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and escopetas or muskets, and bravely carried the work (Alexander McClung, at the head of the Mississippians of his wing of the regiment, being the first to enter), driving the enemy from it with considerable loss. The Ohio regiment, under Colonel Mitchell, entered the town more to the right, and attacked the works with great courage and spirit; but here was concentrated the fire of all their works. From this point, or a little in the rear, the regulars had been forced back with great loss ofippi Riflemen formed and advancing on the enemy. He told me he called General Hamer's attention to it. During the assault upon the city, General Johnston accompanied Hamer's brigade of Butler's division, remaining for the most part with Colonel Mitchell's First Ohio Regiment. He was near that officer when he fell wounded in the streets of Monterey, at the point mentioned by Mr. Davis as the place where he met General Johnston, under the converging fires of the salients. General Butler was
t would clear Middle Tennessee of the enemy and facilitate the occupation of the Memphis & Charleston Railroad through North Alabama, to which I had assigned General Mitchell. I believed, also, that I could effect the movement almost as promptly that way as by water, and I knew that it would bring my army upon the field of futureof General Buell, was to join General Halleck in the projected movement against the enemy at Corinth, Mississippi. Army of the Cumberland, vol. i., p. 99. Mitchell's corps, moving against Florence, was 18,000 strong. The writer has used every effort to ascertain with entire accuracy the forces engaged in the battle of Sn 60,000 in all, of whom not more than 50,000 were effectives. The forces immediately to be encountered, exclusive of Pope's, were: Grant50,000 Buell37,000 Mitchell18,000 Total105,000 To engage these it will be seen that he was able to get together about 40,000 available troops at Shiloh. Appendix A. Memorand
that the Confederate army attacked the Federal position in three lines parallel to its supposed front. The Comte de Paris claims substantially that the three corps should have attacked by lines perpendicular, instead of parallel, to that front. There is force in the objection; and that such was General Johnston's original intention is clearly evinced by the following telegram: Corinth, April 8, 1862. General Buell in motion 30,000 strong, rapidly from Columbia by Clifton to Savannah. Mitchell behind him with 10,000. Confederate forces-40,000-ordered forward to offer battle near Pittsburg. Division from Bethel, main body from Corinth, reserve from Burnsville, converging to-morrow near Monterey on Pittsburg. Beauregard second in command, Polk the left, Bragg the centre, Hardee the right wing, Breckinridge the reserve. Hope engagement before Buell can form junction. To the President, Richmond. The words italicized are in General Johnston's own handwriting in the original
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 2: the overture. (search)
and prayers for a sight of the guns. And now they come-B of the 4th Regulars, Mitchell leading with headlong speed, horses smoking, battery thundering with jolt and ining, terrible Napoleons. I rode out to meet them, pointing out the ground. Mitchell's answering look had a mixed expression, suggestive of a smile. I did not seemarkable personal appearance. He did not smile long. The colloquy was short: Mitchell, do you think you can put solid shot or percussion into those woods close overhere danger of disaster centered, so closely were they pressed upon at times. Mitchell, bravely handling his imperilled battery,--I had just seen him mounting a gun- My own brigade in this engagement numbered less than 1700 officers and men. Mitchell's battery and Gregory's and Bartlett's regiments assisting in the final advancualties among officers were especially beyond the ratio in other battles. Captain Mitchell, commanding the battery, was lying behind it severely wounded. It may be
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, June, 1863. (search)
told me that one of the most efficient of his subordinates was Captain Mitchell, son to the so-called Irish patriot, who is editor of one of tar artillery were stationed at this point under the command of Captain Mitchell (the patriot's son), to whom I was introduced. He seemed a queries are on Folly Island, 3400 yards off, but within range of Captain Mitchell's rifled artillery, one of which was a twelve-pounder Whitwortf, set her on fire — a foolish measure, as she was right under Captain Mitchell's guns-and whenever a group of Yankees approached the wreck, ave a vaJuable trunk. After having conversed some time with Captain Mitchell and his brother officers, we took leave of them; and General R P. M. the firing on Morris Island became distinctly audible. Captain Mitchell had evidently commenced his operations against Little Folly. uscade for her, and with the assistance of his fancy Irishman (Captain Mitchell), he captured her. This was the case with the steamer Stono, a
on, maintained the fortunes of our bleeding country, have ever since been the subjects of persecution and calumny by those base cowards who ran from the battle-field and hid themselves in ravines and gulches at Shiloh, and the contemptible traitors whose tongues are as the tongues of serpents at home. Your sincere friend, Peter J. Sullivan, Colonel 48th Reg't Ohio Volunteers. Since his return from Dixie, Captain Geer and Lieutenant William Pittenger (one of the survivors of that heroic scouting party sent into the heart of Georgia by General Mitchell), have been doing good service for the Union cause in the North by public lectures. Both are well-tried soldiers and effective speakers. Both are temporarily disabled, but expect soon to re-enter the army. Lieutenant Pittenger has prepared a volume of his experience, as a prisoner in the South, which will be a desirable companion to the book whose thrilling pages are now opened to you, reader. Turn forward, and read. A. C.
n he should visit my quarters, at which time we were to exchange our clothing. I then informed Collins what I had done, and he made a similar arrangement with another Tennesseean. Time passed wearily on, and brought the night of the 18th of June, A coincidence here is worthy of notice. On the 18th of June, seven United States soldiers were hung by the rebels at Atlanta, Georgia. They were a part of the celebrated Chattanooga Railroad scouts, sent out on a military excursion by General Mitchell, but who were captured and treated as spies. One of the survivors of the party, Lieut. Wm. Pittenger, gives a full and graphic account their captivity and imprisonment in a book which every reader of this work should peruse. which was dark and rainy, and promised fairly for our proposed adventure. In due time our United States uniform was exchanged, and we were clad in rebel rags. Our hearts beat high with hope, and we were resolved to escape or perish in the attempt. About half
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Promoted Major-General of Volunteers-Unoccupied territory-advance upon Nashville-situation of the troops-confederate retreat- relieved of the command-restored to the command-general Smith (search)
y left. Nashville is on the west [and south] bank of the Cumberland, and Buell was approaching from the east. I thought the steamers carrying Nelson's division would be useful in ferrying the balance of Buell's forces across. I ordered Nelson to put himself in communication with Buell as soon as possible, and if he found him more than two days off from Nashville to return below the city and await orders. Buell, however, had already arrived in person at Edgefield, opposite Nashville, and Mitchell's division of his command reached there the same day. Nelson immediately took possession of the city. After Nelson had gone and before I had learned of Buell's arrival, I sent word to department headquarters that I should go to Nashville myself on the 28th if I received no orders to the contrary. Hearing nothing, I went as I had informed my superior officer I would do. On arriving at Clarksville I saw a fleet of steamers at the shore — the same that had taken Nelson's division-and troo
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 46 (search)
st fail, I hope. From the last accounts, I doubted whether Hood's army has been so badly shattered as was apprehended yesterday. Gen. Price (trans-Mississippi) has brought out a large number of recruits from Missouri. I dined out yesterday, and sumptuously; the first time for two years. Congress has done but little, so far. They are at work on the Currency bill! Mr. Enders, broker, and exempted as one of the Ambulance Committee, I am informed paid some $8000 yesterday to Mitchell & Tyler for a few articles of jewelry for his daughter. And R. Hill, who has a provision shop near the President's office, I understand expended some $30,000 on the wedding of his daughter. He was poor, I believe, before the war. I got an order from Lieut. Parker, Confederate States Navy, for a load of coal to-day. Good! I hope it will be received before the last on hand is gone. The enemy's raiders camped within seven miles of Gordonsville, last night; and it will be ten o'cloc
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 16: the retreat. (search)
sent orders to Bonham to take the remainder of his own and Longstreet's brigades, and move against the line of retreat at Centreville. Radford, like Stuart, saw that the retreating brigades of Sherman, Keyes, and Schenck were too formidable to attack; and Bonham, on nearing Centreville, found the brigades of Blenker, Richardson, and Davies so well posted, and so superior in numbers, that he was quite content to stop with a mere reconnoissance, and at nightfall returned to his camps behind Mitchell's and Blackburn's Fords. Meanwhile, though the Confederate pursuit could nowhere venture a serious assault, an accident served to greatly enlarge their harvest of trophies. The business of war was such a novelty, that McDowell's army accumulated an extraordinary number of campfol-lowers and non-combatants. The vigilant newspapers of the chief cities sent a cloud of correspondents to chronicle the incidents of the march and conflict. The volunteer regiments carried with them personal
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