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Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 17: the woman's cause 1868-1910 (search)
crifice is necessary. Our growth inharmony of will and in earnestness of purpose will be far more important than in numbers. One hundred and ninety women formed this Association: a year later there were three hundred. The second Congress was held in Chicago, with an attendance very respectable in numbers and character from the first, and very full in afternoon and evening. On the second day, October 16, 1874, the subject considered was Crime and Reform. The Journal says:-- Mrs. Ellen Mitchell's paper on fallen women was first-rate throughout. I spoke first after it, saying that we must carry the war into Africa and reform the men . . . The meetings of the Congress grew more and more important to her. That of 1875 found her much tossed in mind about going, on account of the Doctor's ill health. She consulted Mr. Clarke, but felt afterward that this was a mistake. My daemon says: Go and say nothing. Nobody can help you bear your own child. She went. No matter
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 15: mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord 1908-1910; aet. 89-91 (search)
een able to meet you in all that time. You [were] one of the Board of Trustees at that time. Respectfully and Thankfully, Wm. Davidson. I was then about five years old, now seventy-three. Writing to her friend of many years, Mrs. Ellen Mitchell, she says:-- Your birthday letter was and is much valued by me. Its tone of earnest affection is an element in the new inspiration recently given me by such a wonderful testimony of public and private esteem and goodwill as has been grad her so much. On June 16, Brown University, her husband's alma mater and her grandfather's, conferred upon her the degree of Doctor of Laws. She went to Providence to receive it in person, and thus describes the commencement exercises to Mrs. Mitchell:-- The ordeal of the Doctorate was rather trying, but was made as easy as possible for me. The venerable old church was well filled, and was quite beautiful. I sat in one of the front pews--two learned people led me to the foot of the pla
exican Band, II, 100, 103, 105. Mexican War, I, 129. Middletown, R. I., I, 9. Milan, I, 93; II, 26. Mill, J. S., I, 304; II, 22. Miller, Joaquin, II, 103. Mills, Arthur, I, 99, 266; II, 165. Milman, H. M., I, 267. Milnes, see Houghton. Milton, John, II, 21, 137. Minneapolis, I, 378, 379; II, 87, 274. Minnehaha, Falls of, I, 380. Minnesota, I, 378, 380, 381, 392. Minturn, Jonas, I, 22. Mississippi, I, 92. Mississippi River, I, 380; II, 100. Mitchell, Ellen, I, 374. Letters to, II, 391, 392. Mitchell, Maria, I, 343, 373; II, 82, 83. Mitchell, S. Weir, II, 50. Mitchell, Thomas, I, 10, 12. Modern Society, II, 60. Molloy, J. F., II, 171. Moltke, Count, Hellmuth, II, 20. Momery, Dr., II, 184. Money, trade in, I, 16. Monroe, Harriet, II, 251. Monson, I, 250. Mont Isabel, I, 322. Montagu, Basil, I, 81, 85. Montagu, Mrs., Basil, I, 85. Montgomery, Richard, I, 6. Montpelier, II, 68. Montreal, I, 38.
"go, and sin no more." Albert Simmonds, a friend of the above, charged with interfering with the watchmen in the discharge of their duty, and attempting to prevent the arrest of John H. Emberton, was sent to the Provost-Marshal, to be by him forwarded to his command. The cases of William Bass, free negro, charged with receiving four ambulance springs, knowing the same to have been stolen from the Confederate States; Elizabeth Jeter, charged with threatening to assault and beat Ellen Mitchell, as well as to poison her son; Albert Groomes, charged with felony, and Henrietta, slave of Thomas Friend, charged with forging passports, were called; but, owing to the absence of witnesses, were continued for a future hearing. Edwin, slave of Joseph Dowdey, charged with stealing a coat, valued at six hundred dollars, the property of Joseph Kemper, was ordered to receive thirty-nine lashes. Twenty stripes were inflicted upon William, slave of Samuel Reeves, charged with being an e
our ambulance springs, belonging to the Confederate States, knowing the same to have been stolen, was called up, but, owing to the absence of testimony, was further continued. Mrs. Elizabeth Jeter, against whom a charge was instituted by Ellen Mitchell that the accused had threatened to assault and beat her, and to poison her son, was discharged upon the promise given by her that she will not further molest said Ellen Mitchell. Owing to the fact that the Mayor has partially heard the fEllen Mitchell. Owing to the fact that the Mayor has partially heard the following cases, and that the Recorder does not desire to dispose of them during his absence, they were continued till such time as His Honor may be able to attend court: Delia Mack, and Richard, her slave, charged with trespassing upon the promises of Caroline Mack and breaking into her house; Jim, slave of William Allen, charged with murder; and Mary, slave of James M. Talbott; Henrietta, slave of James M. Talbott, and Richard, slave of Mary Redmond, charged with burglary and felony by breaking
The Daily Dispatch: March 3, 1865., [Electronic resource], Proclamation by the President, appointing a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, with thanksgiving. (search)
e continued indisposition of the Mayor. We append the following summary: James R. Moore, charged with buying eggs at the First Market to sell again, was fined fifty dollars and ordered to surrender his purchase for confiscation. Edward Hudson, a free negro, was charged with having five hundred feet of plank in his possession, knowing it to have been stolen. The accused established his innocence and was discharged. Twenty dollars fine was imposed upon Elisha Jackson, charged with violating a city ordinance by offering goods, wares and merchandise for sale on the sidewalk on Main street. Jennie Howard was summoned to show cause why she should not be fined for permitting her servant to go at large; but, for satisfactory reasons, her case was continued. Complaint was made against Ellen Mitchell for an alleged attempt to break into the house of Elizabeth Jeter with the intention of stealing her furniture and clothing. The case was continued till the 3d instant.
ury on the charge of receiving a lot of beef, valued at four hundred dollars, the property of Robert A. Armistead, he well-knowing the same to have been stolen. Robert W. McGee was charged with entering the house of Sterling Harris, a free negro, in the night time, under false representations, with the intention to rob. He was sent to the Soldiers' Home to be forwarded to his command. Caroline Wood was fined ten dollars for permitting her slave to go at large. The cases of Ellen Mitchell and Kate Swords, charged with stealing clothing, were continued till the 7th instant. Lucian Sizer and George Timberlake were each fined ten dollars for running wagons on the streets without first obtaining licenses. Joe Harris, James Brown and Jones Brown, free negroes, and William Gray, slave of William Greanor, charged with attempting to run off a number of negroes to the Yankees, were remanded for examination before the Hustings Court. William Henry, slave of John Cox,
ns, soap and snuff, valued at three hundred dollars, the property of G. A. Peple, was ordered to be whipped. James Denay, charged with being a person of evil name, fame and reputation, was committed in default of security for his good behavior. George, slave of Fanny West, and James, slave of Wilson Kelly, charged with engaging in pugilistic exercise in the house of Fanny West, were ordered to be soundly whipped. The case of Freeman Powell, charged with stabbing and wounding Patrick O'Donnell, was continued. The case against Ellen Mitchell and Elizabeth Swords, charged with burglariously entering the house of Elizabeth Jeter, was again called, but decision deferred for satisfactory reasons. John Ryan, white, was charged with stealing a five barrel pistol, the property of C. L. Harless; but circumstances prevented the final disposition of the case. The finding of one or two other parties, charged with ordinance violations, concluded the day's proceedings.