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William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 3 (search)
eave my post. Soon after I received a note from Quartermaster-General Meigs, marked private and confidential, saying the Prelow as we now have above. The President wished to have General Meigs in consultation on the subject of providing water transthe next day. January 12. Met General Franklin at General Meigs'. Conversed with him on the subject of our mission at his own house. I expressed my views to General Meigs, who agreed with me in the main as to concentrating our efforts against n about from four to six weeks. Met at the President's. General Meigs mentioned the time in which he could assemble the transf operations from the present base was again discussed, General Meigs agreeing that it was best to do so, and to concentrate Governor Seward, Postmaster-General, General McClellan, General Meigs, General Franklin, and myself, and, I think, the Assists plan. I said that I had acted entirely in the dark. General Meigs spoke of his agency in having us called in by the Presi
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, Index. (search)
, 376; falls back behind the Rappahannock, his left being turned, 377; advances towards the Rappahannock in pursuit of Lee, 385; crossed the Rappahannock—the Confederate position, 387; back between the Rappahannock and Rapidan, 388; the Mine Run move, 390; plan of operations in Mina Run move, 391; pedantic orders of Halleck after Mine Run, 398; army in winter-quarters, 398; his strength on commencement of overland campaign, 413. Mechanicsville, McClellan's object in carrying, 122. Meigs, General, on direct advance towards Richmond, 84. Merrimac, the, to be neutralized, 91; the, destroyed by Confederate Commodore Tatnall, 120. Middle Military Division, creation of the, General Sheridan commanding, 555. Miles, General, at Harper's Ferry, 199. Miles, Colonel, brilliant service at Chancellorsville, 287. Mine Run move, the, 390; sketch of the battle of, 393; Meade's plan to interpose between Ewell and Hill, 391; Lee's position at, 391; cause of delays of Meade's advanc