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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 3.27 (search)
H and K. The parts, or smaller companies, were commanded about as follows: Captain Willis S. Roberts, of Scott county; Captain Frank Scott, of McLean county; Captain Ben. I. Monroe, of Frankfort; Captain Thomas Steele, of Woodford; Captain Thomas W. Thompson, of Louisville, and Captain William Blanchard, of Mason county. I think it probable that company H was also made up of two or three parts of companies, commanded respectively by William P. Bramlette, of Nicholas; Joe L. Robertson, of Montgomery, and Captain Hugh Henry, of Bourbon. It seemed for a time that it would be a difficult matter to organize the pieces into regular companies, because those who had enlisted in Kentucky were naturally desirous of serving under the officers who had brought them out, and after the expense and danger incident to the recruiting and transportation of the men, these officers wished to retain their rank and titles. Besides, when bidding adieu to their friends at home, they had pledged themselves
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Paragraphs. (search)
Editorial Paragraphs. New subscribers, and Renewals of old ones are still earnestly desired, and we again beg our friends to help us in this direction. Speak to your friends, and secure us also reliable canvassers. The Secretary is just about to make A visit to Louisville, Columbus Miss., Montgomery Ala., Mobile, and New Orleans, where he hopes to meet many friends of the Society, and especially to secure some efficient canvassers to help on our good work. We beg that our friends will aid us in this matter. General E. P. Alexander, late chief of artillery of the 1st corps, now Vice-President of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad; John A. Grant, General Superintendent Memphis & Charleston Railroad; Colonel A. L. Rives, (the distinguished Confederate engineer,) General Manager of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad; and John F. O'Brien, General Superintendent East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad, have recently extended to the Secretary warmly appreciated courtesies.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Raid of Captain Wm. Miles Hazzard on St. Simon's Island. (search)
s retreat was cut off by the capture of his boats, he took those of the enemy and thus effected his escape to the mainland. Possibly, to vent their spite for the injury inflicted, the United States troops subsequently destroyed the parish church and the tombstones which marked the graves of his family. This act so incensed Captain Hazzard, that by the light of a torch, upon one of the broken slabs, he wrote the following letter and boldly entering the camp of the Federal commander, General Montgomery, he placed it at the door of his tent upon a stick planted in the ground. The poet, Paul H. Hayne, hearing of these courageous acts, ascertained the facts of the affair and wrote the following beautiful ode in commemoration thereof. Captain Hazzard is descended from a military family, the first of whom, William Hazzard, was a colonel in the British army. His son, Major William Whig Hazzard, was in the Continental army, and wounded at the seizure of Savannah; while his own father
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The attempt to Fasten the assassination of President Lincoln on President Davis and other innocent parties. (search)
rbid excitement of the public mind, gave color enough to the accusation to subject the accused to an ignominy scarcely less than should have ensued upon full proof of guilt. The fact subsequently transpired, in spite of official vigilance to conceal it, that the evidence in the Bureau of Military Justice, was obtained from three witnesses secretly examined before the Military Commission which condemned Mrs. Surratt to the gallows. Their names, real or assumed, are Sandford Conover, Richard Montgomery and James B. Merritt. Their testimony, withheld from the public by the Government, found its way into the newspapers, and was commonly known at the time as the suppressed testimony. The publication of it enabled some of the parties assailed to expose its falsehood and the characters of the witnesses. Filed with this paper and as a part, but too long to read here, is the evidence in full, as reported by the Bureau of Military Justice upon which the proclamation issued, together with
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of Hood's Tennessee campaign. (search)
he entire army was much questioned. It had been demonstrated that Gen. Hood must either be reinforced or retreat before the advancing columns of Sherman. Reinforcements could not be supplied, and an emergency had to be met. General Thomas commanded a large force in Tennessee, which was protecting Sherman's rear and guarding his lines of communication and supplies. Should Sherman advance southward from Atlanta with Hood in front, Thomas could easily overrun Alabama and capture Selma, Montgomery and Mobile. It was determined to throw Hood's army in the rear of Sherman. and destroy the railroad, hoping thereby to draw Sherman out, leaving a portion of his army in Atlanta, and give Hood an opportunity of fighting him in detail. The movement was made, and in the main successful, except no opportunity was given for engaging Sherman's forces in detail. It was then resolved to move Hood's army into Tennessee and destroy Thomas and then take possession of Kentucky and threaten Ohio
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Agreement of the people, (search)
esea, with the Parishes therein2 Brecknock, with the Boroughs and Parishes therein3 Cardigan, with the Boroughs and Parishes therein3 Carmarthen, with the Boroughs and Parishes therein3 Carnarvon, with the Boroughs and Parishes therein2 Denbigh, with the Boroughs and Parishes therein2 Flint, with the Boroughs and Parishes therein1 Monmouth, with the Boroughs and Parishes therein4 Glamorgan, with the Boroughs and Parishes therein4 Merioneth, with the Boroughs and Parishes therein2 Montgomery, with the Boroughs and Parishes therein3 Radnor, with the Boroughs and Parishes therein2 Pembroke, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein4 Provided, that the first or second Representative may, if they see cause, assign the remainder of the 400 representers, not hereby assigned, or so many of them as they shall see cause for, unto such counties as shall appear in this present distribution to have less than their due proportion. Provided also. that where any city or borough
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Alabama. (search)
Florida to assist in capturing Fort Pickens and other public works there. Alabama sent a commissioner to Washington as an ambassador, but he was not received. During the war that ensued. Alabama bore her share of the burden, and her cities and plantations suffered from the ravages of the conflict. Wilson's cavalry raid through the State caused great destruction of property. During the war Alabama furnished 122,000 troops to the Confederate army, of whom 35,000 were killed or wounded. Montgomery, in the interior of the State, was the Confederate capital until July, 1861, when the seat of government was removed to Richmond. At the close of the war a provisional governor for Alabama was appointed (June 21. 1865), and in September a convention re-ordained the civil and criminal laws, excepting such as related to slavery: declared the Ordinance of Secession and the State war-debt null; passed an ordinance against slavery: and provided for an election of State officers, who were chose
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Andre, John, 1751- (search)
age. He was a youth of great genius-painted well and wrote poetry with fluency. His literary tastes brought to him the acquaintance of literary people. Among these was the poetess, Anna Seward. of Lichfield, to whose cousin, Honora Sneyd, Andre became warmly attached. They were betrothed, but their youth caused a postponement of their nuptials, and Andre entered the army and came to America, in 1774, as lieutenant of the Royal Fusileers. With them, in Canada, he was taken prisoner by Montgomery, at St. Johns (Nov. 2, 1775), and was sent to Lancaster, Pa. In December, 1776, he was exchanged, and promoted to captain in the British army. He was appointed aide to General Grey in the summer of 1777, and on the departure of that officer he was placed on the staff of Sir Henry Clinton, by whom he was promoted (1780) to the rank of major, and appointed adjutant-general of the British forces in America. His talents were appreciated, and wherever taste was to be displayed in any arrangem
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Armstrong, John, 1758-1843 (search)
rthwestern Territory, but he declined. Two years later he married a sister of Chancellor Livingston, removed to New York, purchased a farm within the precincts of the old Livingston Manor on the Hudson, and devoted himself to agriculture. He was a member of the national Senate from 1800 to 1804, and became United States minister at the French Court in the latter year, succeeding his brother-in-law, Chancellor Livingston. He was commissioned a brigadier-general in July, 1812, and in January, 1813, became Secretary of War in the cabinet of President Madison. His lack of success in the operations against Canada, and at the attack upon and capture of Washington in 1814, made him so unpopular that he resigned and retired to private life. He died at Red Hook. N. Y., April 1, 1843. General Armstrong wrote Notes on the War of 1812, and Lives of Generals Montgomery and Wayne for Sparks's American biography; also a Review of Wilkinson's memoirs, and treatises on agriculture and gardening.
desire. Washington was then a little past forty-three years of age. He left Philadelphia for Cambridge a week later, where he arrived on July 2; and at about nine o'clock on the morning of the 3d, standing in the shade of an elm-tree in Cambridge, he formally assumed the command of the army, then numbering about 16,000 men, all New-Englanders. The following were appointed his assistants: Artemas Ward, Charles Lee, Philip Schuyler, and Israel Putnam, major-generals; and Seth Pomeroy, Richard Montgomery, David Wooster, William Heath, Joseph Spencer, John Thomas, John Sullivan, and Nathaniel Greene, brigader-generals. Horatio Gates was appointed as adjutant-general. The pay of a major-general was fixed at $166 a month; of a brigadier-general, $125; of the adjutant-general, $125; commissary-general of stores and provisions, $80; quartermaster-general, $80; deputy quartermaster-general, $40: paymaster-general, $100; deputy paymaster-general, $50; chief-engineer, $60; assistant engineer
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