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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Moore's Creek Bridge, battle of. (search)
McDonald. These two men had great influence over the Scotch Highlanders. They enlisted for the royal cause about 1,500 men, and marched from the vicinity of Fayetteville for the coast to join the governor and his friends on the Cape Fear. Col. James Moore, on hearing of this movement, marched with more than 1,000 men to intercept McDonald. At the same time minute-men of the Neuse region, under Colonels Caswell and Lillington, were gathering to oppose the loyalists, and on the evening of Feb. 26 were encamped at a bridge near the mouth of Moore's Creek, in Hanover county. There McDonald, chased by Colonel Moore, came upon the minute-men. He was sick, and the force was commanded by Lieutenant- Colonel McLeod. A sharp battle ensued the next morning, when McLeod was killed. The Scotchmen were routed and dispersed, and about 850 of them were made prisoners, among them the two McDonalds. The loyalists lost seventy men, killed and wounded. The republicans had only two wounded, one
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Morgan, John Hunt 1826- (search)
some loyal cavalry at Columbia (July 3), fought them three hours. partly sacked the town, and proceeded to destroy a bridge over the Green River, when he was driven away, after a desperate fight of several hours, by 200 Michigan troops under Colonel Moore, well intrenched. Morgan lost 250 killed and wounded; Moore lost twenty-nine. He rushed into Lebanon, captured a small Union force there, set fire to the place, and lost his brother—killed in the fight. He reached the Ohio, 40 miles below Moore lost twenty-nine. He rushed into Lebanon, captured a small Union force there, set fire to the place, and lost his brother—killed in the fight. He reached the Ohio, 40 miles below Louisville, July 7. His ranks were swelled as he went plundering through Kentucky, and he crossed the Ohio with 4,000 men and ten guns. He captured two steamers, with which he crossed. He was closely pursued by some troops under General Hobson, and others went up the Ohio in steamboats to intercept him. He plundered Corydon, Ind., murdered citizens, and stole 300 horses. On he went, robbing mill and factory owners by demanding $1,000 as a condition for the safety of their property. In li
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Forts Morgan and Gaines, seizure of (search)
Forts Morgan and Gaines, seizure of On the night of Jan. 3, 1861, Col. J. B. Todd, under orders of Governor Moore, embarked on a steamboat, with four companies of Confederate volunteers, for Fort Morgan, at the entrance to Mobile Harbor, about 30 miles below the city. They reached the fort at about 3 A. M. the next-day. The garrison made no resistance, and cheered the flag of Alabama when it was put in the place of that of the United States. At 5 A. M. the fort was in the hands of the Confederates. One of the captors wrote: We found here about 5,000 shot and shell; and we are ready to receive any distinguished strangers the government may see fit to send on a visit to us. Fort Gaines, on Dauphin Island, opposite Fort Morgan, shared the fate of the latter. That morning, Jan. 4, the United States revenue cutter Lewis Cass was surrendered to the collector of the port of Mobile (q. v.). See Bowyer, Fort.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of South Carolina, (search)
ppointedSept. 6, 1684 Joseph Mortonappointed1685 James Colletonappointed1686 Seth Sothelappointed1690 Philip Ludwellappointed1692 Thomas Smithappointed1693 Joseph Blakeappointed1694 John Archdaleappointed1695 Joseph Blakeappointed1696 James Mooreappointed1700 Proprietary governors—Continued. Sir Nathaniel Johnson1703 Edward Tynte1709 Robert Gibbes1710 Charles Craven1712 Robert Daniel1716 Robert Johnson1717 James Moore1719 Temporary republic. Arthur Middleton1719 RoyalJames Moore1719 Temporary republic. Arthur Middleton1719 Royal governors. Francis Nicholson1721 Arthur Middleton1725 Robert Johnson1730 Thomas Broughton1735 William Bull1737 James Glen1743 William H. Littleton1756 William Bull1760 Thomas Boone1762 William Bull1763 Charles Montague1766 William Bull1769 William Campbell1775 Governors under the Constitution. John Rutledge1775 Rawlin Lowndes1778 John Rutledge1779 John Matthews1782 Benjamin Guerard1783 William Moultrie1785 Thomas Pinckney1787 Arnoldus Vanderhorst1792 William Moultrie17
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sumner, Charles 1811- (search)
for use. The Shakespeare was found open on the day of his death, as he had left it, with his mark between the leaves at the third part of Henry VI., pp. 446, 447, and his pencil had noted the passage: Would I were dead! if God's good — will were so; For what is in this world, but grief and woe? He spent the first year after leaving college in study, reading, among other things, Tacitus, Juvenal, Persius, Shakespeare, and Milton, Burton's Anatomy, Wakefield's Correspondence with Fox, Moore's Life of Byron, Butler's Reminiscences, Hume's Essays, Hallam, Robertson, and Roscoe, and making a new attempt at the mathematics. He then, rather reluctantly, chose the law as his pursuit in life. No trace can be found in his biography of any inclination towards the practice of the legal profession, or of much respect or capacity for the logic of the common law. We do not remember that he anywhere speaks with enthusiasm of great advocates, unless, like Erskine, they have rendered some
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), North Carolina, (search)
1711 Militia of North and South Carolina and friendly Indians attack the Tuscaroras on the banks of the Neuse, in the present county of Craven, and more than 300 savages are killed and 100 made prisoners......Jan. 28, 1712 Troops under Col. James Moore, of South Carolina, capture Fort Nahucke, a stronghold of the Tuscaroras in Greene county, with 800 prisoners......March, 1713 Bills of credit for £ 800 issued by the colony to pay Indian war debt. First issue of paper money in North Caruse in Johnston county......Oct. 18, 1775 Donald McDonald, a Scottish Highlander, commissioned by Governor Martin, raises a force of about 1,500 loyalists, who, under Col. Donald McLeod, attack the Continental troops, 1,000 strong, under Cols. James Moore, Caswell, and Lillington, but are routed, and General McDonald taken prisoner......Feb. 27, 1776 Provincial Congress assembles at Halifax, April 4, 1776; resolves that the delegates from this colony in Congress be empowered to concur w
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), South Carolina, (search)
erred to the proprietors, they appoint Charles Craven governor......1712 Fort Nahucke, Greene co., N. C., garrisoned by 800 Tuscarora Indians, captured by Col. James Moore, of South Carolina......March 20, 1713 Yamassee Indians, incited by the Spaniards, massacre ninety colonists at Pocotaligo......April 15, 1715 Governor accept the government from the people under the King......Nov. 28, 1719 Governor Johnson declining the office of governor, the People's Association proclaim James Moore governor, and elect twelve councillors, choose Richard Allein chief-justice, and appoint Col. John Barnwell agent for the province......1719 Lords of the regecided that the proprietors had forfeited their charter......1720 Governor Nicholson arrives, summons a new Assembly, which elects the late popular governor, James Moore, speaker of the House......1721 Lords proprietors surrender the charter and government to the King, except Lord Granville's one-eighth......1729 Sir Alexa