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Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 180 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 177 57 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 142 12 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 100 4 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 98 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 86 14 Browse Search
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A. 80 12 Browse Search
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac 77 3 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 76 2 Browse Search
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson 74 8 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Records of Longstreet's corps, A. N. V. (search)
ntre between Whiting and Hill. The rest of Jackson's command was formed in a second line in rear of the first. On the right of D. H. Hill came in Armistead's and Wright's brigades of Huger's division, and on their right D. R. Jones' sub-division of Magruder's command, consisting of Tombs' and G. T. Anderson's brigades. The remainder of Huger's command (Mahone's and Ransom's brigades), and of Magruder's command (Barksdale's, Cobb's, Kershaw's and Semmes' brigades, the last two constituting McLaws' division), were disposed and used in support of Armistead, Wright and D. R. Jones. General Holmes, with his division, moved from New Market a short distance down the River road, and formed line of battle, but took no part in the action, deeming the enemy's position too strong for attack in that direction. Longstreet and A. P. Hill remained in reserve on the Long Bridge road. Owing to ignorance of the roads and topography and the dense forests which impeded communication, the whole line wa
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Strength of General Lee's army in the Seven days battles around Richmond. (search)
ort, page 187: The following list of killed and wounded will show that we lost 4,000 out of 10,000 taken into the field. This includes Ripley's brigade. General Magruder says, on page 190: I was in command of three divisions — those of Major-General McLaws, Brigadier-General D. R. Jones, and my own, each consisting of two brigades, the numerical strength being about 13,000 men. General Holmes, on page 151, gives his strength of all arms at 6,573. This, of course, is exclusive of Ransom, wh this according to Ewell's statement on page 189, and then adding the loss in Ripley's brigade at Mechanicsville before Jackson got up, and we have the entire loss in the troops that were under his command as above stated.] In Magruder's command, McLaws gives his loss at 654--pages 160 to 164; D. R. Jones gives his loss at 832--page 172; but Magruder fails to give the loss in his own division; taking the average for it, and it may be put at 750, which will give a total loss of 2,236. In Huger's
t centre) than anywhere else; hence, to make any impression at all, required heavy forces. If this was merely a diversion, the thing is explained, but Magruder evidently did not look upon it in that light, for surrounded as he was by his own and Governor Letcher's staff, he rode about in a great fume, swearing and cursing like one half-tipsy. Nothing more was attempted during Saturday at this important point, and, except skirmishing among the pickets, all was quiet along our right, held by McLaws, Huger, and others. As the day advanced, it became known that McClellan had withdrawn all his forces from the north bank, and that their camps had fallen into our hands. To prevent any attempts to force our right, Longstreet and the Hills recrossed their divisions from Gaines's Mills, and began to march to the rear of Magruder and Huger's forces, taking up the line of march on the Charles City and Darbytown roads in the direction of James River, so as to come up with the enemy in that
empest of shot and shell, and smoke and dust, holding on like grim death to his position on our left, and punishing the enemy frightfully with his well-disposed artillery. Thus, in truth, all our generals were hotly engaged at different points of the line. The impetuous Ambrose Hill was with Ewell and others under Jackson, and had enough to do to keep time with the rapid movements of their chief. The satirical; stoical D. H. Hill was there, cold as ice, and firm as a rock. Evans, Stuart, McLaws, Maxey Gregg, Jenkins, Barksdale, Whiting, Archer, Pickett, Field, Walton, Pendleton, and a host of other historical heroes, were in command to-day, and each seemed to rival the other in prudence and valor; while Hood and his Texans far outshone all their previous deeds by their present acts of daring. Over all the field the battle was going favorably for us, and no complaint was uttered on any hand-all seemed to desire to get as close to Pope as possible, and to show their powder-black
might have outmarched him, and taken Washington, perhaps, ere the Federal commander could have traversed the south bank, and arrived at the Chain, or Long Bridges, to cross over and oppose him. Nevertheless, when he heard of the investment on the twelfth, he might certainly have relieved the place from the Maryland side, at least; or, by suddenly and rapidly marching on Lee and Longstreet, have forced an engagement, and possibly defeated both those generals before Jackson, Ambrose Hill, and McLaws could have reenforced them. The truth is, McClellan was too slow and — cautious-he was not equal to the occasion; and while revolving the chances before him, Miles surrendered, and part of our force had crossed into Maryland again, and was quietly waiting in Lee's lines for the Federal advance. When Lee was made aware of D. H. Hill's retreat from the various gaps in the South Mountain, and that McClellan's army was pouring through them, he became fully convinced that the Federal command
hrough our left centre; to the right of this is the enceinte called Marye's Hill. Hazel Creek runs between this latter position and Lee's Hill, which, from its altitude, was selected for Headquarters. The Richmond railway divided our left under Longstreet from our right under Jackson, the latter being strongly posted on a series of hills and well fortified; the extreme right and right flank being in charge of Stuart. The force of Longstreet on the left included the divisions of Ransom, McLaws, and Picket, Anderson being on Marye's Hill; Cobb being posted behind a strong stone wall at the right base of the latter, commanding all approach up the open lands of the Hazel Creek, while Hood and others filled up the space to the railroad where our right commenced under Ambrose Hill, Early, and others, up to Stuart, who, with his mounted division, light artillery, and infantry, held the extreme right and right flank. D. H. Hill was held in reserve. Heavy batteries protected our extreme
ides. A division of Longstreet's corps, under McLaws, had been sent to attack and shut it up on the orders with two of his brigades to unite with McLaws, and to reconnoitre and watch the enemy's move-General Pryor, who commanded the left wing of McLaws's division nearest to Harper's Ferry. General ing Stuart rode off to the headquarters of General McLaws, leaving me to await his return as General, which had been sounding all the evening from McLaws's right, grew fiercer and fiercer; and an ordest interest and anxiety. In the mean time General McLaws had arrived with reinforcements, our line along the river bank, very little known, which McLaws, against Stuart's urgent advice, had neglectedd the night preceding the general engagement. McLaws's division, which had also remained behind, di thousand men with him in the conflict; and as McLaws's division, numbering 7000 men, and some othercertainly have been more complete, had not General McLaws failed to obey orders in bringing his divi
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 14: (search)
piece of wood; in our immediate rear stretched the tents and huts of a part of McLaws's division. Between these two bodies of troops animated little skirmishes had f the 4th, an extensive expedition having been undertaken by several hundred of McLaws's men against Hood's encampments, and the occupants of these finding themselvesd one, took effect upon our exposed persons. But all the gallant resistance of McLaws's men was unavailing. Hood's lines pressed resistlessly forward, carrying everything before them, taking the formidable fortifications, and driving McLaws's division out of their encampments. Suddenly, at this juncture, we heard loud shouting ht, where two of Anderson's brigades had come up as reinforcements. The men of McLaws's division, acquiring new confidence from this support, rallied, and in turn drlts to some of the combatants, for one of Hood's men had his leg broken, one of McLaws's men lost an eye, and there were other chancewounds on both sides. This sham-
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 15: (search)
our army, numbering in all about 80,000 men, was posted in order of battle behind a continuous line of intrenchments, concealed from the enemy's view by the thick underwood, which, except in a few small spaces, covers the ridge abundantly. Longstreet's corps formed the left, Jackson's the right, of our lines. Our extreme left, constituting Anderson's division, rested on a broad swampy ditch, which about two miles above Fredericksburg makes up from the Rappahannock; then came Ransom's and McLaws's divisions, the right wing of the latter extending across the Telegraph Road, there joining Pickett's troops; and farther on Hood's division, which occupied as nearly as possible the centre of our whole line of battle, at a point where the hills open into a small valley for the passage of the creek, Deep Run; yet further on came Early's division of Jackson's corps. The extreme right was composed of A. P. Hill's division, holding in reserve the troops of Taliaferro. The splendid division o
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 20: (search)
e advancedguard of a much larger force sent by the Federals to destroy our railway communications — an enterprise which, after this partial defeat, they abandoned altogether. The main body of the Federal army, numbering about 100,000 men, had in the meanwhile centred in the neighbourhood of Chancellorsville, the three corps coming from the Rapidan having united with those which had crossed the Rappahannock at United States and Banks Ford. A strong force still remained opposite Fredericksburg, watched on our side by Early's division. The bulk of our army confronted the enemy in line of battle, almost perpendicularly to the Rappahannock-Anderson's and McLaws's divisions of Longstreet's corps forming the right, Jackson's corps the left wing, our whole numbers amounting to about 50,000 men. General Longstreet himself, with Picket's and Hood's divisions, had some time since been detailed to North Carolina, where he was operating against a Federal army in the neighbourhood of Suffolk
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