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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 15, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Morriss or search for Morriss in all documents.
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Target practice.
--Company I. Capt. Morriss, of the First Regiment Virginia Volunteers, paraded yesterday afternoon, and celebrated their first anniversary by a target practice. --The company, after parading through the streets, marched to the valley west of the Poor House, where the target was set up, and the firing commenced.
At the conclusion of the usual number of rounds, it was ascertained that Sergt. D. A. Tyree had made the three best shots, and was, therefore, entitled, not only to the Company's medal, but to the silver goblet, both of which were presented to him with the usual ceremonies.
Company I, though in its infancy, is rapidly increasing in numbers, and from present indications is soon to bear the palm from some of its older rivals.
Thus far both officers and men have been very prompt in their attendance of drills, and if they continue so, the corps must succeed.
$200 reward.
--Ranaway from the subscriber, on the 6th inst., my Negro Man, William Munroe.
28 years old; about 5 feet 6 inches high; stout, well built; color black, wore a scraggy beard; small eyes and his the peculiarity of not looking you in the face whilst speaking.
Supposed to have forged passes or free papers.
He may be in the city or lurking about my plantation on the Chickahominy, in Henrico.
The above reward will be paid for the apprehension and conviction of the white man who is supposed to have enticed him away; $100 if arrested and delivered on board a vessel or out of the State; $20 if arrested and delivered in the city or adjoining county.
Robert F Morriss,
de 12--6t Franklin street.