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General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 2 (search)
mies interview with Stanton Grant in a communicative mood at General Meade's headquarters Grant's narrow escape from capture Grant's eno next morning the general called for his horse, to ride over to General Meade's headquarters, near Brandy Station, about six miles distant. Hother events. I give the original version. When we reached General Meade's camp, that officer, who was sitting in his quarters, came out-in-chief warmly, shaking hands with him before he dismounted. General Meade was then forty-nine years of age, of rather a spare figure, andgave him a sort of Tyrolese appearance. The two commanders entered Meade's quarters, sat down, lighted their cigars, and held a long intervn, and that on the next Wednesday, May 4, the armies were to move. Meade, in speaking of his troops, always referred to them as my people. he Potomac, in the course of which he remarked: I had never met General Meade since the Mexican war until I visited his headquarters when I c
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 3 (search)
an Early breakfast at headquarters Grant and Meade pitch tents in the Wilderness Grant Hears of an old Comrade a conference between Grant and Meade The night of May 3 will always be memorableee went there. To use Grant's own language to Meade, Wherever Lee goes, there you will go also. H behind its fortifications; for he had said to Meade, in his instructions to him, Should a siege ofs places. About one o'clock word came from Meade that our signal-officers had succeeded in deciace about him. General Grant sent a message to Meade at 8:24 A. M., saying, among other things, If alted in front of General Grant and said: General Meade directed me to ride back and meet you, andthe crossing of the Orange turnpike. Here General Meade was seen standing near the roadside. He c, between it and the Germanna road. Grant and Meade had, in the mean time, taken up their positionops, and was commanded by General Ferrero. General Meade, through whom all orders were issued to th[8 more...]
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 4 (search)
y informed of what occurred at other points. Generals Grant and Meade, after discussing the situation, now decided to have Hancock and Bortant points of the line twice during the day, in company with General Meade and two officers of the staff. It was noticed that he was visihe day had ordered every precaution to be taken had now been made. Meade was at Grant's headquarters at the time. They had just left the tohburne. Staff-officers and couriers were soon seen galloping up to Meade's headquarters, and his chief of staff, General Humphreys, sent wor's line had been driven back in some confusion. Generals Grant and Meade, accompanied by me and one or two other staff-officers, walked rapidly over to Meade's tent, and found that the reports still coming in were bringing news of increasing disaster. It was soon reported that Geout 8 P. M., and had a conference with the general-in-chief and General Meade. He had had a very busy day on his front, and while he was che
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 5 (search)
enemy. Soon after dark, Generals Grant and Meade, accompanied by their staffs, after having giv. At eleven o'clock word came to Grant and Meade that their headquarters escorts and wagons wero seize the bridges crossing the Po River. General Meade modified these orders, and directed a ports morning smoke. Soon afterward he and General Meade rode on, and established their respective description. Sheridan had been sent for by Meade to come to his headquarters, and when he arriv dispute took place between the two generals. Meade was possessed of an excitable temper which unr in his nature was aroused. He insisted that Meade had created the trouble by countermanding his conspicuously italicized with expletives. General Meade came over to General Grant's tent immediatcontrast with the calmness of the other. When Meade repeated the remarks made by Sheridan, that heeridan had received his orders in writing from Meade for the movement. Early the next morning he s
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter6 (search)
e despatches were promptly communicated to Generals Meade and Burnside. The result of the day's ly matured his plans, and sent instructions to Meade directing him to move Hancock with all possiblrisoners than any general of modern times. Meade had come over to Grant's headquarters early, aotruded, looking like a Sioux chiefs warlock. Meade looked at him attentively for a moment, and th. He had been in the corps of cadets with General Meade, and had served in the Mexican war with Geter some pleasant conversation with Grant and Meade about old times and the strange chances of warad been captured. While Generals Grant and Meade were talking with General Johnson by the camp-l Grant became so anxious that he directed General Meade to relieve Warren if he did not attack proeneral Humphreys in command of his corps. General Meade concurred in this course, and said that he in command of the Army of the Potomac in case Meade had been killed; but I began to feel, after hi
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 7 (search)
Chapter 7 Grant and Meade field Diversions seizing Vantage ground Grant and the woumed at Washington. He said in his letter: General Meade has more than met my most sanguine expectaange their spirit; that no matter how able General Meade might be, his position was in some measureeridan's cavalry a separate command. Besides, Meade has served a long time with the Army of the Povements of subdivisions of the armies. General Meade manifested an excellent spirit through allspatches from the corps commanders directed to Meade generally reached the general-in-chief about furnishing all the provocation himself, he and Meade continued on the best of terms officially and to move the headquarters of Generals Grant and Meade farther east to a position on some high ground addressing himself to both Generals Grant and Meade, said, with his usual enthusiasm and confidencaken and held. General Grant expressed to General Meade his pleasure at seeing Warren's troops mak[6 more...]
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 8 (search)
heck the advance of the enemy, but to take the offensive and destroy them if possible. You can say that Warren's corps will be ordered to cooperate promptly. General Meade had already sent urgent orders to his troops nearest the point threatened. I started up the Fredericksburg road, and saw a large force of infantry advancing, nity of the Harris house, about a mile east of the Ny, I found General Tyler's division posted on the Fredericksburg road, with Kitching's brigade on his left. By Meade's direction Hancock had been ordered to send a division to move at double-quick to Tyler's support, and Warren's Maryland brigade arrived on the ground later. Thecinity of Guiney's Station. Burnside put his corps in motion as soon as the road was clear of Hancock's troops, and was followed by Wright. Generals Grant and Meade, with their staffs, took up their march on May 21, following the road taken by Hancock's corps, and late in the afternoon reached Guiney's Station. Our vigilant s
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 9 (search)
ime, assigning Burnside's corps to the Army of the Potomac, and putting him under the command of Meade. It was found that such a consolidation would be much better for purposes of administration, and give more unity to the movements. It had been heretofore necessary to inform Meade of the instructions given to Burnside, and to let Burnside know of the movements that were to be undertaken by MeMeade, in order that the commanders might understand fully what was intended to be accomplished, and be in a position to cooperate intelligently. This involved much correspondence and consumed time. pon it afterward. It must be recollected in this connection that Burnside was senior in rank to Meade, and had commanded the Army of the Potomac when Meade was a division commander under him; and thMeade was a division commander under him; and the manner in which Burnside acquiesced in his new assignment, and the spirit he manifested in his readiness to set aside all personal aims and ambitions for the public good, were among the many instan
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 10 (search)
the culprit over the head with it, sending him sprawling to the ground. He always had a peculiar horror of such crimes. They were very rare in our war, but when brought to his attention the general showed no mercy to the culprit. Grant and Meade rode along the lines that day, and learned from personal observation the general features of the topography. About noon they stopped at Wright's headquarters, and the commander of the Sixth Corps gave the party some delicious ice-water. He had Wright had assumed command of the Sixth Corps at a critical period of the campaign, and under very trying circumstances; but he had conducted it with such heroic gallantry and marked ability that he had commended himself highly to both Grant and Meade. That night the variety of food at the headquarters mess was increased by the arrival of a supply of oysters received by way of White House. Shell-fish were among the few dishes which tempted the general's appetite, and as he had been living
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 11 (search)
The reports received by General Grant were at first favorable and encouraging, and he urged a continuance of the successes gained; but finding the strength of the position greater than any one could have supposed, he sent word at 7 A. M. to General Meade, saying: The moment it becomes certain that an assault cannot succeed, suspend the offensive; but when one does succeed, push it vigorously, and if necessary pile in troops at the successful point from wherever they can be taken. Troops hadut Warren on his left did not agree in this opinion. The general-in-chief now felt so entirely convinced that any more attacks upon the enemy's works would not result in success that at half-past 12 o'clock he wrote the following order to General Meade: The opinion of the corps commanders not being sanguine of success in case an assault is ordered, you may direct a suspension of farther advance for the present. Hold our most advanced positions, and strengthen them. .... To aid the expediti