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es mentioned, the copulative conjunction " and being used, the buying and selling must both take place between the 1st day of January, 1863 and the 1st day of January, 1864. Such were the instructions issued from this office on the 1st March, 1864, and will be found at page 8 of additional instructions, therefore the erroneous assessments made in some districts need not be collected, and the assessors will refrain from such assessments. The ten per cent additional tax on profits, made by buying and selling between the 1st day of January, 1863. (including that day,) and the 31st day of December, 1864, (including that day,) will be assessed and collected at The profits derived from the same source, between the 1st day of January, 1864, and the 1st day of December, 1864, both included, will be and collected immediately after the 31st day of December, 1864. J. W. H Underwood, Acting Commissioner of Taxes. Appproved: (Signed) C. G. Memminger, Secretary of the Treasury, my
led to retire with a loss of some three hundred in killed, wounded, and missing." The only matter worth mentioning is the order issued by the Quartermaster General, and which is being enforced by Col Corley, doing away with regimental Quartermasters. Their places are to be filled by the Sergeants. The Quartermaster of each brigade is to have one Assistant Quartermaster, who is to be charged specially with the payment of the troops. By the bye, your city journals ought to hurry Mr Memminger up. The troops in this army have not received one cent of pay since December last, and "small change" is getting awfully scarce. The telegraph the other day briefly mentioned that the gallant Col Harris, of the 12th Miss, had been severely wounded by a straggling shot. Severely was the word.--It was a most dangerous wound and it is a miracle that he survived, as all practitioners of surgery will understand, when I mention his wound. His wound was produced by a Minnie ball, penetrat