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The Daily Dispatch: February 26, 1861., [Electronic resource] 16 0 Browse Search
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and that they will thenceforth constitute a new Confederacy under the Constitution so amended, from which all the States not so agreeing shall be excluded. Mr. Moore proceeded to advocate his resolutions. He spoke of the grievances solely as inflicted on the Border States, and drew a distinction between them and those inflics that she should. He would welcome Georgia and Alabama back, but preferred that South Carolina should stay out until she had learned to treat us with respect. Mr. Moore proceeded to define his position at some length, expressing his desire that Virginia should be prepared for any emergency. He would go with her wherever she wenr his protest against the views submitted by the gentleman from Rockbridge, which had given him, as a member of the Virginia Convention, inexpressible pain. He (Mr. Moore) seemed to misapprehend the object of this Convention. He had aimed his big gun entirely against the gallant States of the South, and had given not a word of re
pared to maintain the rights of the South," to "take such action as they may deem expedient," relative to a speech made in the Convention yesterday, by Samuel McD. Moore, of Rockbridge, "the substance of which was inimical to the riches of Virginia and the whole South, and the interests of the people of Richmond." The object of theise was too much indisposed to speak, and a motion was carried to adjourn to the Spotswood House. On passing the American Hotel sundry groans were given for Mr. Moore. At the Spotswood House, Col. Dickinson, of Prince Edward, apologized for the absence of Hon. J. Morton. Col. D. said he strongly sympathized with the feeling whthe meeting to assemble. Soon the expression of public sentiment, and the direction of public legislation, would have to be shaped by the people. He alluded to Mr. Moore's speech, and symptoms of disapprobation were given. J. T. Anderson, Esq., of Botetourt, followed in a few remarks, expressing devotion to the South, and alludin
resolutions on the same subject, which were tabled. A petition from Mr. Collier, of Petersburg, relating to the national troubles, was referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. A report fixing the compensation of officers was adopted. Mr. Moore, of Rockbridge, submitted resolutions demanding from the North security against future wrongs; opposed to going into any Confederacy which had for its objects the re-opening of the African slave trade, free trade, or direct taxation; and proposing to go into Confederacy on the basis of the Crittenden resolutions, or their equivalent. Mr. Moore sustained his resolutions in an anti-secession speech, which was replied to by Mr. Goode, of Bedford. Before the last-named gentleman concluded, the President was compelled to give an order to clear the galleries, in consequence of a popular demonstration, and the further consideration of the resolutions was postponed to this morning. Mr. Burdett, of Taylor, in view of the interruption, intr