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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 91.-General Sherman's expedition. (search)
luffs affair of December twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth. As I was a participant in the affair, I have concluded to give a plain statement of the facts. It is true I will not be able to use the flowery language of W. E. W., of the Chicago Times, but I can and will tell the truth, something which he is not willing or able to do. Colonel De Courcy's brigade is composed of the following regiments, namely, Sixteenth Ohio, Lieut.-Col. P. Kershner; Twenty-second Kentucky, Lieut-Col. G. W. Monroe; Forty-second Ohio, Lieut-Col. Don A. Pardee; Fifty-fourth Indiana, Colonel Mansfield. The brigade disembarked on the twenty-sixth, on the south bank of the Yazoo River, and made a reconnoissance through a belt of woods to Mrs. Lake's plantation, to discover a practicable road to Chickasaw Bluffs; exchanged a few shots with the rebel pickets, neither side doing any damage. On the twenty-seventh a general advance was ordered. Generals A. J. Smith on the right, Morgan L. Smith next
lf for gallantry above his fellows, would be to do injustice; for the brigade, as a whole, has fully sustained its well-earned reputation, and given additional evidence of the disinterested devotion of Missourians to the cause of their country-showing, as heretofore, that they are always among the first in the breach, and the last to leave it. I am indebted to my Aids, Captain Edwards and Lieutenant Chesnut for the prompt and untiring energy with which they assisted me in the engagement. Major Monroe, my brigade Quartermaster, and Major Ruthven, my brigade Commissary, deserve great praise for the activity with which they discharged the duties of their respective departments. Chief Surgeon Bear, with the regimental surgeons and their assistants, were on the field, and, by their prompt professional attention to the wounded, saved many valuable lives. A report in detail of the killed, wounded and missing, will be forwarded at an early day to the proper department. I have the honor t
CavalryWounded in thigh. John AdamsPrivateCo. F, 3d S. C. CavalryWounded severely. L. RitterPrivateCo. F, 3d S. C. CavalryWounded in thigh. W. T. RemleyPrivateCo. F, 3d S. C. CavalryWounded in arm. W. D. JordanPrivateCo. F, 3d S. C. CavalryMissing. J. J. TrippPrivateRutledge Mounted RiflesWounded severely. Sanders GloverPrivateRutledge Mounted RiflesWounded slightly. T. G. BucknerLieutenantCo. K, 3d S. C. V. CavalryWounded severely. J. J. HarrisonMajorCo. K, 11th S. C. V.Killed. G. W. MonroePrivateCo. C, 11th S. C. V.Wounded slightly. C. RushPrivateCo. B, 11th S. C. V.Crushed by railroad train, dead. C. CookSergeantCo. D, 11th S. C. V.Wounded slightly. G. E. StanleyPrivateCo. D, 11th S. C. V.Wounded slightly. F. E. GrantSergeantCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded. J. P. CampbellPrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Killed. A. J. SmokeSergeantCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Killed. S. CrosleyPrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded. Wm. O. BeganPrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded. H. ValentinePrivateCo. I