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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 53: operations of the West Gulf Squadron in the latter part of 1864, and in 1865.--joint operations in Mobile Bay by Rear-Admiral Thatcher and General Canby. (search)
sistant Surgeon, J. G. Bell; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, Henry Gerrard; Acting-Master, A. S. Meggathlin; Acting-Master and Pilot, Wm. H. Wroten; Acting-Ensigns, James Whitworth, Michael Murphy and John Morrisey, Jr.; Acting-Master's Mates, Wm. Edgar, H. C. Atter and J. L. Hall; Engineers: Acting-Chief, Simon Schultice; Acting-First-Assistant, James Munroe; Second-Assistant, John Wilson; Acting-Second-Assistant, Philip Allman; Acting-Third-Assistants, J. M. Quin, R. D. Wright, T. J. Myers, James Morris, S. W. Dalton, Jr., and John Donaldson. Chickasaw--Fourth-rate. Lieutenant-Commander, George H. Perkins; Acting-Volunteer Lieutenant, Wm. Hamilton; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, J. K. Bacon; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, E. S. Wheeler; Acting-Master and Pilot, Benj. Lancashier; Acting-Ensign, G. L. Jordan; Acting-Master's Mates, F. A. Case, M. F. Keeshan, Chas. Atkins, W. A. Osborn and M. J. Jones; Engineers: Acting-Chief, Wm. Rodgers; Acting-First-Assistant, E. P. Bartlett; Acting-Second
stream of water from her side, from three miles above the mouth of Yazoo River until she passed the fleet. The following are the casualties: Killed belonging to the Tyler — Oscar S. Davis, Third Assistant Engineer; T. Jeff. Hood, seaman. Wounded — John Sebastian, pilot, lost left arm; David Hiner, pilot, slightly; R. H. Smith, pilot, slightly; J. W. Holly, coal-heaver, lost right arm; J. J. Milford, seaman, severely; R. Williamson, seaman, severely; James Hughes, seaman, slightly; James Morris, seaman, slightly; Richard Carter, seaman, slightly; Fred. Cooper, seaman, slightly; Stephen Tracy, seaman, slightly. Killed belonging to detachment of Fourth Wisconsin regiment, detailed as sharp-shooters, on the United States gunboat Tyler--Capt. Lynn, company I, commanding detachment; F. Barton, company E; H. Randall, company B; L. Goodridge, company K; A. Palmer, company G; C. Shafer, company D. Wounded — C. Van Ormand, company F, seriously; Peter Tuey, company F, seriously; W. Ke<
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
ols. Wm Gurney and James Montgomery. Hartford, Conn. Appleton, John Whittier Messer; Major. 1 Apl 32 Boston; married; clerk; Boston. 2d Lt 7 Feb 63, must. 9 Feb; Capt Co. A 14 Apl 63, must. 21 Apl; Major 18 Jly 63, must. 26 Dec. Resigned 21 Nov 64 account of wounds. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. Other service:—Nov Dec 63 Actg. Asst. Inspector General 3d Brig. 10th Army Corps. Major 1st Battalion Mass Hy. Arty 18 Mch 65. Resigned 5 Aug 65. Salt Sulphur Springs, W. Va. Walton, James Morris; Major. 12 Jly 38 Philadelphia; single; lawyer; Philadelphia. 1st Lt 19 Mch 63, must. 28 Mch; Capt 7 Oct 63, must. 19 Nov; Major 11 Jly 65, must. 27 Jly. Discharged 20 Aug 65 ex. term. Other service:—Oct 64 Actg Provost Marshal; Jan Feb 65 Actg A. D. C. No. Dist. Dept. So.; Mch Apl 65 Provost Judge Savannah, Ga.; May 65 Actg Judge Advocate No. Dist. Dept. So. Died 25 May 74 Pittsfield, Mass. Duren, Charles Maltby; 1st Lieut. and Adjutant. 21 Jan 42 Bangor, Me; single; clerk; C
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Company C, Ninth Virginia cavalry, C. S. A. [from the Richmond (Va.) Dispatch, February 9, 1896.] (search)
Jett, regimental bugler, wounded at Brandy Station, William Jett, severely wounded, Philip Johnson, William Johnson, Churchwell Jones, Robert Kennedy, Benjamin King, R. S. Lawrence, wounded at Fredericksburg, David Lowe, Robert A. Marshall, Julian J. Mason, promoted as aid to General Fields, Thomas H. Massey, substituted, Chapman Maupin, transferred to engineers, George McKenney, discharged, James McKenney, discharged, Lucius McKildoe, wounded, Jeter Montgomery, Joseph J. Moone, wounded, James Morris, wagoner, Robert Murphy, John Neale, killed at Ashland, Benjamin Owens, W. W. Palmer, wounded at Gettysburg, captured, Richard Payne, Edward Porter, wounded, Edward F. Porter, Henry Porter, killed at Nance's Shop, J. Horace Porter, R. Louis Porter, Joseph A. Pullen, John Purcell, died in service, Broaddus Reamy, James Reamy, killed at Sailors' Creek, William A. Reamy, killed at Nance's Shop, Emmett Reed, Clarence Rice, Robert Wilbur Rice, William Rice, James Robb, Charles Rust, transferre
P. Torbert, D. C.; T. C. Hancock, N. C.; John West, Va.; Jno. M. Coyle, D. C.; P. H. Hale, New Mexico; -- Dozier, Va; R. S. Lawrence, N. C.;--Sengstack, Va.; Major Sawyer, Va; A. Baker, New Mexico; W. Flaherty, D. C. Patent Office.--D. R. Bell, N. C.; Benjamin Dorsey, Md.; B. F. Trosper, (first class, $1,200 clerks;) and M. Sands Page, Md., resigned yesterday. Land Office.--E. P. Higginson, Va.; W. R. Wilson, Minn.; J. H. Clark, Ky.; N. H. Starbuck, Ohio, (second-class, $1,400 clerk,) resigned yesterday. Pension Bureau--J. H. Woolford, Md.; W. O. Slade, Va.; B. Frere, D. C.; Col. Hungerford, Va.; W. H. Woodley, Va.; James E. Stewart, Va.; W. W. Sperry, Va.; James Morris, Md. In the General Post-Office Department Dr. Hunter, of Va., 3d class; J. L. Lancaster, D. C., 4th class clerk, and W. A. Norris N. H., 2d class clerk, have resigned. Dr. Snowden, of Md., has been removed. Robert Cawthorn, of Va., 2d class clerk in the Sixth Auditor's Office, has resigned.
found in possession of two passes and a sword, was acquitted.--Francis T. O'Brien, arrested for attempting to play policeman while corned, on Sunday, was admonished and discharged. John Beatty was acquitted of the charge of assaulting and beating Mary Tracy in her own house.--Jefferson H. Delks was committed for examination for cutting Elias Vanderlip with a knife.--Major Wilcox was fined $15 for huckstering; Pat Sweeny $10 for ditto; Martin Eagan $5 for ditto. --Alexander Hansbury was fined $5 for violating the health ordinance.--Mrs Gill was committed in default of surety for assaulting a child of James Morris, by throwing a brick at it.--Paris McIlhaney, arraigned for secreting a daughter of A. O. and Mary Miller, for matrimonial purposes, was examined and discharged.--Case of Mrs. Patsy Wash, charged with beating Thos. Stone and threatening to take his life, was continued.--Sundry other cases, where the parties had been called up for allowing nuisances, were likewise continued.
as sent to jail until they could be summoned by the police. John Whittaker, a free negro, was brought up for forging Mrs. Louisa G. Allan's name to a check for $500, payable at the Bank of Virginia. Without any testimony being heard, the case was continued till Tuesday. Billy, slave of Charles L. Stewart was brought up charged with stealing at various times from Jno. O'Neal, a quantity of bacon, lard and molasses.--The theft was proved, and defendant ordered twenty lashes. James Morris, arraigned for stealing an overcoat from George Blackwell, worth $20, underwent an examination, and was committed to appear before the Hustings Court on the 2d Monday in February next. John Robert, a little boy, arrested for stealing a bag of corn from Frank Kessier, another boy, was partially heard on the merits of the case, which was afterwards continued until Tuesday for further proof. Harman Raby, living near the New Market, was arraigned at the suggestion of Mr. James P. Ty
The Daily Dispatch: March 24, 1863., [Electronic resource], The flour impressment case — decision of Judge Lyons--an injunction awarded. (search)
n before the Mayor for the offences set opposite their names, viz: William Sullivan alias William Barrett, for feloniously breaking and entering John C shafer's store-house in the night time and stealing there from $10,000 worth or dry goods. James Morris, Richard Morris and John W Williams were arrested on the same charge. James Morris was also arrested for breaking and entering the jewelry store of Hamet A. and stealing there from watches and jewelry of the value of $2,500. Some of the propJames Morris was also arrested for breaking and entering the jewelry store of Hamet A. and stealing there from watches and jewelry of the value of $2,500. Some of the property was found on his person. The above parties pretend to be Baltimoreans. Thos Carr was arrested for being a suspicious person without viable means of support, and supposed to be one of the persons who robbed Shafer's store. Thomas Collier was arrested as a person of evil fame and without lawful means of support. Francis McAdams was put in for being drunk and disorderly in the street, and the notorious "Capt." Black Livingston was arrested on a warrant charging him with obtaining a militar
Mayor's Court, Tuesday, March 14. --The case of James Morris, William Sullivan alias Wm. Barrell, John W. Williams, Richard Morris, Thomas Carr and John T. B. Quince, charged with being concerned in breaking into the tailor shop of John C, Shafer and stealing a large amount of goods, was called up, but continued until Thursday for additional testimony. The case of James Morris, one of the above parties who is also charged with breaking into the jewelry store of Ham A. Pearce, south MaJames Morris, one of the above parties who is also charged with breaking into the jewelry store of Ham A. Pearce, south Main street, between 17th and 18th streets, and stealing $3,500 worth of watches, was called, but likewise continued for additional testimony. When this party was being carried to the cage of Monday, the Delias saw him trying to get rid of some articles on his person, and on searching him found eight of Mr. Pearce's watches concealed about his person. Edward Drew, a free negro, was ordered ten lashes for going about the city without his free papers. David, slave of Mary A, Smith, was ordere
The Daily Dispatch: November 12, 1863., [Electronic resource], Retreat of the Yankees from Green Brier. (search)
In the Circuit Court of Richmond, Nov. 11, 1863: Commonwealth vs. James Hampton, nolle prosequi, and accused discharged from custody. Commonwealth vs. Francis Kelly, nolle prosequi: Commonwealth vs. Bennett G. Burley,nolle prosequi. Commonwealth vs. Mary. Woodward, nolle prosequi. The Grand Jury found true bills against Jno. McQuade, alias Henry Russell: John Powers and Joseph Laurance, Wm. Macdonald, Edward Barney, Elias Vanderlip, John A. Whitman. These parties were all indicted for escaping from the custody of officers, or from the penitentiary. True bills were also found against Thomas Wilson, Jas. Lawrence, Jno. Parker, John Powers, Jas. Morris, John Westerfield, John Moore, alias Jas. Malone, Jno. Boyd, Wm. Elliott, Chas. Jelp, Jas. W. Wood, Thomas Kane, Wm. Tracey, alias Wm. Smith, and John W. Brown, for conspiring to escape from the penitentiary.