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taying at the Gayoso House, as were also General McPherson and his staff. When I arrived I found tiful and captivating girls in the West. General McPherson admired her extravagantly. She had alsode having been intended for her, so that General McPherson might enjoy the compliment ignorant of tver, to be kept a secret. Somebody told General McPherson, who was much chagrined over the affair.was unable to conceal his annoyance. General McPherson was, without exception, the most unassumssion in General Logan's heroic action after McPherson fell, July 22, 1864. A few days after th get his division ready to be reviewed. General McPherson reviewed the whole command, doing us theation of his cheeks and under his eyes. General McPherson was full of fun, and, on returning to Cops, Army of the Tennessee, then under General J. B. McPherson. General Logan was delighted to serve under McPherson but sorry to leave the veterans of the Seventeenth Corps, especially his old regim[3 more...]
if possible, cut off a portion of them. McPherson felt this to be a terrible mistake, but he wtances, and how he proceeded at once to obey McPherson, feeling that they were to be met by an oppounder the orders given by General Sherman to McPherson, and carried by him in person to General Log, rallying the troops with the tragic cry of McPherson and revenge! and appealing to officers and e enemy to fall back. The day was ours, and McPherson was revenged, solely through General Logan's of cannon seemed drowned by its echoes. McPherson again seemed to lead his troops-and where McMcPherson leads victory is sure. Each officer and soldier, from the succeeding commander to the lownnessee which Logan had led to victory after McPherson's death! The Army of the Tennessee had neve make choice of an army commander to succeed McPherson. This is all I record in my Memoirs. It wt an army which had followed Grant, Sherman, McPherson, and Logan, who had taken it successfully th[22 more...]
had taken advantage of an opportunity to displace him and thereby be revenged for General Thomas's personal injustice to General Logan in urging that General Howard supersede General Logan in the command of the Army of the Tennessee after General McPherson was killed. However, he reluctantly departed promptly for Louisville, Kentucky, from which place he was to communicate with Thomas and advise him of the orders he had received. General Logan, however, stopped at Cincinnati and sent one ofge of the long four years intervening between April, 1861, and May, 1865. General Logan forgot that he had been relieved unjustly of the command of the Army of the Tennessee after his great victory at Atlanta and speedy avenging of the death of McPherson, July 22, 1864. All were going home soon and only thought and dreamed of bliss, like Campbell's soldier. Even in the dead of the night sweet visions they saw, and thrice ere the morning they dreamed them again. From morning till night, f
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 14: (search)
tion of Hon. James F. Wilson, of Iowa, as permanent chairman. Mr. Wilson was one of the ablest and most experienced statesmen of the nation. Don Cameron wanted McPherson, of Pennsylvania, then clerk of the House of Representatives and compiler of the Political hand book of the Republican party. Dodge worked very hard for Wilson and thought his election was agreed upon. He retired to get a few hours' sleep and rest, during which time the opponents of Wilson succeeded in electing McPherson as permanent chairman. This was the beginning of the blunders that led to Blaine's Waterloo. McPherson, as Dodge had suspected, was unequal to the position. He was toMcPherson, as Dodge had suspected, was unequal to the position. He was too unsuspecting for the wily politicians who were inimical to Blaine, and at a critical moment entertained a motion to adjourn, which was followed by boisterous commotion and confusion, intensified by the trick of turning off the gas and enshrouding the hall in total darkness. Caucusing was the rule during the hours between the fat
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 16: (search)
is time a number of orders and found it very difficult to get himself into a satisfactory spirit to execute such a statue as he desired. Therefore the committee indulged him very much in his delays in furnishing the model of his conception of the statue. Finally he succeeded in making the great statue which is erected in Michigan Avenue Park, on the lake front in Chicago. It was unveiled by John A. Logan III, grandson of General Logan, on July 22, 1903, on the anniversary of the fall of McPherson in the battle of Atlanta, July 22, 1864. No work of this illustrious artist has been more universally praised. John A. Logan, Jr., was intensely interested in the erection of the statue and presented to Mr. Saint-Gaudens a magnificent Russian stallion, from which the horse was modelled. Before General Logan's death I had contracted to write a book on Washington for one Mr. Brodix, then an agent for subscription-books. General Logan wrote the contract and encouraged me to write the b
s. In Confederate Congress in session at Richmond, Va., a resolution of thanks to Ben McCulloch and his forces, was introduced by Mr. Ochiltree of Texas, and passed unanimously.--(Doc. 205.) This day a very large and beautiful flag was presented to the battalion of Pennsylvania troops stationed at Annapolis Junction, Md., by the Union ladies of Prince George's and Montgomery counties. The ceremonies were very interesting. James Creigh, Esq., made the presentation speech, and Capt. McPherson the reception speech. A large number of persons were present.--Washington Star, August 23. William F. Barry, chief of artillery in Gen. McClellan's staff, yesterday was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers.--Philadelphia Press, August 22. The Twenty-third Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, under the command of Col. David B. Birney, numbering about five hundred and fifty men, passed through Baltimore, Md., en route for Washington city. A large proportion of the men wer
k on board his gunboats fifty-five men and horses of the First Western Tennessee cavalry, under the command of Colonel W. K. M. Breckinridge, and landed them on the east side of the Tennessee River, sending the gunboats to cover all the landings above and below. Colonel Breckinridge dashed across the country to Linden, and surprised a rebel force more than twice his number, capturing Lieutenant-Colonel Frierson, one captain, one surgeon, four lieutenants, thirty rebel soldiers, ten conscripts, fifty horses, two army wagons, arms, etc. The court-house, which was the rebel depot, was burned, with a quantity of army supplies. The enemy lost three killed. The Nationals lost no men, but had one horse killed. Colonel Breckinridge, after this exploit, reached the vessel in safety, and recrossed the river.--Com. Phelps's Despatch. The battle of Raymond, Miss., was fought this day, between the rebels under General Gregg, and the Union troops commanded by General McPherson.--(Doc. 190.)
in the rout of the rebels, who fled, leaving their dead and wounded in the hands of the Nationals. The loss of the Nationals was forty killed and one hundred wounded.--(Doc. 112.) The ship Constitution, in sight of the Island of Trinidad, latitude 20° 31′, longitude 29° 16′, was captured by the rebel privateer Georgia.--Fairfax Court-House, Va., having been evacuated by the National troops, was occupied by a rebel guerrilla party during the evening,--an expedition under the command of Colonel S. P. Spear, of the Eleventh Pennsylvania cavalry, reached a point within six miles of Richmond, Va., creating a great panic in that place.--(Doc. 35.) An assault was made on the rebel works at Vicksburgh, by General McPherson's corps, which ended in the capture of one of the forts.--(Doc. 36.) The English steamer Britannia, was captured by the Union gunboat St. Jago de Cuba, at a point one hundred and fifty miles from Abaco, having run the blockade of Charleston, South-Car
October 14. Jefferson Davis issued an address to the soldiers of the army of Tennessee, thanking them for the glorious victory on the field of Chickamauga. --A fight took place at Salt Lick, Va., between the rebels under Colonel William M. Jackson, who were retreating from the battle-field of Bulltown, and a party of Virginia cavalry under Major Howe and Captain Harrison, resulting in a complete rout of the rebels.--an expedition to the interior of Mississippi left Vicksburgh, under the command of General McPherson. The battle of Bristoe Station, Va., was fought this day.--(Doc. 188.)
October 15. A fight took place at McLean's Ford, on Bull Run, Va., between the rebels and the New Jersey brigade of the Third corps of the army of the Potomac, in which the former lost sixty in killed and wounded, and the latter two killed and twenty-five wounded.--Philadelphia Inquirer, October 22. Canton, Miss., was captured by the Union forces under General McPherson, after a severe engagement, in which the rebels lost two hundred in killed, wounded, and prisoners. At a special meeting of the Richmond, Va., City Council this evening, a report was adopted appointing a board, consisting of five members of the Council and three citizens, to purchase articles for sale at cost, under their direction, at depots to be established by them, one in each ward. The Council also made an appropriation of fifty thousand dollars for the relief of the poor, and authorized the Finance Committee to sell that amount of confederate State bonds in the city treasury.--the British steame