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Your search returned 171 results in 36 document sections:
June, 1862.
June, 3
Have requested General Mitchell to relieve me from duty as Provost Marshal; am now wholly unfit to do business.
We have heard of the evacuation of Corinth.
The simple withdrawal of the enemy amounts to but little, if anything; he still lives, is organized and ready to do battle on some other field.
June, 5
Go home on sick leave.
June, 25
There were three little girls on the Louisville packet, about the age of my own children.
They were great romps.
I said to one, what is your name?
She replied Pudin‘ an‘ tame.
So I called her Pudin‘, and she became very angry, so angry indeed that she cried.
The other little girls laughed heartily, and called her Pudin‘ also, and then asked my name.
I answered John Smith; they insisted then that Pudin‘ was my wife, and called her Pudin‘ Smith.
This made Pudin‘ furious, and she abused her companions and me terribly; but John Smith invested a little money in cherries, and thus pacified Pudin‘,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Appendix B: the First black soldiers. (search)