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Charles A. Nelson , A. M., Waltham, past, present and its industries, with an historical sketch of Watertown from its settlement in 1630 to the incorporation of Waltham, January 15, 1739. 2 0 Browse Search
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indsor, 22; Plymouth people build house at, 35; sends 30 men against the Pequots, 42. Wine and sugar in plenty, 57. Winnesemet, 23. Winslow, Edward, visits Boston with John Bradford, 35. Winter of 1630 very sharp in New England, 18. Winthrop, Adam, 26. Winthrop, John, chosen governor of Mass. Bay Company, 12; letter to his wife, 12; searches up the Bay for a place at which to settle, 14; prudence of, 19; grants permission to build Watertown wear, 21; provides a house for Rev. Mr. Wilson, 23; goes up Charles River and names several localities in Waltham, 26; removes liquors from his table, 33; visited by Wahginnacut, 35. Winthrop, John, jun., arrives, 39; letter to Benj. Franklin, 77. Wiswall, Enoch, 91. Wolfe-pen, 52. Wolves: bounty offered for, 52; howling of, 18. Women of Waltham, loyalty of, 111. Women pitifully tooth-shaken, 59. Wooden-ware factory of Moses Mead, 81. Worcester, Rev., Thomas, residence of, 98. Wyeth, Widow, funeral of, 72.