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Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Left flank movement across the Chickahominy and James-General Lee-visit to Butler-the movement on Petersburg-the investment of Petersburg (search)
er to where the troops of the Army of the Potomac now were, communicated to General Meade, in writing, the directions I had given to General Butler and directed him (Meade) to cross Hancock's corps over under cover of night, and push them forward in the morning to Petersburg; halting them, however, at a designated point until they could hear from Smith. I also informed General Meade that I had ordered rations from Bermuda Hundred for Hancock's corps, and desired him to issue them speedily,morning, the 16th, Hancock himself was in command, and captured another redan. Meade came up in the afternoon and succeeded Hancock, who had to be relieved, temporat, except that there was more or less firing every day, until the 22d, when General Meade ordered an advance towards the Weldon Railroad. We were very anxious to get to that road, and even round to the South Side Railroad if possible. Meade moved Hancock's corps, now commanded by Birney, to the left, with a view to at least
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Raid on the Virginia Central Railroad-raid on the Weldon Railroad-Early's movement upon Washington-mining the works before Petersburg-explosion of the mine before Petersburg- campaign in the Shenandoah Valley-capture of the Weldon Railroad (search)
cavalry, Wilson's position became precarious. Meade therefore, on the 27th, ordered Sheridan over r his reception. I had previously ordered General Meade to send a division to Baltimore for the puhe gravity of the situation I had directed General Meade to also order Wright with the rest of his l miner. Burnside had submitted the scheme to Meade and myself, and we both approved of it, as a m The Richmond campaign the army commanders, Meade and Butler, on the lookout, but the attack was was the time fixed for its explosion. I gave Meade minute orders City Point, Va., July 24, 1864 Major-General Meade, Commanding, etc. The engineer officers who made a survey of the front fronce of the troops that were to be engaged. Meade's instructions, which I, of course, approved mand Burnside selected it to make the assault. Meade interfered with this. Burnside then took Ledlmselves which would insure great success. General Meade was left in command of the few troops arou[2 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Sheridan's advance-visit to Sheridan-Sheridan's victory in the Shenandoah-Sheridan's ride to Winchester-close of the campaign for the winter (search)
asualties during these operations amounted to 394 killed, 1,554 wounded and 324 missing. Whilst this was going on General Meade was instructed to keep up an appearance of moving troops to our extreme left. Parke and Warren were kept with two dion the other intrenchments. The object of this was to prevent reinforcements from going to the north side of the river. Meade was instructed to watch the enemy closely and, if Lee weakened his lines, to make an attack. On the 30th these troopsrive the enemy from some new works he was constructing, which resulted in heavy loss to us. On the 24th I ordered General Meade to attempt to get possession of the South Side Railroad, and for that purpose to advance on the 27th. The attempt prburg; the idea being to make the spring campaign the close of the war. I expected, with Sherman coming up from the South, Meade south of Petersburg and around Richmond, and Thomas's command in Tennessee with depots of supplies established in the eas
orps of the Army of the Potomac. The information staggered me at first, for I knew well the great responsibilities of such a position; moreover, I was but slightly acquainted with military operations in Virginia, and then, too, the higher officers of the Army of the Potomac were little known to me, so at the moment I felt loth to undergo the trials of the new position. Indeed, I knew not a soul in Washington except General Grant and General Halleck, and them but slightly, and no one in General Meade's army, from the commanding general down, except a few officers in the lower grades, hardly any of whom I had seen since graduating at the Military Academy. Thus it is not much to be wondered at that General Thomas's communication momentarily upset me. But there was no help for it, so after reflecting on the matter a little I concluded to make the best of the situation. As in Virginia I should be operating in a field with which I was wholly unfamiliar, and among so many who were str
of the Army of the Potomac its officers General Meade's method of using cavalry opening of the lly in the field, associating himself with General Meade's army, where he could supervise its movem Station, I left the train and reported to General Meade, who told me that the headquarters of the valry-and my proposition seemed to stagger General Meade not a little. I knew that it would be diftions as, in his judgment, occasion required. Meade's ideas and mine being so widely divergent, dis Store and cut off his communication with General Meade. Surprised at this, he determined to withn the 6th, through some false information, General Meade became alarmed about his left flank, and sylvania that day. A little before noon General Meade sent for me, and when I reached his headquhe corps inefficient and useless before long. Meade was very much irritated, and I was none the lely, I told him that I could whip Stuart if he (Meade) would only let me, but since he insisted on g[13 more...]
is position near Spottsylvania Court House and compelled to retire to the line of the North Anna. I then determined to rejoin the Army of the Potomac at the earliest moment, which I did by making for Chesterfield Station, where I reported to General Meade on the 24th of May. Our return to Chesterfield ended the first independent expedition the Cavalry Corps had undertaken since coming under my command, and our success was commended highly by Generals Grant and Meade, both realizing that ouMeade, both realizing that our operations in the rear of Lee had disconcerted and alarmed that general so much as to aid materially in forcing his retrograde march, and both acknowledged that, by drawing off the en- Map: first expedition: the Richmond raid. emy's cavalry during the past fortnight, we had enabled them to move the Army of the Potomac and its enormous trains without molestation in the manoeuvres that had carried it to the North Anna. Then, too, great quantities of provisions and munitions of war had been
been done, a little before dark, Wilson received an order from General Meade directing him to push on toward Richmond until he encountered tthrowing up intrenchments. Late in the afternoon I reported to General Meade the presence of the enemy's infantry, and likewise that Hamptonh was near at hand, be sent to my assistance. I could not convince Meade that anything but the enemy's horse was fighting us, however, and h much wearied by night marches. It has been ascertained since that Meade's conclusions were correct in so far as they related to the enemy's and my position. In view of this state of affairs, I notified General Meade that I had taken Cold Harbor, but could not with safety to my cs had scarcely pulled out, however, when I received a despatch from Meade directing me to hold Cold Harbor at every hazard. General Grant haf Cold Harbor gave us were to be improved, so at the same hour that Meade ordered me to hold the place at all hazards the Sixth Corps was sta
ecessary to draw off the bulk of the enemy's cavalry while the movement to the James was in process of execution, and General Meade determined to do this by requiring me to proceed with two divisions as far as Charlottesville to destroy the railroad Upon the completion of this duty you will rejoin this army. A. A. Humphreys, Major-General, Chief-of-Staff. After Meade's instructions reached me they were somewhat modified by General Grant, who on the same evening had received information nd the Virginia Central road, were to join the Army of the Potomac in the manner contemplated in my instructions from General Meade; and that in view of what was anticipated, it would be well to break up as much of the railroad as possible on my way now throw all his cavalry in my front, on the river road, where it could be backed up by Lee's infantry. Meanwhile, General Meade had become assured of the same thing, and as he was now growing anxious about the fate of Wilson's division-which, d
e with Gregg and Torbert-when, under orders from General Meade, he set out to cut the enemy's communications tobility of having to return northward, I wrote to General Meade the evening before starting that I anticipated n not fear any trouble from him. I doubt that General Meade's letter of instructions HEADQUARTERS Army that I would look after Hampton. I do not think General Meade's instructions are susceptible of this interpre from some correspondence between Generals Grant and Meade, which I never saw till after the war, that Grant thxpedition. The moment I received orders from General Meade to go to the relief of Wilson, I hastened with TReam's Station. Here I found the Sixth Corps, which Meade had pushed out on his left flank immediately on hearo succeed the mine explosion, but when I reached General Meade's headquarters I found that lamentable failure hon to the north side were irretrievably lost, so General Meade at once arrested the movement of the cavalry.
ring across the Potomac to Leesburg, unharassed save by some Union cavalry that had been sent out into Loudoun County by Hunter, who in the meantime had arrived at Harper's Ferry by the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. From Leesburg Early retired through Winchester toward Strasburg, but when the head of his column reached this place he found that he was being followed by General Crook with the combined troops of Hunter and Sigel only, Wright having returned to Washington under orders to rejoin Meade at Petersburg. This reduction of the pursuing force tempting Early to resume the offensive, he attacked Crook at Kernstown, and succeeded in administering such a check as to necessitate this general's retreat to Martinsburg, and finally to Harper's Ferry. Crook's withdrawal restored to Early the line of the upper Potomac, so, recrossing this stream, he advanced again into Maryland, and sending McCausland on to Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, laid that town in ashes, leaving three thousand non-