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the south. But the attempt to mislead Washington was fruitless. In a council on the seventeenth, Lee advised that it would not be safe to attack the British, and carried with him all the officers except Greene, Lafayette, Wayne, and Cadwalader. Unmoved by the apathy of so many, Washington crossed the Delaware sixteen miles above Trenton, and de- Chap. IV.} 1778. June 24. taching Maxwell's brigade of nine hundred to assist a party of a thousand Jersey militia in destroying the roads, and Morgan with a corps of six hundred to hang upon the enemy's right, he moved with the main army to Hopewell. There, on the twentyfourth, Lee insisted in council that the Americans should rather build a bridge for the retreat of their enemies, than attack so well-disciplined an army. Lafayette replied that it would be shameful to suffer the British to cross New Jersey with impunity; that, without extreme risk, it was possible to engage their rear, and to take advantage of any favorable opportunity:
estowed on him unusual powers and all its confidence. He might address himself directly to Virginia and the states beyond it for supplies; of himself alone appoint all staff-officers; and take such measures as he should think most proper for the defence of the south. From his plantation in Virginia, Gates made his acknowledgment to congress without elation; to Lincoln he wrote in modest and affectionate language. His first important act was the request to congress for the appointment of Morgan as a brigadier-general in the continental service, and in this he was supported by Jefferson and Rutledge. He enjoined on the corps of White and Washington, and on all remnants of continental troops in Virginia, to repair to the southern army with all possible diligence. Upon information received at Hillsborough from Huger of South Carolina, Gates formed his plan to march directly to Camden, confident of its easy capt- Chap. XV.} 1780. June. ure and the consequent recovery of the coun
ns perfectly. Ibid., 246. The danger to Morgan was imminent; for the light troops were pursui1. Jan. 15. On the afternoon of the fifteenth, Morgan encamped at Burr's Mills on Thickety creek; anan five miles from the line of North Carolina, Morgan encamped his party for the night. Greene had left Morgan to his discretion, yet with warning against risk in a battle; his best officers now urge fifty came in. At an hour before daylight, Morgan, through his 17. excellent system of spies, k both on their right and left. At this moment Morgan ordered the Maryland line, which shared his ow the battle-ground to the ford on the Catawba, Morgan destroyed the captured baggage-wagons, paroledf the country. The state of Virginia voted to Morgan a horse and a sword in testimony of the highes lively sense of approbation of the conduct of Morgan and the men and officers under his command. Twords to Pickens and Triplet. The health of Morgan gave way soon after the battle; and in three w[4 more...]
campaign. Battle of Guilford court-house. January—March, 1781. Morgan's success lighted the fire of emulation in Chap. XXIII.} 1781. Jang forward to a junction with the British troops on the Chesapeake. Morgan divined his thoughts, and on the twenty-fifth 25. wrote to Greene dragoons, rode across the country, and on the thirtieth arrived in Morgan's camp at Sherrald's ford on the Catawba. Leaving Lord Rawdon wia passage as soon as the high waters should subside. Arriving in Morgan's camp, Greene agreed immediately with him that the plan of Cornwalprepare to form at Guilford court-house a junction with those under Morgan, writing to Huger: I am not without hopes of ruining Lord Cornwallirengthen the cavalry of Washington. Meantime parties sent out by Morgan brought in near a hundred British stragglers. He had sent his prisn a heavy rain. After the Americans were safe beyond the river and Morgan had secured all water craft on its south side, it rose too high to
American army followed at a distance. Beside fifteen hundred regular troops, equal to the best in the royal army, Lafayette drew to his side as volunteers gallant young men mounted on their own horses from Maryland and Virginia. Youth and generosity, courage and prudence, were his spells of persuasion. His perceptions were quick and his vigilance never failed, and in his methods of gaining information of the movements of the enemy he excelled all officers in the war except Washington and Morgan. All accounts bear testimony to his prudence, and that he never once committed himself during a very difficult campaign. Tarleton, 355. The one act of rashness to which Tarleton refers was not the act of Lafayette. Of his selfpossession in danger he was now called upon to give proof. On the sixth, Lafayette judged correctly that the 6. great body of the British army was still on the north side of the James river; but Wayne, without his knowledge, detached a party under Colonel Galva