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James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 182 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 74 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 62 0 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 60 0 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 31 1 Browse Search
John G. Nicolay, A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln, condensed from Nicolay and Hayes' Abraham Lincoln: A History 30 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 28 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 24 0 Browse Search
Caroline E. Whitcomb, History of the Second Massachusetts Battery of Light Artillery (Nims' Battery): 1861-1865, compiled from records of the Rebellion, official reports, diaries and rosters 20 0 Browse Search
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 4. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 18 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the Confederate States Navy. (search)
was on his way to the command of all the naval forces of the West. Having placed the cotton as directed, I returned with Captain Brown to Yazoo City. A day or two afterwards Commodore Lynch arrived. Captain Brown had orders to obey all orders from General Van Dorn, and to make no move without the sanction of that officer. Commodore Lynch, having inspected the Arkansas, ordered me to Jackson, Mississippi, to telegraph the Secretary of War as follows: The Arkansas is very inferior to the Merrimac in every particular; the iron with which she is covered is worn and indifferent, taken from a railroad track, and is poorly secured to the vessel; boiler-iron on stern and counter; her smoke-stack is sheet-iron. When I returned to Yazoo City the Arkansas was ready for service. Her battery consisted of ten guns — viz: two 8-inch columbiads in the two forward or bow ports, two 9-inch Dalhgren shell guns, two 6-inch rifles, and two 32-pounders smooth bores in broadside, and two 6-inch rifles
rom one of Stuart's cavalry capture of depots and stores during the action public feeling at Richmond McClellan begins his retreat to the James river operations on the South bank of the Chickahominy commencement of the pursuit the railway Merrimac difficult nature of the country. At break of day I was sent to the capital, and had to pass over the greater part of the battle-field. Turning with a sickening sensation from the sight of bloodshed and the hundreds of inanimate bodies whichup into the sky, their beautiful spiral forms and broad-capped tops looking like mammoth pillars of ivory rising from the dark and distant line of timber. The enemy were destroying ammunition; but to prevent further waste of such valuables, the Merrimac ran along towards Savage station, and routed several batteries drawn up to oppose its progress. The destruction caused by this single gun was very great; for, having arrived within full view of the enemy's retreat, their long lines of wagons a
,315 Longstreet, James, 296,403 Logan, John, 262-63 Long Island, Mass., 44-45 Lowell, Mass., 44 Ludington, Marshall I., 371-76 Lyon, Nathaniel, 118-19 Lynchburg, Va., 350 Lynnfield, Mass., 44 McClellan, George B., 51, 71, 157, 176, 198,251-54, 257,259,277, 298,303-4, 355-56,378 McDowell, Irvin, 71,250-52 Magoffin, Beriah, 280 Marietta, Ga., 404 Meade, George G., 72, 262, 304, 313, 340,344,349,359,367,371-75 Meade Station, Va., 351 Medical examination, 41-42 Merrimac, 271 Mine Run campaign, 134, 308, 347 Monitor, 270 Morgan, C. H., 267 Mosby, John S., 370 Mules, 279-97 Myer, Albert J., 395-96 Nelson, William, 405 Newburg, N. Y., 395 New York Herald, 403; North Cambridge, Mass., 44 Old Capitol Prison, 162 Olustee, Fl., 270 Ord, E. O. C., 264 O'Reilly, Miles, 223 Parke, John G., 260-61 Patrick Station, Va., 351 Pay, 97-99, 215,225 Peace Party, 16 Peach Tree Creek, Ga., 308 Peninsular campaign, 52, 155,1
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Union and Confederate navies. (search)
, at New York. These twelve vessels, together with the Anacostia, a small screw-tender, at the Washington Navy Yard, were all that could be said to be at the immediate disposal of the Administration. When the vessels abroad were gathered in, and those in ordinary were fitted out, the Government had a little squadron of about 30 steamers, of which the most important were 5 screw-frigates (the sixth, the Merrimac, having been abandoned at Norfolk), 6 sloops of The United States frigate Merrimac before and after conversion into an iron-clad. the first or Hartford class, 4 large side-wheelers, and 8 sloops of the second or Iroquois class. All these were exceedingly valuable as the nucleus of a fleet, but for the war which the Government had now on hand they could be considered as nothing more than this. According to the position which the Administration was very soon compelled to take, the struggle was one à outrance. In a foreign war the conflict usually springs from a collision
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first fight of iron-clads. (search)
unded so that the pivot-guns could be The burning of the frigate Merrimac and of the Gosport Navy-Yard. (see foot-note, P. 712.) Remodeling the Merrimac at the Gosport Navy Yard. [For a statement of the details of the vessel differing from them as shown in this picture, seeng iron plates was the Tredegar foundry. Its resources were The Merrimac, from a sketch made the day before the fight. a prow of Steel. osiah Tattnall, Commodore, C. S. N. Commanders of the Virginia (or Merrimac ). from a photograph. We reserved our fire until within easy I had charge. As we Colonel John Taylor Wood, lieutenant on the Merrimac. from an oil portrait. swung, the Congress came in range, nearly els. Two of the officers of the Raleigh, Lieutenant Tayloe The Merrimac ramming the Cumberland. and Midshipman Hutter, were killed whileder, Morris replied, Never! I'll sink alongside!--editors. The Merrimac driving the Congress from her anchorage. so far as we could discov
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 15.58 (search)
Watching the Merrimac. R. E. Colston, Brigadier-General, C. S. A. In March, 1862, I was in command of a Confederate brigade and of a district on the south side of the James River, embracing all the river forts and batteries down to the mouth of Nansemond River. My pickets were posted all along the shore opposite Newport News. From my headquarters at Smithfield I was in constant and rapid communication through relays of couriers and signal stations with my department commander, Major-G The commander of the Congress recognized at once the impossibility of resisting the assault of the ram which had just sunk the Cumberland. With commendable promptness and presence of mind, he slipped his cables, and ran her aground upon The Merrimac passing the Confederate Battery on Craney Island, on her way to attack the Federal fleet. the shallows, where the Merrimac, at that time drawing twenty-three feet of water, was unable to approach her, and could attack her with artillery alone.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 15.60 (search)
The plan and construction of the Merrimac. I. John M. Brooke, Commander, C. S. N. Early in June, 1861, the Secretary of the Navy of the Confederate States asked me to design an iron-clad. The first idea presenting itself was a shield of timber, two feet thick, plated with three or more inches of iron, inclined to the horizontal plane at the least angle that would permit working the guns; this shield, its eaves submerged to the depth of two feet, to be supported by a hull of equal leeck ends were two feet below water and not awash, and the ship was as strong and well protected at her center-line as anywhere else, as her knuckle was two feet below her water-line, and her plating ran down to the knuckle and Cross-section of Merrimac, from a drawing by John L. Porter, Constructor. a-4 inches of iron. B--22 inches of wood. was there clamped. Her draught of water was 21 feet forward and 22 feet aft. After the engagements of the 8th and 9th of March, 1862, I put her in t
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The First iron-clad Monitor. (search)
hat test may now be stated. The steamship Merrimac, a naval vessel, which the rebels scuttled and been originally designed, of destroying the Merrimac in the dry-dock; but made us not less anxiousal Wool, at Fortress Monroe, stating that the Merrimac had come down from Norfolk the preceding day,at the Fortress itself was in danger, for the Merrimac was impenetrable, and could take what positioCommander Dahlgren and Colonel Meigs. The Merrimac, said Stanton, who was vehement, and did mosared for the emergency; an assurance that the Merrimac, with her draught, and loaded with iron, coulnk in the channel until it was known that the Merrimac had entered the river, or was on its way hithvice. He was informed that the egress of the Merrimac must be prevented, and the vessel destroyed wanderbilt responded that he could destroy the Merrimac, and was ready to do so, but he wanted the Mo destruction of the Vanderbilt instead of the Merrimac. In that event a good sale would be made of [19 more...]
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Torpedo service in Charleston harbor. (search)
tery at the earliest moment practicable. This being accomplished before the attack on Fort Sumter opened, early in April I placed the floating battery in position at the western extremity of Sullivan's Island to enfilade certain barbette guns of the fort which could not be reached effectively by our land batteries. It, therefore, played an important part in that brief drama of thirty-three hours, receiving many shots without any serious injury. About one year later, in Hampton roads, the Merrimac, plated and roofed with two layers of railroad iron, met the Monitor in a momentous encounter, which first attracted the attention of the civilized world to the important change that iron-plating or armors would thenceforth create in naval architecture and armaments. The one and a half to two inch plating used on Captain Hamilton's floating battery has already grown to about twelve inches thickness of steel plates of the best quality, put together with the utmost care, in the effort to res
nd Shadow clouds gather in the West Island no.10 Shiloh Illustrative valor deep depression was Johnston hounded to his death? fall of New Orleans odd situation of her captors Butler in command his place in southern opinion strategic results popular discontent effect on the fighters Butler and the women Louisiana soldiers. Within two weeks of his inauguration, the strongly hopeful words of President Davis seemed to approach fulfillment, through the crushing victory of the Merrimac in Hampton Roads, on the 8th March. There was no doubt of the great success of her first experiment; and the people augured from it a series of brilliant and successful essays upon the water. The late bugbear-gunboats-began to pale before the terrible strength of this modern war-engine; and hopes were cherished that the supremacy afloat — which had been the foundation of the claim of Federal victory — was at an end. On the 23d of the same month, Jackson — who was steadily working his <