Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 11, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Morriss or search for Morriss in all documents.

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Henry Raugth, C, 26th Wis; W R Porter, C, 137th N Y; D G Caywood, I, 33d N Y; L C Small, B 7th Maine; R M Meguire H, 1st Mass; S W Beardsley K 154th N Y, A A Casler, G, do; J S Mitchell, H 84th Pa; Capt Orlando Coombs, 101d Ya; W T McAdams chaplain, 57th Pa; Lieut Col J W Patterson, 102 Pa; Capts Wm Wallace F 43d N Y; J W Wilkinson, B, do; S B Van Patton, C do; W L Thompson, K, do; H Shickardt, F, 31st N Y; Geo A Ebbotts, a do; 1st Lieut C S Barclay, H, 102d Pa; Geo Harman, F. 31st N Y; E H Morriss, G, 62d N Y; Wm Hastings, F, 43d N Y; H Van Buren, G, do; 2d Lieut J Ehrhardt, C, 21st N Y; A M Moreland, F 102d Pa; A M Heath, 12th Bow Hampshire; L J Stewart, B, 62d N Y; J H Smith N, 46d N Y; Jno N Webster, A, 31st N Y; H S Ehrhardt, E, 135th Pa; J H Conn, A, 1st Va Abolition cavalry. A Talk with the prisoners. Our columns show that we are experiencing some of the results of the late decisive action at Chancellorsville, in the arrival of thousands of the hybrids with whom the So