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he prelude to the battle of Saturday evening ocurred on Friday, in Culpeper county, beyond the Rapidan River, in a skirmish between the advance of our army and a larger force of the enemy. The latter retreated with some loss in killed and wounded, and twenty-one prisoners fell into our hands, including three commissioned officers, who arrived here by way of Lynchburg on Sunday night. The pursuit was continued for some distance, and the Yankee forces made a stand at Southwest Mountain, near Mitchell's station, about six miles beyond the Rapidan. Slight skirmishing was kept up on Saturday morning, and in the afternoon of that day, about 4 o'clock, an attack was made upon the enemy by a portion of the division of Gen. Ewell, and a brigade under Gen. C. S. Winder. Over 300 prisoners were captured in this engagement, including thirty commissioned officers. One of the latter admits that a Federal division was cut to pieces while endeavoring to surround the Stonewall brigade, and the