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D. H. Hill, Jr., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 4, North Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 34 0 Browse Search
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roken. The other brigades held their own, with Hood's assistance, and while there were frequent advances and retreats, remained on their line till withdrawn for Sharpsburg. On the left, Rodes' gallant brigade of 1,200, attacked by the whole of Meade's division of Hooker's corps, made one of the most memorable stands of the war. Although fairly enveloped, he reformed and fought repeatedly, his men perfectly controlled, until at dusk Evans brought him relief enough to save him from destruction. Hatch's division advanced in beautiful order between Meade and Gibbon. As these brigades moved forward at first, there was not a Confederate soldier to oppose them. The brigades of Kemper and of Garnett from Longstreet arrived, jaded and worn, but just in time to form in the face of Hatch. These two brigades, together not numbering over 800 men, Battles and Leaders, II, 575. fought Hatch's men, numbering 3,500 men, Hatch's Report. and held their own until both sides, exhausted, fell
ck the position held by Jackson. Reynolds' corps was selected, and he advanced Meade's division, supported on the right by Gibbon's division; and then, when Meade wMeade was fired upon on his left, Doubleday's division was advanced to Meade's left. Meade's attack fell first on Lane's brigade of North Carolinians. In the general aligMeade's left. Meade's attack fell first on Lane's brigade of North Carolinians. In the general alignment, Lane's brigade did not join Archer's brigade on his right by, Lane says, 600 yards. Into this interval the enemy marched, thus turning Lane's right flank and Meade's attack fell first on Lane's brigade of North Carolinians. In the general alignment, Lane's brigade did not join Archer's brigade on his right by, Lane says, 600 yards. Into this interval the enemy marched, thus turning Lane's right flank and Archer's left. Lane's Thirty-seventh and Twenty-eighth regiments, under Colonels Barbour and Stowe, stationed on the left, made a resolute stand, but were firmly prled to the front, and these uniting their efforts to those of the other troops, Meade's men were driven back with great loss. Only one of Early's three brigades conody and disastrous repulse. Birney's division was sent to cover the retreat of Meade and Gibbon, and Franklin's grand division, nearly one-half of Burnside's army,
t of the field. Before the renewal of combat, Sunday, May 3d, each of the contestants formed new battle order. Hooker drew Sickles back from Hazel Grove in the morning, and posted the whole of Sickles' corps and Williams' division of the Twelfth corps in works on a crest to the right of Fairview, and at right angles to the plank road. Fairview was covered with artillery from the Third, Twelfth and Eleventh corps. French of Couch's division was on the right of Sickles, and Humphreys of Meade's corps was near by. This new line was at right angles to Geary and Hancock, who were still in front of Anderson and McLaws. Stuart formed his lines with A. P. Hill's division in front. Pender and Thomas were on the left of the plank road, Pender's right resting on the road; Lane, McGowan and Archer were on the right of the road and in the order named from the left. Lane's left was on the road. Trimble's division, under Colston, composed the second line, and Rodes the third. To aid th
teen. Yet little has been written of the modest daring of these men. Swinton goes so far as to say that men who could die in this way were only induced to charge by being told they were to meet merely Pennsylvania militia, and that when they saw Meade's banners, they broke in disorder, crying, The army of the Potomac! Most of the men on the left, of Pettigrew's and Trimble's divisions, had chased the army of the Potomac too often to so suddenly make a god Pan out of it. During these days oounded, but had added to it the misfortune of spending the rest of the time covered by the war in a Federal prison. The day after the battle of Gettysburg, General Lee remained in position to see whether the Federals desired to attack him. General Meade showing no intention of acting, the Confederate army withdrew on the night of the 4th of July, but owing to delays incident to heavy rains, General Ewell's corps did not leave its ground until the 5th. On the 6th, Buford's cavalry, subseq
ng charge on the Federal bayonets and held the regiment back from the road. Colonel Ruffin, whom General Stuart described as a model of worth, devotion and heroism, lost his life in the attack. General Gordon and Major Barringer were both wounded, but continued on duty. Sheer hard fighting alone extricated Stuart. General Lee crossed the Rapidan early in October and moved toward Culpeper Court House, with a view of bringing on an engagement with the Federal army. Lee's Report. General Meade, however, retreated before Lee, and the Confederate army moved on toward Bristoe Station. Gen. A. P. Hill's corps reached that point first, and, on the 14th, brought on an engagement with Warren's Second corps. This was almost entirely, on the Confederate side, a North Carolina battle; for the two brigades that did nearly all the fighting were both from that State. Just before reaching Bristoe, General Heth, commanding the advance division, was ordered to form line of battle on the r
igade—the Seventh, Colonel Davidson; Eighteenth, Colonel Barry; Twenty-eighth, Colonel Speer; Thirty-third, Colonel Avery; Thirty-seventh, Colonel Barbour; Scales' brigade—Thirteenth, Colonel Hyman; Sixteenth, Colonel Stowe; Twenty-second, Colonel Galloway; Thirty-fourth, Colonel Lowrance; Thirty-eighth, Colonel Ashford. Cooke and Kirkland were in Heth's division, Scales and Lane in Wilcox's division. When Heth's division, the head of A. P. Hill's corps, approached the Federal lines, General Meade ordered Getty's division of Sedgwick's corps, supported by Hancock's corps, to attack the Confederates and drive them back to Parker's store, so that Hancock might connect with Warren's left. Hancock formed the divisions of Birney, Mott, Gibbon and Barlow on Getty's left. These five divisions were resisted all the afternoon by Heth's and Wilcox's divisions alone, Anderson, Hill's other division commander, being still absent with his command. The divisions of Getty, Birney, Mott, two b
ixth North Carolina cavalry. This brigade was about to be overpowered when Barringer's brigade galloped to its relief. Major Cowles dismounted the First regiment and sent that to the guns. Maj. W. P. Roberts, of the Second regiment, reached the Federal rear, and the battle was sharp for some hours. At nightfall the Federals retired. Col. C. M. Andrews, one of North Carolina's best cavalry officers, was killed. At Staunton river bridge, guarded by Junior and Senior reserves and disabled soldiers, Kautz's attack was repulsed, Lee's cavalry attacking his rear Col. H. E. Coleman, of the Twelfth North Carolina regiment, rendered gallant service in assisting the raw troops in the repulse of the cavalry division at this bridge. He was at home wounded and volunteered his services. So freely did he expose himself, that he was again wounded, but did not then leave the field. This raiding party before it reached Meade lost all its artillery, wagon trains, and hundreds of prisoners.
to the left held by Hoke, was about five miles, so the men in gray had an attenuated line in these works. The engineers estimated that 25,000 were necessary to properly man these works. General Beauregard's number on the morning of the 16th was, he states, 10,000 men of all arms. Hancock and Smith were joined by Burnside's corps about noon on the 16th, making an aggregate force of over 53,000 men. Warren's corps, 17,000 strong, reached Petersburg that night. Hancock, in command until General Meade's arrival, assaulted all along the front in the afternoon of the 16th, and the North Carolina brigades had a day of arduous battle. The artillery also had a day of incessant activity. After an afternoon of desperate struggling, Birney's division effected a lodgment The contest ended only with darkness. With the same disparity in numbers, another day of strife, attack and recoil, noise and bloodshed began on the 17th. At dawn, Potter carried a portion of the Confederate line, where
e command of the Twenty-first regiment of Trimble's brigade, Early's division. This brigade he commanded in the battle of Fredericksburg, and won the unstinted praises of Early and Jackson by the prompt and vigorous manner in which he drove back Meade's troops after they had broken the Confederate right. He pursued the enemy, capturing 300 prisoners, until he found himself exposed to a flank attack, when he retired in good order, leaving part of his command to hold the railroad cut from whichds. He has received the degrees of Ph. D., from the university of West Virginia, and Ll. D., from Trinity college, North Carolina. At the first interment of President Davis he was one of the three guards of honor. General Lane married Charlotte Randolph Meade, of Richmond, who died several years ago, leaving four daughters. Brigadier-General Collett Leventhorpe Brigadier-General Collett Leventhorpe was born May 15, 1815, at Exmouth, Devonshire, England, where his parents were then tempo