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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 55.-the fight at Matthias point. (search)
ry of the Navy, Washington. Surgeon's report. United States steam sloop Pawnee, Potomac River, June 27, 1861. sir:--I have to report the following casualties resulting from the action at Matthias Point this afternoon: Killed 1.--Commander J. H. Ward, commanding flotilla; gunshot wound of abdomen, almost immediately fatal. Wounded dangerously 2.--1. William J. Best, O. S., belonging to the Pawnee; gunshot wound, fracturing both bones of left leg; a second gunshot wound in soft part of right fore arm; a third gunshot wound of right hand. 2 William M. Chenny, belonging to the Thomas Freeborn; gunshot wound of the left thigh fracturing the femur. Wounded severely 2.--1. John Williams, captain of maintop of Pawnee; gunshot wound of soft part of right thigh. 2. George McKenny, yeoman of Thomas Freeborn; gunshot wound of soft part of left thigh. espectfully yours, F. M. Gunnell, Surgeon United States Navy. Com. S. C. Rowan, Commanding flotilla in the Potomac River.
shot wound of abdomen, almost immediately fatal. Wounded dangerously, 2.--1. Wm. J. Best, O. S., belonging to the Pawnee; gunshot wound, fractured both bones of left leg; a second gunshot wound in soft part of right fore-arm; a third gunshot wound of right hand. 2. Wm. McChenny, belonging to the Thos. Freeborn; gunshot wound of left thigh; fracturing the temem. Wounded severely, 2.--1. John Williams, captain of main top of Pawnee; gunshot wound of soft part of right thigh. 2 Geo. McKenny, yeoman of Thomas Freeborn; gunshot wound of soft part of left thigh. Respectfully yours. F. M. Gunnell,Surgeon U. S. N. The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun writes: One of the officers who was present during the affair at Mathias' Point, states that of the thirty odd Federal troops that were assailed not above three got off without being hit in one way or the other. The fire of the Confederates must have been a hot and close one. As a regiment has come u