, also Major Cook, First Mississippi cavalry A. D., who had comma
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Korea, War with (search)
ers, with the Benicia and the Colorado, and an expedition was formed to return and destroy the forts. This force consisted of 945 men, with the Palos and the Monocacy. June 11 the Americans destroyed the forts near the mouth of the river, burned the neighboring houses, and continued to advance until they reached the forts which had opened fire on the expedition June 1. The Americans stormed these forts, and in the first onset took them, with a loss of three killed and seven wounded. Lieutenant McKee was killed as he entered the intrenchments. The Korean commander-inchief was killed in the combat, and the second officer in command was taken prisoner, besides many other natives. Admiral Rodgers a few days later released the prisoners, whom the Korean authorities did not appear willing to receive. A formal protest against the war-like actions of the Koreans was made by Mr. Low, the American minister. Documents found by the Americans showed that the Korean government had planned th