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North-Carolina troops, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Hargrove, of that regiment. The defence was most gallant and obstinate, though against such odds as to be unsuccessful. They were attacked from all directions by one thousand cavalry, two hundred dismounted men, and two pieces of artillery. We give the list of killed and wounded. Killed--Privates John W. Newman, Joseph Cash, and Burton Nevis. Wounded--Sergeant John Buchanan, mortally; private John Pitland, mortally, (both since dead;) Sergeant Alexander Pearce, J. G. Hays, and William Strum; privates Stephen Knott, William Sherron, James Ladd, James Sanford, Dennis O'Brien, J. Satterwhite, Thomas Clopton, William Morgan, D. Buck, James Emory, and Isaac Jinkins. Lieutenant-Colonel Hargrove received a sabre-cut. The desperate courage of the defenders of this bridge against such odds may be understood when it is stated that out of fifty-three men, twenty-two--nearly half — were killed or wounded before it was captured.
Iroquois — James Noland, seaman, mortally; Walter J. White, corporal of marines, mortally; Robert Lewis, armorer, severely; George Clark, gunner, severely; Robert Greenleaf, seaman, severely; John Smith, boy, severely; Martin Winter, boatswain's mate, severely; John Brown, captain of maintop, slightly; John Conway, ship's corporal, slightly; George Higgins, seaman, slightly; Benjamin Rockwell, seaman, slightly; Wm. Pool, ordinary seaman, slightly; Henry Walters, ordinary seaman, slightly; Wm. Morgan, landsman, slightly; Thos. Kealy, landsman, slightly; Owen Campbell, landsman, slightly; Alfred Green, boy, slightly; Alfred Jackson, marine, slightly; James Bolin, seaman, slightly; James McCumiskey, seaman, slightly; Thomas Francis, ordinary seaman, slightly; Frank R. Harris, Third Assistant Engineer, slightly. Total, twenty-two. On the Pinola — Thomas Foster, ship's cook; Thomas Ford, landsman, severely; Thomas H. Jones and Henry Stakely, officers' cook, severely; William Ackworth,
Doc. 64.-fight near Lebanon, Tennessee. Report of Colonel Charles Anderson. headquarters Ninety-Third regiment O. V. I., Dec. 6. Captain William Morgan, A. A.G., Fourth Brigade, Second Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, Department of Cumberland: sir: In obedience to the order of Col. Buckley, commanding Fourteenth brigade, delivered this afternoon, and devolving upon me the defence of the forage-train, I halted my command at about three o'clock, parallel and close to the rear. Whilst waiting in this position for the train to move on, upon the top of a hill, a little west of the Franklin and Lebanon road, south-west from the house of Mr.----, and above that of Mr.----, I saw a number of the enemy on foot, led by three horsemen, rushing down the valley, which lies to the north of my position, in a westerly direction. They made great clamor by shouting, and their purpose evidently was to intercept the train in its march homeward, upon the slope of the hill, and at the bend o
avine which I have described as lying west of the high wooded hill. It was during this circumnavigation of our camp that they captured the sleeping pickets. At a lower ford a negro reported during the night, to a captain in command there, that the enemy were advancing, five thousand strong. The captain reported this startling announcement to the officer in charge. The latter either said nothing about it to Colonel Moore, or was unheeded when he did. Suffice it to say, that the bands of Morgan and Duke were all around and about the camp of the fated Thirty-ninth brigade, before any of its members were aware of their proximity. In this sense, the thing was a complete surprise. A contraband seems to have given the first alarm. He saw the enemy forming upon the opposite side of the western ravine, and forgetting for the time that he was nothing but a nigger, he ran energetically through the camp, calling out: Fall in! fall in! forty millions of de enemy are jest upon us! It w
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Paragrpahs. (search)
e allow any detailed account of the ceremonies of unveiling the monument. By every train and every highway, the people poured into the old town, and a crowd assembled which the most careful estimates put at full 25,000. The military and civic procession was under charge of General J. E. Johnston, assisted by General Dabney H. Maury, Colonel L. T. Moore, Major R. W. Hunter, Major S. J. C. Moore, Major H. Kyd Douglass, General J. R. Herbert, Colonel H. E. Peyton, Captain Wm. N. Nelson, Colonel Wm. Morgan, Major F. H. Calmes, Colonel C. T. O'Ferrall, Captain S. S. Turner, General Geo. H. Steuart, Colonel R. P. Chew,. Captain P. P. Dandridge, Captain Ran. Barton, Colonel Harry Gilmor, Colonel R. H. Lee, Captain Wm. L. Clarke, Dr. W. S. Love, Dr. S. Taylor Holliday, and Dr. Cornelius Baldwin--names which will all be recognized as among our most gallant Confederate soldiers. In the line were (besides a number of artillery and infantry volunteer companies) several remnants of Ashby's old c
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Anti-Masonic party. (search)
Anti-Masonic party. In 1826 William Morgan, a citizen of western New York, announced his intention to publish a book in which the secrets of freemasonry were to be disclosed. It was printed at Batavia, N. Y. On Sept. 11 Morgan was seized at BatMorgan was seized at Batavia, upon a criminal charge, by a company of men who came from Canandaigua. He was taken to that place, tried and acquitted on the criminal charge, but was immediately arrested on a civil process for a trifling debt. He was cast into jail there, aiver, and deposited in the powder magazine there. It was known that the freemasons had made violent attempts to suppress Morgan's announced book, and this outrage was charged upon the fraternity. A committee was appointed, at a public meeting held Virginia, was nominated for the office of President of the United States. Although the party polled a considerable vote, it soon afterwards disappeared. The fate of Morgan after he reached the magazine at Fort Niagara was never positively revealed.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Morgan, William 1775- (search)
Morgan, William 1775- Freemason; born in Culpeper county, Va., in 1775; died by violence, Sept. 19, 1826. Was in the battle of New Orleans; and was a brewer in Toronto, Canada, in 1821. He was a resident, in 1826, of Batavia, N. Y., where he was seized, carried to Fort Niagara, and, as many persons have since believed, was drowned in Lake Ontario, because it was reported that he was about to publish an exposure of the secrets of Freemasonry. This affair created intense excitement and a new political party. See Anti-Masonic party.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Nominating conventions, National (search)
home conventions, but John C. Calhoun, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, and John Quincy Adams also had home support, and entered the field, leaving Crawford away out of sight in the race. In 1828 local conventions multiplied, and the spirit of the movement manifested itself when (Sept. 16, 1831) the United States Anti-masonic Convention met at Baltimore and nominated William Wirt for the Presidency (see Anti-Masonic party). That was the time of the excitement in relation to the abduction of William Morgan, and the anti-masons made the first great move. Then the National Republican (Adams's and Clay's) party met as such for the first and last time at Baltimore, Dec. 12, 1831, and Henry Clay was nominated. In the same city, in the spring of 1832, the Democrats held their first national convention, and nominated Jackson and Van Buren. From that campaign date the national political conventions in the United States, which have become such an important factor in our politics. See United Sta
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Posey, Thomas 1750- (search)
Posey, Thomas 1750- Military officer; born in Virginia, July 9, 1750; removed to western Virginia in 1769, and was quartermaster to Lewis's division in Dunmore's army in 1774. He raised a company in Virginia, and assisted in the defeat of Dunmore at Gwyn's Island. He joined Washington, in New Jersey, early in 1777; was transferred to Morgan's rifle regiment, and with it did valuable service on Bemis's Heights and at Saratoga. He commanded the regiment in the spring of 1778, and was finally placed in command of a battalion of Febiger's regiment, under Wayne, participating in the capture of Stony Point in July, 1779, where he was one of the first to enter the works. Colonel Posey was at the surrender of Yorktown, and was afterwards with Wayne until the evacuation of Savannah, in 1782. In February, 1793, he was made brigadier-general; settled in Kentucky; became State Senator and lieutenant-governor; was major-general of Kentucky levies in 1809; and United States Senator in 181
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Quebec. (search)
ried the news of their advent into Quebec created great consternation there. He said, in French, that they were vetu en toile—clothed in linen cloth—referring to Morgan's riflemen in their linen frocks. The last word was mistaken for tole-iron plate—and the message created a panic. Detained by the storm, Arnold crossed the rive Lamb had to leave his artillery behind and join the fighters with small-arms. At a narrow pass Arnold was wounded in the leg and carried back to the hospital. Morgan took the command. A party of the Americans near Palace Gate were captured. The remainder fought desperately until ten o'clock, when Morgan, having lost full 100Morgan, having lost full 100 men, was compelled to surrender. A reserve force of Arnold's division had retreated, and these were soon joined by the forces of Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell. So ended the siege of Quebec. The whole loss of the Americans in the assault, killed, wounded, and prisoners, was about 400; that of the British was only about twenty ki<
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