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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 16: the Army of the Potomac before Richmond. (search)
est only to order a part of General Fitz-John Porter's corps (the Fifth) to Hanover Court-House, to secure his menaced right flank, and keep the way open for McDowell to join him. This detachment moved by way of Mecnanicsville, at three o'clock on the morning of the 27th, General W. H. Emory in the advance, with the Fifth and Sixth Regular Cavalry, and Benson's horse battery. These were followed by General Morell's division, composed of the brigades of Generals Martindale, Butterfield, and McQuade, with Berdan's sharp-shooters, and three batteries under Captain Griffin. Colonel G. K. Warren, with his provisional brigade, This was composed of the Fifth and Thirteenth New York, First Connecticut artillery, acting as infantry, Sixth Pennsylvania cavalry, and Weedon's Rhode Island Battery. moved along another road toward the same point, and for the same purpose. Fitz-John Porter. After marching fourteen miles through mud, caused by a heavy shower in the morning, and meeting a l
l to the Chief. The band, accompanied by Gen. Sandford and his staff and a corps of sappers and miners, halted in front of the stand. Col. Blenker with his regiment led the column. Next came the Twelfth, Col. Walrath; then the Fourteenth, Col. McQuade, preceded by a drum corps. The beautiful ensign of Col. McQuade's regiment attracted many a compliment, as did the beautiful flags of the several regiments. Next to the Fourteenth came in order the Fifteenth, Col. Murphy; the Sixteenth, Col.Col. McQuade's regiment attracted many a compliment, as did the beautiful flags of the several regiments. Next to the Fourteenth came in order the Fifteenth, Col. Murphy; the Sixteenth, Col. Davis; the Seventeenth, Col. Lan-sing; the Eighteenth, Col. Jackson, marching thirty-five men abreast, and exhibiting great superiority in drill; the Nineteenth, Col. Clark, with his large corps of drummers; the Twenty-second, Col. Phelps, with its fine silver cornet band and beautiful flag; the Twenty-sixth, Col. Christian; Twenty-eighth, Col. Donelly; Twenty-ninth, Col. Von Steinwerh, with fine brass band; Thirtieth, Col. Frisbie, and drum corps; Thirty-first, Col. Pratt, with 900 men, marchi
, which had been destroyed since the reconnoissance several days ago. Gen. Morell's brigade, and Gen. Hamilton's division, took what is called the road to the right. The remainder of the troops in the corps took the main road to Yorktown. They all came together near Big Bethel, where the works of the enemy were found the same as on the first visitation of our regiments. From this point the column proceeded, in order of brigades, to the Half-way House. The Fourteenth New-York regiment, Col. McQuade, and Allen's battery, were sent on to Howard's Bridge. to reconnoitre the territory and feel the enemy. And now began the advance farther into rebel territory than had been made by any of our forces hitherto. Capt. Sears's company was ordered ahead as skirmishers. The road is winding and muddy, and a good deal of the way skirted with woods on either side. Mounted scouts of the enemy soon showed themselves. Between the two there was pretty brisk firing. The enemy continued to retrea
pressed through the woods vigorously, and were soon face to face with the enemy, who were evidently startled by the appearance of so strong a reenforcement. Butterfield threw the Eighty-third Pennsylvania and Sixteenth Michigan in on the left. McQuade sent the Sixty-second Pennsylvania, Col. Black, in the timber on the extreme right, deployed mainly as skirmishers, and advancing rapidly; also the Ninth Massachusetts, Col. Cass, on the left of the Eighty-third. The Fourteenth New-York having his rear. The victory was ours! All honor to the three noble bands who so long held the enemy in check without abating an iota of their foothold; and great praise to the vigorous and timely efforts of the brave regiments from Butterfield and McQuade, who drove from the ground a force superior to the whole of ours engaged at any one time. Butterfield's efforts, from first to last, were productive of the very best results. The results are more than we expected. Up to this hour, over six
and 6th regiments U. S. Cavalry and Benson's horse-battery of the 2d U. S. Artillery, taking the road from New bridge via Mechanicsville to Hanover Court-House. Gen. Morell's division, composed of the brigades of Martindale, Butterfield, and McQuade, with Berdan's regiment of sharpshooters and three batteries under Capt. Charles Griffin, 5th U. S. Artillery, followed on the same road. Col. G. K. Warren, commanding a provisional brigade composed of the 5th and 13th N. Y., the 1st Conn. Aracked by a large force. He at once faced the whole column about, recalled the cavalry sent in pursuit towards Ashland, moved the 13th and 14th N. Y. and Griffin's battery direct to Martindale's assistance, pushed the 9th Mass. and 62d Penn., of McQuade's brigade, through the woods on the right (our original left), and attacked the flank of the enemy, while Butterfield, with the 83d Penn. and 16th Mich., hastened towards the scene of action by the railroad and through the woods, further to the
partment of Rappahannock, 241, 270. In Peninsular campaign, 248 ; misrepresents McClellan, 256 ; not wanted by McClellan, arrests Col. Campbell, 295; to join McClellan, instructions, 347; force, 345, 347; order suspended, 351, 481 ; again promised, 385, 410; must be subordinate, 389, 390. In Pope's campaign, 509, 532, 536, 537, 547,. 568. McLaws, Gen. L., at Yorktown, 319; South Mountain, 561, 572, 573 McMahon, Capt. M. T., 122, 127. McMillan, Capt. J., 133. McMullan, Capt., 576. McQuade, Gen , 370, 371. Mack, Capt., 60. Mackall's Hill, Va., 576. Macomb, Lieut.-Col. J. W., 125. Magilton, Col., 560. Magruder, Gen. J. B., in Peninsula, 227, 235, 249, 256, 307, 319, 324. Mahan. Prof., 87. Malvern Hill, Va., battles of, first, 433-437, 484; second, 461-463, 492. Manassas, Va., 74, 75, 78, 179, 194, 222, 231, 236, 240, 510-515, 518, 647. Mansfield, Gen. J. K. F., 67, 82 ; at Antietam, 584, 590, death 591, 606, 613. Marcy, Gen. R. B., 45, 61, 217-221, 279, 583
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 15: Chancellorsville (search)
anization was as follows, with the strength of each corps present for duty equipped on April 30. corpsDIVISIONSBRIGADESARTILLERY Batts.Guns 1stWadsworthPhelps, Cutler, Paul, Meredith1052 ReynoldsRobinsonRoot, Baxter, Leonard 16,908DoubledayRowley, Stone 2dHancockCaldwell, Meagher, Zook, Brook848 CouchGibbonSully, Owen, Hall 16,893FrenchCarroll, Hays, MacGregor 3dBirneyGraham, Ward, Hayman954 SicklesBerryCarr, Revere, Mott 18,721WhippleFranklin, Bowman, Berdan 5thGriffinBarnes, McQuade, Stockton842 MeadeSykesAyres, Burbank, O'Rorke 15,724HumphreysTyler, Allabach 6thBrooksBrown, Bartlett, Russell954 SedgwickHoweGrant, Neill NewtonShaler, Brown, Wheaton 23,667BurnhamBurnham corpsDIVISIONSBRIGADESARTILLERY Batts.Guns 11thDevensVon Gilsa, McLean636 HowardVon SteinwehrBuschbeck, Barlow 12,977SchurzSchimmelpfennig, Krzyzanowski 12th528 SlocumWilliamsKnipe, Ross, Ruger 13,450GearyCandy, Kane, Greene CavalryPleasontonDavis, Devin522 StonemanAverellSargent, McIn
w York as pirates. As these measures are intended to repress the infamous attempt now made by the enemy, to commit judicial murder on prisoners of war, you will execute them, strictly, as the mode best calculated to prevent the commission of so heinous a crime. The list of hostages, as returned by General Winder, was as follows: Colonels Corcoran, Lee, Cogswell, Wilcox, Woodruff, and Wood; Lieutenant-Colonels Bowman, and Neff; Majors Potter, Revere, and Vogdes, and Captains Ricketts, McQuade, and Rockwood. These measures had the desired effect; the necessity, that the Federal Government was under of conciliating the Irish interest, contributing powerfully thereto—Colonel Cor coran, the first hostage named, being an Irishman of some note and influence, in New York. President Lincoln was accordingly obliged to take back his proclamation, and the Savannah prisoners, and Smith, were put on the footing of prisoners of war. But this recantation of an attempted barbarism had not bee
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Authorities. (search)
iver, Tenn. 20 i, 916 McFeely, Aaron: Gentilly's Plantation, Mo 41 i, 733 MacKEYey, Thomas J.: Pilot Knob, Mo 41 i, 708 McLaws, Lafayette: Knoxville Campaign 31 i, 493 McLoughlin, William: Chickamauga, Ga. 30 i, 644 McMahon, Edward: Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, Va. 29 i, 947 McParlin, Thomas A.: Hospitals, Richmond Campaign 42 i, 190 McPherson, James B.: Chattahoochee River, Ga. 38 v, 57, 58 Shiloh, Tenn. 10 i, 183 McQuade, James: Chancellorsville, Va. 25 i, 517 Marshall, Humphrey: Carter's Raid 20 i, 97, 100 Middle Creek, Ky 7, 51 Meade, George G.: Mine Run Campaign 29 i, 19 Meister, C.: New Madrid, Mo., and Island no.10 8, 146 Merrill, Lewis: Fourche Bayou, Ark. 22 i, 493 Meysenberg, Theodore A.: Northern Virginia Campaign 12 i, 177-179 Michie, Peter S.: Dutch Gap Canal 42 i, 670 Minden, H. Von: Devil's Lake, Wis 48 II, 1139 Mitch
staff officer and hundreds of others were looking at the moving speck. It is impassible to describe the anxiety and expressed for the fate of him, the central object of thought, in that far away moving speed, every moment becoming less visible. It is seen to move in our direction; the consonances of our men brighten with hope. It passes over our heads. Soon it begins to descend, but with a rapidity that aroused renewed apprehension. Quickly a squad of cavalry, lad by Captain Looke, Lt. McQuade, of the General's staff, plunge spurs into their horses and dash away in the direction of the descending balloon. The rest of the story is as I received it from the General's own lips. While the rope was being played out he adjusted his glass in readiness for his proposed view of the enemy's territory. A sudden bound of the balloon told him in a moment that the rope had given way. He dropped his glass, heard the call, "Open the valve," made the response given above, and set about l
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