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The Daily Dispatch: July 26, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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f Andrew Hunter, Esq., for his headquarters, and Cadwallder was led to the beautiful residence of James L. Rahson, for his accommodation. More outrages. The Leesburg Washingtonian informs us that on Tuesday night the Federal troops crossed the Potomac at Noland's Ferry, about one hundred strong, and set on fire a stable, the properly of a Dr. Simpson. On Wednesday morning they again Grossed and fired a frame dwelling. The Border Guard, Capt. Heaton commanding, and a portion of Capt. W. Mead's Cavalry, proceeded about ten o'clock Wednesday to the Ferry, to look after the barn burners. Gen. A. Sydney Johnson. The Memphis Appeal furnished some intelligence of this gallant officer: A gentleman, recently a citizen of California and formerly a prominent citizen of Arkansas, has just arrived in our city, one month out from California, and reports that General Sidney Johnston left California before him with about a hundred men, to cross the plains into Texas. He says