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Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 36 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 27 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 14 0 Browse Search
John Beatty, The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of a Volunteer 9 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 2, 1861., [Electronic resource] 7 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 9, 1861., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: December 29, 1865., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 3 1 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 3 1 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States.. You can also browse the collection for A. B. Moore or search for A. B. Moore in all documents.

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roops, and new vigor was imparted to their operations. The prairie Indians were severely punished in a series of combats, in the most memorable of which Burleson, Moore, Bird, and Rice, were the leaders. General Edward Burleson was born in North Carolina, in 1798. He married at seventeen, tried farming in several States, and uted with heavy loss. In the raid they lost about eighty warriors and most of their booty. In October severe retaliation was meted out to the Comanches by Colonel Moore, with a force of ninety Texans and twelve Lipans. He fell upon their village on the Red Fork of the Colorado, 300 miles above Austin, and killed 130 Indians as, The situation of the frontier proves the correctness of the Indian policy. This was the general sentiment, which was strengthened by the Plum Creek victory and Moore's reprisal. Though all the combats with the Comanches herein narrated took place after General Johnston's resignation, their success was the direct result of his
ederal troops. running the gantlet. an Indian massacre. the Rio Grande. anecdote. escape of Moore and Lord. Lynde's surrender. through Texas. anecdotes. the journey summed up. A nation's sus, some thirty-six hours after you passed that point. All this I get from --, who came in behind Moore's command. Of its truth there is not a question. I am sorry the dragoons did not intercept youwas like being asked to dance by a lady-he could not refuse. Ridley attributes the escape of Moore and Lord, when they burned their camp at Cook's Spring, and turned off to Fort Craig, to the negtten immediately after these events, gives the dispositions made by him for the capture of Lieutenants Moore and Lord, with their commands. It also contains what may be accepted as a well-weighed re to Thorn, our troops could have reached there first. During the early part of the night Captain Moore received a dispatch from Fort Craig, notifying him of his danger. They immediately destroye
neumonia that impaired his health for years. He was graduated eighth in his class in 1827. The young soldier, after a little delay, resigned his commission, resolving to devote himself to the ministry. At this time he engaged himself to Miss Devereaux, to whom he had been attached from early boyhood; but the marriage was postponed until he had finished his theological education at Alexandria. He was married in May, 1830, and ordained in the Monumental Church, Richmond, Virginia, by Bishop Moore, to whom he became episcopant. To those who remember the stately presence and powerful form of the warrior-bishop thirty years later, it may sound strange to hear that for years he was often disabled by ill-health, and more than once pronounced on the verge of the grave. He was ordained priest May 31, 1831, but soon betook himself, on horseback, to the Valley of Virginia and thence to Philadelphia, in search of health. He was advised by eminent physicians that a sea-voyage and rest fro
ied by the circumstances in making the strongest appeal to your Excellency's patriotism to aid me in this respect. I shall beg to rely upon your Excellency to furnish us as rapidly as possible at this point with every arm it may be in your power to provide — I mean small-arms for infantry and cavalry. I view the matter of such urgent necessity that I send this letter by a special messenger, who will confer freely with you upon this subject. I am, etc., (Signed) A. S. Johnston. A. B. Moore, Governor of Alabama. Executive Department, Montgomery, Alabama, September 23, 1851. Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 15th inst., and, fully recognizing the necessity of speedy and energetic action in the direction contemplated by your letter, regret that it is out of the power of Alabama to afford you any assistance in the way of arms. Our own coast is threatened with invasion by the Federal forces; and within the last ten days we have been called upo
ere clustered some half-dozen towns of from 1,000 to 5,000 inhabitants each. The industries supporting this population were chiefly the working of coal and iron, with capital furnished by Ohio men. Hence, the people were generally hostile to the South. Marshall's force, when he reached Paintsville, was 2,240 in number; but his effectives were only 1,967 on January 3, 1862. The following is his force in detail: Triggs's Fifty-fourth Virginia Regiment578 Williams's Kentucky Regiment594 Moore's Twenty-ninth Virginia Regiment327 Simms's Mounted Battalion360 Jeffries's battery (four guns)58 Worsham's company50 Total1,967 This force was still further reduced to about 1,600 effectives, by mumps and measles, before the engagement with the enemy. About the same time that Marshall advanced into Kentucky, Buell organized an expedition up the Big Sandy, under Colonel J. A. Garfield. This officer moved up that river, on December 22d, with the Forty-second Ohio Regiment, the Fourt
ructive fire. This was not, strictly speaking, a charge bayonets, but it would have been one if the enemy had not fled. While Hanson was thus assailing Wallace's front, Buckner continued the movement against his left. Brown's brigade, charging up the hill, through a dense wood, had been met with grape and canister and a heavy musketry-fire, much of which passed over their heads, as the men lay down to escape the missiles. Lieutenant-Colonel Gordon, of the Third Tennessee, and Lieutenant-Colonel Moore, of the Thirty-second Tennessee, fell wounded, the latter mortally, with some fifty men killed and wounded. These regiments, reinforced at this moment by the Fourteenth Mississippi, renewed the charge, drove the Federal force from its position, and captured the guns. The batteries, and Farquharson's Forty-first Tennessee, followed the movement. In all this fighting, Graves's battery was splendid in its gallantry and efficiency. Rice E. Graves was a model soldier; inflexible and
g there resulted merely in a committee of inquiry, it was evident that the case was prejudged. The resolutions passed by the Confederate House of Representatives created a special committee to inquire into the military disasters at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, and the surrender of Nashville into the hands of the enemy, and as to the conduct, number, and disposition, of the troops under General Johnston. Great feeling was shown in the debates. Map. In response to the attempt of Mr. Moore, of Kentucky, to put in a plea for General Johnston, Mr. Foote, of Tennessee, asked if the gentleman would advocate the continuance of any man in command when the soldiers under him had lost confidence in him. The writer believes he may now safely say, without fear of contradiction among the Southern people, that General Johnston was too calm, too just, and too magnanimous, to misapprehend or resent so natural a manifestation. His whole life had been a training for this occasion. To e
higher and higher. Every soldier knows that camp-rumor has a certain undefined value, that there is something in the Greek idea of the Pheme, the voice that addresses the general consciousness, the voice that heralded across the Aegean the victory of Plataea to the combatants of Mycale. Known facts, inference and imagination, often construct in an army an hypothesis not to be neglected. Possibly upon some such basis General Prentiss acted in throwing to the front ten companies, under Colonel Moore, to watch the approaches to his position. But it is perfectly evident that Grant and Sherman considered themselves above such idle fears. The vulgar apprehension did not touch the victor of Donelson. It never reached either Grant or Sherman. Indeed, the latter, with bitter innuendo, points to it as proof of cowardice in certain officers with whom he was at variance. He swears in his evidence on Worthington's trial. Sherman's historical raid, by Boynton, p. 29. Therefore, o
inth Mississippi Regiment, and called on them to follow. With a wild shout, the whole brigade rushed in and drove the enemy back, until it reoccupied its first position of the morning. In this charge Wheeler led a regiment on foot, carrying its colors himself. Lieutenant-Colonel Rankin, commanding the Ninth Mississippi, fell mortally wounded; and the major, J. E. Whitfield, who had on Sunday led the skirmishers, was also there wounded. The Second Texas and Twenty-first Alabama, under Colonel Moore, while advancing, having been falsely told that the troops on their front were Breckinridge's, fell into an ambuscade and lost so heavily that they fell back in confusion. Equally sanguinary struggles occurred on the centre and left. Ruggles's division was very fully engaged, both Gibson's and Anderson's brigades charging repeatedly, and capturing batteries, which they could not, however, bring off. There had been an intermingling of commands on Sunday, but on Monday all order was l
ve been fought in Mississippi. If so, it would be proper for him to change that part of his resolutions which locates the fight in Tennessee. Mr. Davis, of Mississippi: That battle was fought in Tennessee, very near the Mississippi line. Mr. Moore, of Kentucky: Mr. Speaker, I do not arise for the purpose of detaining the House by any protracted remarks in support of the resolutions offered by the gentleman from Texas, but rather to express my gratitude to that gentleman for presenthe highest evidences of devotion to their country, I hope this House will unanimously adopt the resolutions, and pay that high mark of respect to those gallant soldiers who so nobly fell in defense of their country. After the conclusion of Mr. Moore's remarks the resolutions were adopted unanimously. They were immediately reported to the Senate; but, that body having adjourned, Mr. Jones moved for a reconsideration of the vote by which they were --adopted, with a view to passing resolu