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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 7: the siege of Charleston to the close of 1863.--operations in Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. (search)
in three columns, composed of the brigades of General Stevenson and Colonel Davis, and the Ninety-seventh Pennsylvania and Third New Hampshire. The last two regiments were to from the storming party, and a regiment of colored troops, under Colonel Montgomery, was to be held in reserve near the Beacon House. The One Hundred and Fourth Pennsylvania (Davis's own) was to carry intrenching tools. In accordance with this arrangement, these troops were in readiness at two o'clock in the morning, neaansia to suppress these gangs of annoyers. An out-post was established several miles in the interior, held by the Nineteenth Iowa and Twenty-sixth Indiana, with two guns, under Colonel Lake, supported by one hundred and fifty cavalry under Colonel Montgomery. The whole number of men at the post was less than one thousand. These were surprised on a dark night by General Green, who stealthily crossed a bayou, Sept. 30, 1863. surrounded the camp, and captured the guns and a large portion of the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 14: Sherman's campaign in Georgia. (search)
direction of Atlanta. On the same day Thomas crossed Peachtree Creek, at several points, in the face of the Confederate intrenchments, skirmishing heavily at every step. Indeed, in all of these forward movements there were severe and almost incessant struggles. At about this time Sherman was strengthened by the arrival of General Rousseau, with two thousand cavalry. He was in command of the District of Tennessee, and when Sherman planned a raid against the railway between Atlanta and Montgomery, one of Johnston's chief channels of supplies for his army, he asked permission to lead the expedition. It was granted, and when Johnston crossed the Chattahoochee and Sherman began maneuvering against Atlanta, the latter telegraphed orders to Rousseau to move. That active officer instantly obeyed. He left Decatur, Alabama, at the head of well-appointed cavalry, on the 10th, July. pushed rapidly southward crossed the Coosa at the Ten Islands, fought and defeated General Clanton, and pa
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 17: Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--the capture of Fort Fisher. (search)
he railway. He marched in three columns, Hawley's brigade forming the left, Colonel Barton's the center, and Colonel Scamman's regiment the extreme right. Colonel Montgomery's negro brigade was in the rear. The army numbered about five thousand men, and had eight days rations. Nothing of interest occurred until about two o'cloorty-eighth, Forty-ninth, and One Hundred and Fifteenth New York) into the hottest of the fight. It suffered dreadfully, but fought on gallantly. Finally, Colonel Montgomery went into the battle with his negro brigade (Fifty-fourth Massachusetts and First North Carolina), just in time to check a Confederate charge. But they wererbilt, Mackinaw, Tuscarora, Vicksburg, St. Jago de Cuba, Fort Jackson, Osceola, Sassacus, Chippewa, Maratanza, R. R. Cuyler, Rhode Island, Monticello, Alabama, Montgomery, Keystone State, Queen City, Iosco, Aries, Howquah, Wilderness, Cherokee, A. D. Vance, Moccasin, Eolus, Gettysburg, Emma, Lillian, Nansemond, Tristram Shandy, B
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 19: the repossession of Alabama by the Government. (search)
521. the author's journey from Savannah to Montgomery, 522. a day at Montgomery the State capitag the belief that Canby's real objective was Montgomery, and not Mobile. He encountered very littlerom General Forrest, then between Mobile and Montgomery, but Wilson was keeping him too thoroughly on's brigade, on detached service, moved upon Montgomery, where General Wirt Adams was in command. Ats, which had fled up that stream for safety Montgomery was formally surrendered to Wilson, by the cair, we departed on a journey by railway, to Montgomery, on the Alabama River. We passed through thll non-combatants. Between West Point and Montgomery we saw several fortifications, covering the me I. on the second bluff from the river, Montgomery stood upon a bluff on the river, which risesd look over nearly the whole. of the town. Montgomery must have been a very beautiful city, and deof the third day, when we had traveled, from Montgomery, nearly four hundred miles. In that fine Cit
unded by Gen. Mitchel, 3.188. Mobile, defensive preparations at, 1.175; siege and capture of, 3.506-3.514; visit of the author to, 3.524. Mobile forts, operations of Farragut against, 3.439-3.444. Moderwell, Major E. C., bridge over the Catawba destroyed by, 3.505. Monitor and Merrimack, 2.359-2.366. Mouocacy, battle of the, 3.348-3.345. Monroe, John T., Mayor of New Orleans, his ridiculous letter to Farragut, 2.343; deposed and arrested by order of Gen. Butler, 2.350. Montgomery, secession convention at, 1.172; capture of by Wilson, 3.519; visit of the author to, 3.522. Montgomery Convention, 1.248. Monument to commemorate the Massachusetts men killed at Baltimore, 1.426. Morehead, ex-Gov., confined in Fort Lafayette, 2.76. Morgan, Gen. George W., his capture of Cumberland Gap, 2.303; compelled to abandon Cumberland Gap, 2.502; at the battle of Chickasaw Bayou, 2.576. Morgan, John H., his invasion of Kentucky, 2.498; his approach to Cincinnati, 2.499;