ollowing persons: Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond; Dr. Thomas Latane, Arthur Temple, John Lumpkin, Thomas Fauntleroy, King and Queen county; Dr. F. D. Wheelwright, Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C. Latane, Dr. John Lewis, King William county; Geo. Turner, Richard Turner, F. Maginniss, Thomas Lee, King George county; Ro. Hudgin, Dr. John D. Butler, Caroline county; N. J. B. Whitlock, Dr. James H. Latane, Ed. F. Noel, Bev. D. Roy, J. Roy Micou, Wilsey Fogg, Geo. T. Wright, Essex county; Dr. Thomas C. Clopton, Jefferson Stubbs, Jasper C. Hughes, Gloucester county; Parkes Slater, James City county; Dr. Ro. A. Payne, Richmond county; Wm. E. Clopton, Ro. Howle, Dr. L. C. Crump, Jno. S. Lacy, E. T. Lacy, New Kent county; Dabney Parrish Louisa county; Wm. D. Clopton, P. B. Foster, Cumberland county; W. W. Brown, Lunenburg county; J. B. Chewning, Culpeper county; Wm. J. Wiere, Prince William county; Capt. J. S. Middleton, John Gormly, Norfolk.
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llowing persons: Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond; Dr. Thomas Latane, Arthur Temple, John Lumpkin, Thomas Fauntleroy, King and Queen county; Dr. F. D. Wheelwright, Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C. Latane, Dr. John Lewis, King William county; Geo. Turner, Richard Turner, F. Maginniss, Thomas Lee, King George county; Ro. Hudgin, Dr. John D. Butler, Caroline county; N. J. B. Whitlock, Dr. James H. Latane, Ed. F. Noel, Bev. D. Roy, J. Roy Micou, Wilsey Fogg, Geo. T. Wright, Essex county; Dr. Thomas C. Clopton, Jefferson Stubbs, Jasper C. Hughes, Gloucester county; Parkes Slater, James City county; Dr. Ro. A. Payne, Richmond county; Wm. E. Clopton, Ro. Howle, Dr. L. C. Crump, Jno. S. Lacy, R. T. Lacy, New Kent county; Dabney Parrish, Louisa county; Wm. D. Clopton, P. B. Foster, Cumberland county; W. W. Brown, Lunenburg county; J. B. Chewning, Culpeper county; Wm. J. Wiere, Prince William county; Capt. J. S. Middleton, John Gormly, Norfolk.
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