Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for John H. Morgan or search for John H. Morgan in all documents.

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aine was taken at Richmond.--Herald, April 20. A secession flag was raised on Federal Hill, in Baltimore, and saluted with a cannon, when the workmen from foundries in the neighborhood rushed out and tore down the flag, and threw the cannon into the Patapsco.--Times, April 19. A letter from Baltimore to New York, under this date, says: A serious disposition is manifested in certain quarters to obstruct the passage of Northern troops through the State.--Times, April 20. Governor Morgan, of New York, issued a proclamation calling for men to answer the President's requisition. Major Anderson and his command arrived in New York from Charleston by the Baltic, and met with an enthusiastic reception from the people.--(Doc. 64.)--Herald, April 19. The Sixth Massachusetts regiment arrived in New York en route for Washington, and made a triumphal march through the city.--Herald, April 19. The Governor of Maryland and Mayor of Baltimore issued proclamations, urgi
reversing shaft. Several other flaws were discovered, and the conclusion was irresistible that some villain had wrought all this mischief for the purpose of disabling the ship. A delay was caused before the repairs could be made, and the vessel again proceed on its course.--N. Y. Herald, June 27. At Willet's Point, N. Y., interesting ceremonies took place on the occasion of blessing the standards of Col. McLeod Murphy's regiment, and the presentation of colors by Col. Bradford, of Gov. Morgan's staff. A large number of visitors attended, and interesting speeches were made by D. Thompson, Judge Charles P. Daly, Orestes A. Brownson, and others.--N. Y. Times, June 21. Thirteen rebels were captured at Clarksburg, Va., this morning by the 3d Virginia Regiment. A secession flag and arms were also captured.--Louisville Journal, June 22. Gov. Harris, in a message to the legislature of Tennessee, recommends the passage of a law requiring payment to be made of all sums due f
e transportation of men and supplies to the eastern sore of Virginia. The Artist is a neat first-class sailing craft, and it is believed that she was about to be converted into a rebel privateer.--N. Y. Times, July 26. The Sixth Indiana Regiment of State Militia, under the command of Colonel Crittenden, returned to Indianapolis from the seat of war. The troops were welcomed home in short and patriotic speeches by Governor Morton and Mayor Coburn.--Louisville Journal, July 26. Governor Morgan of New York issued a proclamation, in accordance with the request of President Lincoln, calling for twenty-five thousand men to serve for three years or during the war.--(Doc. 123.) Private G. W. Fox, a member of the Twenty-fourth Regiment of New York, was shot by the rebels, while performing picket duty near Ball's Cross Roads, Va. He died soon after.--N. Y. Evening Post, July 26. General McClellan arrived at Washington, from Western Virginia.--Philip Kearney of Newark, N. J.
, are ordered to meet at Oakland, on Monday next, as early as they can, in order to march to Headquarters, Winchester, forthwith — and I would make a friendly request of those men that failed to go before, for them to turn out now like true-hearted Virginians, and what they have done will be looked over, but if they do not regard this call they will work their own ruin.--They can never be citizens of Virginia, and their property will be confiscated. The General will send a troop of horse to Morgan as soon as we leave, and all those men that fail to do their duty will be hunted up, and what the consequence will be I am unable to say. Samuel Johnston, Col. 89th Regiment V. M. July 24, 1861. This is the condition of affairs to which the citizens of Maryland are invited by their legislators and the sympathizers with secession. Early this morning, Gen. Siegel, in command of the force lately under Gen. Lyon at Wilson's Creek, fell back to Springfield in good order, and subsequentl
October 19. Colonel Morgan, with two hundred and twenty men of the Eighteenth Missouri regiment, with two pieces of artillery, had a fight with some four hundred rebels, on Big Hurricane Creek, in Carroll County, Mo., killing fourteen, taking eight prisoners, and putting the balance to flight. Colonel Morgan had fourteen men wounded, two mortally.--(Doc. 98.) The Leavenworth (Kansas) Conservative of this date gives an account of the surrender of Fort Fillmore, New Mexico, as followsColonel Morgan had fourteen men wounded, two mortally.--(Doc. 98.) The Leavenworth (Kansas) Conservative of this date gives an account of the surrender of Fort Fillmore, New Mexico, as follows:-- On the 5th of July, Major Lynde had command of seven companies of infantry and two of cavalry, in all about seven hundred men. The next officers in rank were Captains Potter and Stevenson and Lieut. McAnnelly. On the 24th of July, at three o'clock P. M., four hundred and eighty men, with four pieces of artillery, started for Mesilla; arrived there at dark; were drawn up in line of battle between two cornfields; there were no flankers and no skirmishers out; the cavalry were within eighty
were made by the Chairman, by the Rev. M. N. Taylor, T. W. Conway, William Cullen Bryant, Gen. A. E. Burnside, Prof. Roswell C. Hitchcock, Dr. Lieber, the Rev. Dr. Tyng, and others. J. M. Morrison and W. E. Dodge, jr., were appointed to receive subscriptions and donations of supplies. The New York Second regiment of Light Artillery left their camp at Elm Park, Staten Island, for the seat of war. Previous to its departure the regiment was presented with a stand of colors, the gift of Gen. Morgan, whose name the regiment bears.--The Fifty-eighth regiment N. Y. V., Col. W. Krzyzanowski, left New York city for the seat of war. Gen. Hunter repudiated Gen. Fremont's agreement with Price, in Missouri, and in report to Headquarters assigned his reasons to be — that it would render the enforcement of martial law impossible, give absolute liberty to the propagandists of treason, and practically annul the confiscation act.--(Doc. 134.) Two Federal gunboats went up the Cumberland
rs of age, but was one of the most talented members of the engineer corps. He graduated at the head of his class, and was thereupon appointed an instructor at West Point in the engineering department. Subsequently, on entering the army, he was employed in the fortification of Pickens, at Pensacola, and other forts. He had charge of the landing of the first troops at Annapolis; was in General Heintzelman's staff at the battle of Bull Run, and brought off the last of the troops from the field. At one time he was tendered the colonelcy of the Twelfth volunteer regiment from New York, by Governor Morgan, but his services as engineer in the regular army were too valuable, and the Government would not permit his acceptance of the position. A large number of rebels on their way to join Price's army, were attacked near Palmyra, Mo., by a detachment of the Third Missouri Cavalry. The rebels lost three killed, five wounded, and sixteen prisoners.--N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, Nov. 17.
yesterday, to arrest some Lincolnites who were said to be committing depredations in that neighborhood. They had collected to the number of twelve or fifteen at the house of one of their number, one Bell; and defying, the party fired at them, killing one man, said to be Lee, of Louisville, and wounding one or two more. Our men then charged the house, and set fire to it, burning it and all of the men in it, it is believed, but two, who escaped. A detachment of twenty-five cavalry, under Capt. Morgan, arrived at Franklin to arrest the parties implicated. A reconnoissance was made by a squadron of the Third Pennsylvania regiment, commanded by Captain Bell, in the neighborhood of Vienna, Va. From Vienna they took the right hand road toward Hunter's Mill, and had gone about a mile and a half when they found themselves hemmed in on three sides by not only a superior force of cavalry, but also of infantry. The discharges of the rebel musketry placed the horses of the National cavalry
bering two thousand five hundred men, which could have made an organized stand in two weeks more, but it was betrayed by a recreant member and broken up and scattered. Many of these Union men have been arrested and taken to Little Rock; some have been hanged, and a large number are now in the woods trying to effect their escape from the State. A portion of the town of Platte City, Mo., including the Court House and Post-office, was destroyed by fire. It was set on fire about one o'clock by some rebels, but suppressed by the troops under Col. Morgan. At four o'clock it was again successfully fired. The county records were saved, but the contents and office were destroyed. Many arrests were made, including some of Si. Gordon's guerilla band and one of Price's captains.--Cincinnati Gazette, December 18. The Forty-second regiment of Ohio Volunteers, commanded by Col. J. A. Garfield, left Camp Chase, at Columbus, for the seat of war in Kentucky.--Louisville Journal, Dec. 17.
he forks of Middle Creek, Ky., and the road to Prestonburg, only a few miles distant, was laid open.--(Doc. 11.) An expedition under Generals Grant and McClernand, about five thousand strong, left Cairo, Ill., and started down the Mississippi River this afternoon. They went on the following boats: City of Memphis, Belle Memphis, Emerald with one barge, Fanny Bullitt, W. H. Brown, Alps with two barges, Keystone with two barges, Aleck Scott; and were from the Tenth Illinois regiment, Colonel Morgan; Twenty-seventh Illinois, Colonel Buford; Twenty-ninth Illinois, Colonel Reorden; Thirtieth Illinois, Colonel Fouke; Thirty-first Illinois, Colonel Logan; Forty-eighth Illinois, Colonel Kaynie; Eighteenth Illinois, Colonel Lawler; Fourth Illinois Cavalry, Colonel Dickey; and Captain Swartz's Artillery, four guns. They took five days cooked rations, about ninety wagons and four hundred mules, together with ambulances, tents, etc. They were landed on the Kentucky shore, eight miles belo
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