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William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 13, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 28, 1865., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 10: Middlesex County. (search)
862, $2,359.28; in 1863, $3,581.66; in 1864, $3,713.29; in 1865, $2,200.00. Total amount, $12,243.28. Boxborough Incorporated Feb. 25, 1783. Population in 1860, 403; in 1865, 454. Valuation in 1860, $221,755; in 1865, $238,592. The selectmen in 1861 and 1862 were Varnum Taylor, R. T. Cobleigh, George Hager; in 1863, Varnum Taylor, Grenville Whitcomb, Jacob Littlefield; in 1864, Varnum Taylor, Benjamin S. Mead, Ephraim B. Cobleigh; in 1865, Ephraim B. Cobleigh, Benjamin S. Mead, Walter Mead. The town-clerk during all these years was Daniel W. Cobleigh. The town-treasurer in 1861, 1862, and 1863, was Benjamin S. Hager; in 1864 and 1865, Daniel W. Cobleigh. 1861. No meetings appear to have been held during this year in regard to the war. 1862. August 2d, A citizens' meeting was held; Oliver Wetherbee was elected chairman, and Daniel W. Cobleigh secretary. A vote was passed to pay a bounty of one hundred dollars to each man who would come forward and volunteer, and
Sequestration proceedings. --Since our last report, proceedings have been instituted in the Confederate States District Court against the following persons, to sequester property of alien enemies: Robert A. Hill and Samuel B. Lipscomb — to affect Joseph H. Birdsall, alien enemy. Green & Allen, builders — Patterson & Bro., Allen enemies. Charles E. Childress — E. H. Harnford & Co., and others, alien enemies Wm. P. Graves — Monro Philip, alien enemy. Obediah Alley — Walter Mead, alien enemy. J. J. Bishop — Joseph Willmar, alien enemy. Camilla Loyal — David G. Farragut, alien enemy. John Neil — Francis James and sons, and others, alien enemies. John E. Barry — Havel & Co, and others, alien enemies. Jno. H. Nicholas — P. H. Cowen and others, alien enemies.--Leiffort — Lewis Tudor, alien enemy. E. E. Orvis and B. A. Cocke — H. C. Teffey and others, alien enemies. John C. Patterson — J. R. Jaflrey and sons, and others, alien enemies. F. H. Dade & Co.
Confederate States district Court, yesterday. --Confederate States versus Obediah Alley — an action to sequestrate the property of Walter Mead; the order was enlarged until next Thursday, in order to allow the defendant to show cause why he should not be attached for failure to file his answer. No further business was disposed of, and the court thereupon adjourned till 11 o'clock this morning.