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Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1 400 2 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 279 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 272 2 Browse Search
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant 215 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 165 3 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 3: The Decisive Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 152 2 Browse Search
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 115 1 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 96 0 Browse Search
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 55 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 34 4 Browse Search
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Your search returned 108 results in 18 document sections:

Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, The Army at Pittsburg landing-injured by a fall --the Confederate attack at Shiloh-the first day's fight at Shiloh-General Sherman-condition of the Army-close of the first day's fight --the second day's fight-retreat and defeat of the Confederates (search)
d to take the initiative by marching on Corinth, and had no expectation of needing fortifications, though this subject was taken into consideration. [Col. J. B.] McPherson, my only military engineer, was directed to lay out a line to intrench. He did so, but reported that it would have to be made in rear of the line of encampment had to trust to the horse, without guidance, to keep the road. I had not gone far, however, when I met General W. H. L. Wallace and Colonel (afterwards General) McPherson coming from the direction of the front. They said all was quiet so far as the enemy was concerned. On the way back to the boat my horse's feet slipped from undain Baxter made a memorandum of this order. About one P. M., not hearing from Wallace and being much in need of reinforcements, I sent two more of my staff, Colonel McPherson and Captain [William R.] Rowley, to bring him up with his division. They reported finding him marching towards Purdy, Bethel, or some point west from the ri
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Struck by a bullet-precipitate retreat of the Confederates--intrenchments at Shiloh--General Buell-General Johnston--remarks on Shiloh (search)
at Shiloh--General Buell-General Johnston--remarks on Shiloh During this second day of the battle I had been moving from right to left and back, to see for myself the progress made. In the early part of the afternoon, while riding with Colonel McPherson and Major Hawkins, then my chief commissary, we got beyond the left of our troops. We were moving along the northern edge of a clearing, very leisurely, toward the river above the landing. There did not appear to be an enemy to our right,k it took us longer than that to get out of range and out of sight. In the sudden start we made, Major Hawkins lost his hat. He did not stop to pick it up. When we arrived at a perfectly safe position we halted to take an account of damages. McPherson's horse was panting as if ready to drop. On examination it was found that a ball had struck him forward of the flank just back of the saddle, and had gone entirely through. In a few minutes the poor beast dropped dead; he had given no sign of
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Van Dorn's movements-battle of Corinth-command of the Department of the Tennessee (search)
ments. Any fresh troops for us must come by a circuitous route. On the night of the 3d, accordingly, I ordered General McPherson, who was at Jackson, to join Rosecrans at Corinth with reinforcements picked up along the line of the railroad equabut the works that were built after Halleck's departure enabled Rosecrans to hold his position until the troops of both McPherson and Hurlbut approached towards the rebel front and rear. The enemy was finally driven back with great slaughter: all tges, made with great gallantry, were repulsed. The loss on our side was heavy, but nothing to compare with Van Dorn's. McPherson came up with the train of cars bearing his command as close to the enemy as was prudent, debarked on the rebel flank any in the various engagements, from the time I was left in command down to 26th of October and on my recommendation, Generals McPherson and C. S. Hamilton were promoted to be Major-Generals, and Colonels C. C. Marsh, 20th Illinois, M. M. Crocker, 13th
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, The campaign against Vicksburg-Employing the freedmen-occupation of Holly Springs-Sherman ordered to Memphis-Sherman's movements down the Mississippi-Van Dorn captures Holly Springs-collecting forage and food (search)
efore us, these lines would nearly hold themselves; thus affording a large force for field operations. My moving force at that time was about 30,000 men, and I estimated the enemy confronting me, under Pemberton, at about the same number. General McPherson commanded my left wing and General C. S. Hamilton the centre, while Sherman was at Memphis with the right wing. Pemberton was fortified at the Tallahatchie, but occupied Holly Springs and Grand Junction on the Mississippi Central railroad.This caused the enemy to evacuate their position, which was possibly accelerated by the expedition of [Alvin P.] Hovey and Washburn. The enemy was followed as far south as Oxford by the main body of troops, and some seventeen miles farther by McPherson's command. Here the pursuit was halted to repair the railroad from the Tallahatchie northward, in order to bring up supplies. The piles on which the railroad bridge rested had been left standing. The work of constructing a roadway for the tr
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Headquarters moved to Holly Springs-General McClernand in command-assuming command at Young's Point-operations above Vicksburg- fortifications about Vicksburg-the canal- Lake Providence-operations at Yazoo pass (search)
ps upon, took many miles of river front. We had to occupy the levees and the ground immediately behind. This was so limited that one corps, the 17th, under General McPherson, was at Lake Providence, seventy miles above Vicksburg. It was in January the troops took their position opposite Vicksburg. The water was very high and the river, or to make water-ways to get below the city, avoiding the batteries. On the 30th of January, the day after my arrival at the front, I ordered General McPherson, stationed with his corps at Lake Providence, to cut the levee at that point. If successful in opening a channel for navigation by this route, it would carrage way. As the trees would have to be cut close to the bottom — under water — it was an undertaking of great magnitude. On the 4th of February I visited General McPherson, and remained with him several days. The work had not progressed so far as to admit the water from the river into the lake, but the troops had succeeded in
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, The bayous West of the Mississippi-criticisms of the Northern press-running the batteries-loss of the Indianola-disposition of the troops (search)
. Second.-The Fifteenth army corps, Major-General W. T. Sherman commanding, will constitute the left wing. Third.-The Seventeenth army corps, Major-General James B. McPherson commanding, will constitute the centre. Fourth.-The order of march to New Carthage will be from right to left. Fifth.-Reserves will be formedAdjutant-General's Office, Washington, of date March 20, 1863. By order of Major-General U. S. Grant McClernand was already below on the Mississippi. Two of McPherson's divisions were put upon the march immediately. The third had not yet arrived from Lake Providence; it was on its way to Milliken's Bend and was to follow on arrival. Sherman was to follow McPherson. Two of his divisions were at Duckport and Young's Point, and the third under Steele was under orders to return from Greenville, Mississippi, where it had been sent to expel a rebel battery that had been annoying our transports. It had now become evident that the army could not be ra
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Attack on Grand Gulf-operations below Vicksburg (search)
On the 27th McClernand's corps was all at Hard Times, and McPherson's was following closely. I had determined to make the at Gulf, where you see, by special orders of this date, General McPherson is ordered to send one division. The plan of the l) to withdraw from the front of Haines' Bluff and follow McPherson with two divisions as fast as he could. I had establiprovised armament and attempt to destroy these supplies. McPherson was at Hard Times with a portion of his corps, and the deg of 30th of April McClernand's corps and one division of McPherson's corps were speedily landed. When this was effected d two brigades of Logan's division of the 17th corps, General McPherson commanding — in all not more than twenty thousand mender much assistance south of Port Gibson. Two brigades of McPherson's corps followed McClernand as fast as rations and ammuniroad could be cleared of McClernand's troops I ordered up McPherson, who was close upon the rear of the 13th corps, with two
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Capture of Port Gibson-Grierson's raid-occupation of Grand Gulf-movement up the Big Black- battle of Raymond (search)
d by [Gen. Marcellus M.] Crocker's division, McPherson's corps, which had crossed the Mississippi aut stopping except to get two days rations. McPherson still had one division west of the Mississipenemy's right flank, and they soon gave way. McPherson was ordered to hold Hankinson's ferry and th reinforce and fortify. McClernand's and McPherson's commands were kept substantially as they wdered reconnaissances made by McClernand and McPherson, with the view of leading the enemy to beliebe no delay. During the night of the 6th McPherson drew in his troops north of the Big Black any Springs ten miles from Hankinson's ferry. McPherson remained there during the 8th, while McClernby McClernand and Sherman with slight loss. McPherson was to the right of Sherman, extending to Ra the enemy throwing a force on our rear. McPherson encountered the enemy, five thousand strong until we met at Jackson. In this battle McPherson lost 66 killed, 339 wounded, and 37 missing-[10 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Movement against Jackson-fall of Jackson-Intercepting the enemy-battle of Champion's Hill (search)
ampion's Hill When the news reached me of McPherson's victory at Raymond about sundown my positiough an unprotected country. Sherman and McPherson communicated with each other during the nighnever murmured. By nine o'clock Crocker, of McPherson's corps, who was now in advance, came upon ton followed by Sherman. About the same time McPherson discovered that the enemy was leaving his frdelivered his copy of Johnston's dispatch to McPherson who forwarded it to me. Receiving this dn it got up, would be on our extreme right. McPherson was directed to get his trains out of the wairect wagon road from Jackson to Vicksburg. McPherson was hastening up to join Hovey, but was emba to march to reach the enemy's position than McPherson. I sent him word by a staff officer to push position and had to abandon the artillery. McPherson brought up his troops as fast as possible, Lde of McArthur's division of the 17th corps (McPherson's), had crossed the river at Grand Gulf a fe[22 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Battle of Black River Bridge-crossing the Big Black-investment of Vicksburg-assaulting the works (search)
-past 3 A. M. on the 17th, followed closely by Osterhaus, McPherson bringing up the rear with his corps. As I expected, the o the left of Carr and covered the enemy's entire front. McPherson was in column on the road, the head close by, ready to coof by Lieutenant Hains, of the Engineer Corps, one by General McPherson himself and one by General Ransom, a most gallant andicer. My recollection is that Hains built a raft bridge; McPherson a pontoon, using cotton bales in large numbers, for ponto for mentioning this incident will appear further on. McPherson, after crossing the Big Black, came into the Jackson and [Baldwin] ferry to Vicksburg. This brought him south of McPherson. I now had my three corps up to the works built for the the Yazoo as far south-east as his troops would extend. McPherson joined on to his left, and occupied ground on both sides ent him Quinby's division of the 17th corps. Sherman and McPherson were both ordered to renew their assaults as a diversion