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General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 6 (search)
t of General Grant, in its efforts to open a way by water around Vicksburg, to some point on the river, below the town. But in the beginning of April this enterprise was abandoned, and General Grant decided that his troops should march to a point selected, on the west bank of the Mississippi, and that the vessels-of-war and transports should run down to that point, passing the Confederate batteries at night. McClernand's corps (Thirteenth) led in the march, followed, at some distance, by McPherson's (Seventeenth). About the middle of the month a Federal detachment of five regiments of cavalry, and two of infantry, with two field-batteries, moved from Corinth along the railroad towards Tuscumbia. Colonel Roddy, who had just been transferred from General Bragg's to General Pemberton's command, met it with his brigade, on the 18th, near Bear Creek, on the Alabama side, and, in skirmishes, which continued most of the day, captured above a hundred prisoners, and a field-piece and c
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
Depot, and his headquarters at Bovina; that McPherson's corps had marched from Raymond to Clinton;he south of Edwards's Depot, I inferred that McPherson's corps had been detached to Clinton to holdto bear it, informing him of the position of McPherson's corps between us at Clinton; urging the im, intelligence was received that both it and McPherson's were marching toward the place, one on eacArmy of Mississippi. While Sherman's and McPherson's corps were moving upon Jackson, McClernandl upon General Pemberton's. For that object, McPherson with two divisions at Jackson, McClernand wies, uninterrupted by his adversary. When McPherson, with two divisions, had come up, and McClerctive that General Hovey called for aid, and McPherson's other division, Quimby's, was sent to his tacked in these lines by General Grant, with McPherson's and McClernand's corps. His vigorous assa Federal army crossed the river on the 18th; McPherson's and McClernand's corps on floating-bridges[1 more...]
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
three divisions, instead of two or three brigades, on the 1st of May, when they were divided in the passage of the Mississippi; or, after that time, by attacking McPherson's and McClernand's corps with all his forces, near Hankinson's Ferry, General Grant's report. where they waited for Sherman's until the 8th; This would have ling upon McClernand's corps on the 12th, General Grant's report. when it was between Fourteen-mile Creek and his camp, near Edwards's Depot, and Sherman's and McPherson's corps were at and near Raymond. On all those occasions, the chances of success would have been decidedly in his favor, and the consequences of victory much gry-five thousand men. Such an army, respectably commanded, must have won, for Hovey's division was unsupported General Grant's report. till eleven o'clock, when McPherson with his two divisions arrived by the Jackson road. It was at least an hour General Grant's report. later when McClernand's corps appeared, coming from Raymon
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 11 (search)
d that he had been engaged at Resaca until dark with troops of the Army of the Tennessee, which was commanded by Major-General McPherson, and had held his ground. As intelligence of the arrival of that army in Snake-Creek Gap had been received, Lie At night reports were received from the scouts in observation near the south end of Rocky Face, to the effect that General McPherson's troops were intrenching their position in Snake-Creek Gap. And on the 11th various reports were received indicating a general movement to their right by the Federal troops, as if to unite with those of McPherson. On the same day, Brigadier-General Canty again announced that a Federal army was approaching Resaca from the direction of Snake-Creek Gap. But my was closed at Resaca by our intrenched camp. On the 9th of May, when that camp was defended by two brigades, Major-General McPherson, a skillful engineer as well as able general, thought it too strong to be carried by assault by the Army of the
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
to me: Camp Seven Miles from Jackson, May 14, 1863. General: The body of troops, mentioned in my note of last night compelled Brigadier-General Gregg and his command to evacuate Jackson about noon to-day; the necessity of taking the Canton road, at right angles to that upon which the enemy approaches, prevented an obstinate defense. A body of troops, reported this morning to have reached Raymond last night, advanced at the same time from that direction. Prisoners say that it was McPherson's corps (four divisions) which marched from Clinton. I have certain information of the other; both skirmished very cautiously. Telegrams were dispatched, when the enemy was near, directing General Gist to assemble the approaching troops at a point forty or fifty miles from Jackson, and General Maxcey to return to his wagons and provide for the security of his brigade; for instance, by joining General Gist. That body of troops will be able, I hope, to prevent the enemy in Jackson from dr
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Memoranda of the operations of my corps, while under the command of General J. E. Johnston, in the Dalton and Atlanta, and North Carolina campaigns. (search)
l night of 12th. May 8th. Cleburne's division moved to Dug Gap, and assisted Grigsby's cavalry to repel attack of part of Hooker's corps. Walker had to be sent to Resaca, and moved subsequently to left front of Calhoun, to meet advance of McPherson. May 12th. At night my corps moved to Resaca. Heavy skirmishing and occasional assaults on my line at Resaca 13th, 14th, and 15th May--on 13th principally, on Cheatham's line; on 14th and 15th, on Cleburne's and Bate's lines. A man who asto disinter dead at Resaca, after the war, reported finding one hundred and seventy Confederate and seventeen hundred and ninety Federal dead. May 15th. Night of 15th moved to Calhoun, where Walker was already skirmishing all next day with McPherson. Polk's brigade of Cleburne's division had a sharp fight with a body of the enemy, and punished them handsomely. May 16th. On night of 16th moved to Adairville. Cheatham had a heavy skirmish with enemy on 17th. May 18th. Moved to Ki