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Your search returned 44 results in 14 document sections:
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 53 : operations of the West Gulf Squadron in the latter part of 1864 , and in 1865 .--joint operations in Mobile Bay by Rear-Admiral Thatcher and General Canby . (search)
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 163 (search)
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry . (search)
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Company C , Ninth Virginia cavalry , C. S. A. [from the Richmond (Va.) Dispatch, February 9 , 1896 .] (search)
The Daily Dispatch: April 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], Resignations. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: August 12, 1862., [Electronic resource], Horrid Atrocity. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: March 24, 1863., [Electronic resource], The flour impressment case — decision of Judge Lyons --an injunction awarded. (search)
Mayor's Court, Tuesday, March 14.
--The case of James Morris, William Sullivan alias Wm. Barrell, John W. Williams, Richard Morris, Thomas Carr and John T. B. Quince, charged with being concerned in breaking into the tailor shop of John C, Shafer and stealing a large amount of goods, was called up, but continued until Thursday for additional testimony.
The case of James Morris, one of the above parties who is also charged with breaking into the jewelry store of Ham A. Pearce, south MaJames Morris, one of the above parties who is also charged with breaking into the jewelry store of Ham A. Pearce, south Main street, between 17th and 18th streets, and stealing $3,500 worth of watches, was called, but likewise continued for additional testimony.
When this party was being carried to the cage of Monday, the Delias saw him trying to get rid of some articles on his person, and on searching him found eight of Mr. Pearce's watches concealed about his person.
Edward Drew, a free negro, was ordered ten lashes for going about the city without his free papers.
David, slave of Mary A, Smith, was ordere
The Daily Dispatch: November 12, 1863., [Electronic resource], Retreat of the Yankees from Green Brier . (search)
In the Circuit Court of Richmond, Nov. 11, 1863:
Commonwealth vs. James Hampton, nolle prosequi, and accused discharged from custody.
Commonwealth vs. Francis Kelly, nolle prosequi:
Commonwealth vs. Bennett G. Burley,nolle prosequi.
Commonwealth vs. Mary.
Woodward, nolle prosequi.
The Grand Jury found true bills against Jno. McQuade, alias Henry Russell: John Powers and Joseph Laurance, Wm. Macdonald, Edward Barney, Elias Vanderlip, John A. Whitman.
These parties were all indicted for escaping from the custody of officers, or from the penitentiary.
True bills were also found against Thomas Wilson, Jas. Lawrence, Jno. Parker, John Powers, Jas. Morris, John Westerfield, John Moore, alias Jas. Malone, Jno. Boyd, Wm. Elliott, Chas. Jelp, Jas. W. Wood, Thomas Kane, Wm. Tracey, alias Wm. Smith, and John W. Brown, for conspiring to escape from the penitentiary.