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ning that the enemy had abandoned Big Springs and fallen back to Huntersville, the soldiers were permitted to break ranks, while Colonel Marrow and Major Keifer, with a company of cavalry, rode forward to the Springs. Colonel Nick Anderson, Adjutant Mitchell and I followed. We found on the road evidence of the recent presence of a very large force. Quite a number of wagons had been left behind. Many tents had been ripped, cut to pieces, or burned, so as to render them worthless. A large numsterday, cold and windy. To-night the moon is sailing through a wilderness of clouds, now breaking out and throwing a mellow light over valley and mountain, then plunging into obscurity, and leaving all in thick darkness. Major Keifer, Adjutant Mitchell, and Private Jerroloaman have been stretching their legs before my fireplace all the evening. The Adjutant being hopelessly in love, naturally enough gave the conversation a sentimental turn, and our thoughts have been wandering among the
to the Seventeenth Brigade, and assigned to the Third Division; the latter commanded by General O. M. Mitchell. The General remarked to me this morning, that the best drilled and conditioned regime disorderly, and in consequence have become unpopular with the regiment. December, 20 General Mitchell called this afternoon and requested me to form the regiment in a square. I did so, and he black, and the rain descends in torrents. After eleven o'clock last night I accompanied General Mitchell to ten regiments, and with him made the grand rounds in most of them. As we rode from camptter to freeze than to be smoked to death, so we shall extinguish the fire and freeze. Adjutant Mitchell has been commissioned captain and assigned to Company C. December, 25 Gave passes tot was made at the instance of the prisoner's uncle, who is a captain in the Union army. Captain Mitchell assumes command of company C to-morrow. The Colonel is incensed at the Major and me, becau
ly to occur at the burning of an entire city. January, 5 General Mitchell has issued an immense number of orders, and of course holds ththe hand he bade them go to their quarters, and they went. General Mitchell hearing of my trouble sent for me. I explained to him the diffht. Am getting to be a pretty good teacher. January, 10 General Mitchell gave the officers a very interesting lecture this evening. Healso to elevate him in the estimation of his subordinates. General Mitchell never drinks and never swears. Occasionally he uses the wordher savage style; but further than this I have never heard him go. Mitchell is military; Dumont militia. The latter winks at the shortcomingsf disappointed love in the regiment last night. A sergeant of Captain Mitchell's company was engaged to a girl of Athens county. They were t them with his fingers and exclaim: My God, ain't they sharp? Captain Mitchell called, and the boys said: Sergeant, do n't you know him? Yes
en feet, and many of our teams are still on the other side. The water swelled so rapidly that two teams of six mules each, parked on the river bank last night so as to be in readiness to cross on the ferry this morning, were swept away. Captain Mitchell returned this evening from a trip North. We are glad to have him back again. February, 21 Hear that Fort Donelson has been taken after a terrible fight, and ten thousand ears are eager to hear more about the engagement. No teams croccupy it, and this resulted from detention at the river-crossing. February, 27 Crossed the Cumberland and moved through Nashville; the regiment behaved handsomely, and was followed by a great crowd of colored people, who appeared to be delighted with the music. General Mitchell complimented us on our good behavior and appearance. February, 28 Captain Wilson, Fourth Ohio Cavalry, was shot dead while on picket. One of his sergeants had eight balls put through him, but still lives.
ween where Kennett's cavalry regiment is encamped and Nashville; captured a wagon train, took the drivers, Captain Braden, of Indiana, who was in charge of the train, and eighty-three horses, and started on a by-road back for Murfreesboro. General Mitchell immediately dispatched Kennett in pursuit. About fifteen miles out the rebels were overtaken and our men and horses recaptured. Two rebels were killed and two taken; Kennett is still in hot pursuit. Captain Braden says, as the rebels wereThat broth of an Irish boy, Conway, wears a rooster's feather in his cap, and has for a partner a soldier twice as big as himself, whom he calls Susan. As they swing Conway yells at the top of his voice: Come round, old gal! March, 28 General Mitchell returned from Nashville on a hand-car. March, 30 This is a pleasant Sunday. The sun shines, the birds sing, and the air stirs pleasantly. The colored people of Murfreesboro pour out in great numbers on Sunday evenings to witness d
nto camp on Duck river, one mile from the town. April, 5 General Mitchell complimented me on the good behavior and good appearance of tht noon. Passed through the town and encamped one mile beyond. General Mitchell, with Turchin's and Sill's brigades and two batteries, left foetrieved. A courier arrived about dark with dispatches for General Mitchell; but they were forwarded to him unopened. April, 13 Cobattle, and, being wounded, had been sent back to Huntsville. General Mitchell had captured and released them on parole. Some had their head, Tune my heart to sing thy praise. By his timely arrival General Mitchell cut a division of rebel troops in two. Four thousand got by, afalo for supper — a good sort of fish-weighing six pounds. General Mitchell has been made a Major-General. He is a deserving officer. Noand remained in this position until two in the afternoon, when General Mitchell arrived and ordered the Ninth Brigade, Loomis' Battery and my
bushwhacking soldiers. To-day he returned with twenty-six prisoners. General Mitchell is well pleased with my action in the Paint Rock matter. The burning of ttsville. Leaving the regiment in command of Colonel Keifer, I accompanied General Mitchell on the return, and reached camp a little after dark. May, 16 Appointe numerous other things necessary to be done in a city under martial law. Captain Mitchell and Lieutenant Wilson are my assistants, and, in fact, do most of the work The citizens say I am the youngest Governor they ever had. May, 17 Captain Mitchell and I were invited to a strawberry supper at Judge Lane's. Found General MGeneral Mitchell and staff, Colonel Kennett, Lieutenant-Colonel Birdsall, and Captain Loomis, of the army, there. Mr. and Mrs. Judge Lane, Colonel and Major Davis, and a general, whose name I can not recall, were the only citizens present. General Mitchell monopolized the conversation. He was determined to make all understand that he wa
June, 1862. June, 3 Have requested General Mitchell to relieve me from duty as Provost Marshal; am now wholly unfit to do business. We have heard of the evacuation of Corinth. The simple withdrawal of the enemy amounts to but little, if anything; he still lives, is organized and ready to do battle on some other field. June, 5 Go home on sick leave. June, 25 There were three little girls on the Louisville packet, about the age of my own children. They were great romps. I said to one, what is your name? She replied Pudin‘ an‘ tame. So I called her Pudin‘, and she became very angry, so angry indeed that she cried. The other little girls laughed heartily, and called her Pudin‘ also, and then asked my name. I answered John Smith; they insisted then that Pudin‘ was my wife, and called her Pudin‘ Smith. This made Pudin‘ furious, and she abused her companions and me terribly; but John Smith invested a little money in cherries, and thus pacified Pudin‘,
g stories of the battle, but rumor has many tongues and lies with all. General Mitchell departed for Washington yesterday. The rebels at Chattanooga claim thaccumbed like a hero, and the other was carried in triumph from the field. General Mitchell made his appearance near the scene at the conclusion of the conflict; but,o meet at ten to-morrow. General Buell proposes, I understand, to give General Mitchell's administration of affairs in North Alabama a thorough overhauling. It iotton speculations; but investigation, I am well satisfied, will show that General Mitchell has been strictly honest, and has done nothing to compromise his honor, ord is a great deal more thorough and severe in his treatment of rebels than General Mitchell. He sent the Rev. Mr. Ross to jail to-day for preaching a secession sermoalled on General Rousseau this morning. He is a larger and handsomer man than Mitchell, but I think lacks the latter's energy, culture, system, and industry. July
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Appendix B: the First black soldiers. (search)
at all; and, as no new supply of uniform was provided, they grew more and more ragged. They got poor rations, and no pay; but they kept up their spirits. Every week or so some of them would go on scouting excursions to the main-land; one scout used to go regularly to his old mother's hut, and keep himself hid under her bed, while she collected for him all the latest news of rebel movements. This man never came back without bringing recruits with him. At last the news came that Major-General Mitchell had come to relieve General Hunter, and that Brigadier-General Saxton had gone North; and Trowbridge went to Hilton Head in some anxiety to see if he and his men were utterly forgotten. He prepared a report, showing the services and claims of his men, and took it with him. This was early in October, 1862. The first person he met was Brigadier-General Saxton, who informed him that he had authority to organize five thousand colored troops, and that he (Trowbridge) should be senior ca