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The Daily Dispatch: February 15, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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The Daily Dispatch: February 15, 1861., [Electronic resource], Mr. Lincoln's tour — another speech. (search)
blic and a number of private buildings. On the arrival of the train, Mayor Bishop introduced and welcomed the President elect, who took a seat in a barouche drawn by six white horses, amid the deafening cheers of a vast concourse of people. The procession, in charge of Miles Greenwood, took up its march passing through the principal streets, amid the cheers of men and waving of flags and handkerchiefs by the ladies, to the Burnet House, which Mr. Lincoln entered amid deafening cheers — Mento's band playing "Hail Columbia" and "Star Spangled Banner." After a few moments' rest, Mr. Lincoln made his appearance on the balcony, accompanied by Mayor Bishop, who made a short introductory address. Mr. Lincoln then spoke. He said: "I have spoken but once before this in Cincinnati. That was a year previous to the late Presidential election. On that occasion, in a playful manner, but with sincere words, I addressed much of what I said to the Kentuckians. I gave my opinion