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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Records of Longstreet's corps, A. N. V. (search)
re. On the right of the road (where Jenkins had charged before) the enemy did not wait for close quarters, and Cooper's battery was again taken. On the left of the road, the Eleventh Alabama had to traverse an open space of six hundred yards before reaching the battery in its front (Randall's), but advancing rapidly through a terrible discharge of canister and musketry, it pressed up to the very muzzles of the guns, where it exchanged one volley with the Fourth and Seventh Pennsylvania, of Meade's brigade (McCall's division), and then charged upon them with the bayonet. A desperate hand-to-hand fight occurred, in which the Alabamians were victorious, and drove their opponents into the woods a short distance in rear of the guns. No reinforcements, however, coming to their support, and being subjected to a severe cross-fire from the front and left, the ground affording no shelter, the battery could not long be held. The gallant regiment, therefore, at length retired, unpursued and
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
ynall Thomas, F. R. S. L. 7. Report of the United States commissioners on munitions of war, exhibited at the Paris Exposition of 1867. 8. Manual for Quatermasters and Commissaries. By Captain R. F. Hunter, U. S. A. 9. Osborn's Hand-book of the United States Navy, from April, 1861, to may, 1864. 10. Manual of military surgeons. By Dr. John Ordronaux. 11. The war in the United States. By Ferdinand Lecomte, Lieutenant-Colonel Swiss Confederation. 12. Our naval school and naval officers. Meade. 13. How to become a successful engineer. By Bernard Stuart. 14. The hand-book of artillery. By Major Joseph Roberts, United States Artillery. 15. Company drill and bayonet Fencing. By Colonel J. Monroe, United States Army. 16. General Todleben's History of the defence of Sebastopol. We regret that our space will not allow us at present to review each one of these books, which make a most valuable addition to a military library. General Barnard's books are very valuable for a stud
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
order of the Secretary of war. [Signed] E. D. Townsend, A. A. G. Upon this order General J. A. Early, in a recent communication, makes the following eminently just comments: It is very manifest that that order was issued for the purpose of embarrassing General Lee's army with the guarding and feeding of the prisoners, amounting to several thousand, then in our hands; and in consequence of the order, information of which reached us immediately, General Lee sent a flag of truce to Meade on the 4th of July, after the close of the battle, with a proposition to exchange prisoners. The latter declined the proposition, alleging a want of authority to make the exchange, or, from his own views of policy, he positively declined to entertain the proposition; I am not certain which. According to the laws of war in the earliest ages a captive in war forfeited his life. Subsequently, in the cause of humanity, the penalty of death was commuted to slavery for life; and this continue
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Review of Bates' battle of Gettysburg. (search)
mbers engaged and the losses sustained. General Meade stated, under oath, that his strength on torrect. Dr. Bates assumes, in the face of General Meade's statement, that the above numbers were tthe battle, he states, new commands joined General Meade, which added 9,500 infantry to his army. uct rear and train guards, and we see that General Meade's statement is borne out. Does Dr. Bates tom 100,000 to 72,000 effectives? Again, General Meade's official report, as quoted by Dr. Bates,btedly this state of facts which prevented General Meade from attacking General Lee at Gettysburg, tirely from the guesses of Generals Hooker and Meade. General Hooker says, according to Dr. Bates: is altogether valueless to the historian. General Meade's estimate given above, puts General Lee's Bates to reconcile the estimate of Hooker and Meade, with the alleged statement of Longstreet, lea this rate it was great waste of blood for General Meade to fight at all. Had he allowed General Le[1 more...]
heavy body of the enemy had quietly ascended up the banks of the Hazel under cover of the evening, and thought to seize that position, thus getting into the rear of Marye's Hill; but they were received so coolly, and with such a destructive fire, that they retreated with the utmost expedition and in the greatest confusion. Thus the slaughter at Fredericksburgh closed. Sumner, Hooker, Wilcox, Meagher, French, and a host of other leaders, had been routed on our centre and left — Franklin, Meade, Jackson, Bayard, and Stoneman, had met with a fearful repulse on the right; for miles their dead and wounded lined the front of our works, and were scattered up and down the valley in great profusion; but even nature seemed shocked at such frightful carnage, and mercifully threw a veil of fog and darkness over the crimsoned valley. Cold and bitter as was that bleak December night-cheerless and sad to thousands in the valley, whose oozing wounds were frosted and frozen — few went forth
m. It rains incessantly. We moved to Decherd and encamped on a ridge, but are now knee-deep in mud and surrounded by water. This morning a hundred guns echoed among the mountain gorges over the glad intelligence from the East and South: Meade has won a famous victory, and Grant has taken Vicksburg. Stragglers and deserters from Bragg's army continue to come in. It is doubtless unfortunate for the country that rain and bad roads prevented our following up Bragg closely and forcing eem to be conclusive that no gentlemen will be permitted to go to the rear. July, 16 We have blackberries and milk for breakfast, dinner, and supper. To-night we had hot gingerbread also. I have eaten too much, and feel uncomfortable. Meade's victory has been growing small by degrees and beautifully less; but the success of Grant has improved sufficiently on first reports to make it all up. Our success in this department, although attended with little loss of life, has been very gra
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 2: the overture. (search)
l Crook, formerly belonging to the Army of the Potomac. He was to have the Fifth Corps as infantry support, to be followed, if necessary, by the Second Corps. General Meade, commanding the Army of the Potomac, was to accompany the movement. The former places of these corps on the left of our entrenchments before Petersburg, were ates the great advantage of three to one in effective numbers. It will be observed that we had abundance of commanders independent among each other,--Sheridan, Meade, and Ord commanding the Army of the James, subordinate only to Grant who was present in the field. The result of this the sequel will show. We were all good fmanded the Second; Humphreys of the Second had formerly commanded a division in the Fifth; Miles, division commander in the Second, had won his spurs in the Fifth; Meade, commanding the army, had been corps commander of the Fifth. Crook's cavalry division of our army, now about to go to Sheridan, had been our pet and pride; Sherid
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 3: the White Oak Road. (search)
r two divisions were coming back in confusion, Meade had asked Grant to have Sheridan strike the at was attacked. For we have Grant's message to Meade, sent at 12.40, which is evidently a reply: Itt attacking with his whole corps, and asks General Meade, What is to prevent him from pitching in welicit approval, or even notice, from Grant or Meade, or Warren. As things turned, Warren was put ecall: at eight o'clock on the evening before, Meade had sent Grant a despatch from Warren, suggestrs being sent out accordingly, and reported by Meade, General Grant replies late that evening: Youy had. Grant had repeated imperative orders to Meade to spare no exertions in getting rations forward to the Fifth Corps; whereupon Meade, who had himself eaten salt with this old Corps, gave ordersfusion came in the following despatch from General Meade to Warren at one o'clock at night: Would nstered to by that expert in nervous diseases,--Meade. The orders which came to General Warren t[29 more...]
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 4: Five Forks. (search)
y with Dana's to the Secretary of War, July 7, 1864, denouncing General Meade, and advising that he be removed from the command of the army. , p. 35.) It now appears that Warren was in great disfavor with Meade also, after arriving before Petersburg. Meade called upon Warren tMeade called upon Warren to ask to be relieved from command of his corps on the alternative that charges would be preferred against him. (Dana's despatch, June 20, 1864, War Records, Serial No. 80, p. 26.) Meade was much displeased, too, with Warren for his characteristic remark to the effect that no prure of superiors,--a pet of his State, and likewise, we thought, of Meade and Warren, judging from the attention they always gave him, --possh Corps front, where Ord, of the Army of the James, commanded. And Meade, the high-born gentleman and high-born soldier, would have been spa, p. 216. Who from such beginning could have foretold the end! And Meade,--he, too, went from the Fifth Corps to the command of the army, an
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 5: the week of flying fights. (search)
tand; but the most of them had got off between Meade and Sheridan. General Grant, with the sincLee, even before the other corps got up to us. Meade, having arrived in person in advance of even tance that Grant should come to him in person. Meade had been very ill for the last two days,--we c situation, and especially, it now appears, on Meade's supposed or imputed plan of moving out to hiMeade, when General Grant says he explained to Meade that we did not want to follow the enemy, but to get ahead of him, and that his (Meade's) orders would allow the enemy to escape. It seems incredirection and Grant's authority and orders for Meade to execute did not immediately put us in rear ought about the beginning of the end. Alas for Meade! He never saw his army together again,--not e's army is at Amelia Court House, Grant orders Meade to move out in that direction in the order of n pieces of artillery. He at once informs General Meade that he has the whole of Lee's remaining a[29 more...]