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John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War. 150 0 Browse Search
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force was heavy. Such things were common with Mosby, who seemed to enjoy them greatly; but in the peration. It was in November, I believe, that Mosby received the information leading to his movemen the public stores which were in the houses, Mosby then mounted all his prisoners — some thirty-ftion and execution of this raid conferred upon Mosby just fame as a partisan officer, and the regul Let us pass to these latter days when Colonel Mosby gave the Federal forces so much trouble, and accupied a more formally official position than Mosby, or whose operations more perfectly conformed ect it from the inroads of the Federal forces, Mosby instituted a regular system of partisan warfarar or unworthy of an officer and a gentleman. Mosby carried on a legitimate partisan warfare undertions, a legitimate object of endeavour. This Mosby did with great success, and he had no other obis paper, written without the knowledge of Colonel Mosby, who is merely an acquaintance of the writ[42 more...]
om the floor of the porch, and, without his hat, walked to the little gate. The column was not yet discernible clearly in the gray of morning; but in some manner Stuart's suspicions were excited. To assure himself of the truth, he requested Captain Mosby and Lieutenant Gibson, who were with him, to ride forward and see what command was approaching. The reception which the two envoys met with, speedily decided the whole question. They had scarcely approached within pistol-shot of the headugh for a mounted man to pass, and right in face of the enemy. In addition to this, the little party had just been aroused; the General had even left his hat and cape upon the floor of the porch, so complete was the feeling of security; and when Mosby was fired on, he was standing bare-headed at the gate. What followed all took place in an instant. The General and his party leaped on their horses, some of which had been hastily bridled, and sought for means of escape. One of the staff of
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., A glimpse of Colonel Jeb Stuart (search)
nds, for she was passionately Southern-and a few words will present succinctly the result. In the winter of 1862, Colonel Mosby made a raid into Fairfax, entered the Court-House at night, and captured General Stoughton and his staff-bringing out exploit of the partisan greatly enraged the Federal authorities; and Miss —, having been denounced by Union residents as Mosby's private friend and pilot on the occasion — which Colonel Mosby assured me was an entire error-she was arrested, her truColonel Mosby assured me was an entire error-she was arrested, her trunks searched, and the prisoner and her papers conveyed to Washington. Here she was examined on the charge of complicity in Mosby's raid; but nothing appeared against her, and she was in a fair way to be released, when all at once a terrible proof oMosby's raid; but nothing appeared against her, and she was in a fair way to be released, when all at once a terrible proof of her guilt was discovered. Among the papers taken from the young lady's trunk was found the following document. This was the damning record which left no further doubt of her guilt. I print the paper verbatim et literatim, suppressing only t
azing the top of one of our caissons near the guns. This was followed by another and another; the enemy were seen hastily forming line, and advancing sharpshooters; whereupon Stuart ordered back his guns, and dismounted cavalry to meet them. A running fight; enemy merely holding their flank intact; soon the line had passed on and disappeared; the cavalry saw vanish safely all those tantalizing wagons filled with good, rich forage, and who knew what beside. Stuart meanwhile had sent off Mosby, with a party of picked men, to reconnoitre, and was sleeping with his head upon an officer's breast — to the very extreme discomfort of that personage, whose profound respect for his sleepy military superior prevented him from changing his position. With night came rain, and the General and his staff were invited to the handsome mansion of Dr., near Bucklands, where all slept under cover but Stuart. Everywhere he insisted on faring like his men; and I well remember the direction given
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., From the Rapidan to Frying-Pan in October, 1863. (search)
r the town where races were held, General Kilpatrick having, it is said, a favorite mare called Lively which he used to run against a blood horse in his artillery called the Battery horse. What became of the Battery horse this historian cannot say; but — to anticipate events — the fate of Lively can be stated. Later in the fall, the general was running Lively near Manassas, when she flew the track, and two men were sent after her. Neither Lively nor the men ever returned. In fact, some of Mosby's people had been unseen spectators of the race from the adjoining woods, and these gentry took charge both of the mare and the men sent after her. I really must have that mare, General Stuart said, when he heard the incident, but her captors retained her. I am anticipating. General Kilpatrick was in command at James City, and, drawing up his cavalry on the high ground beyond, prepared to receive Stuart's attack. None was made. It was not a part of the programme. Stuart's orders were
e between Federal and Southron. In Scotland, the menat-arms and barons fought along the banks of the Tweed; in Virginia, Mosby's men and their blue opponents contended on the banks of the Rappahannock. Our Debatable land was, in fact, all that finernately advanced and retired. This land was the home of the scout; the chosen field of the ranger and the partisan. Mosby was king there: and his liegemen lived as jovial lives as did the followers of Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest, in the old days of Merry England. But the romantic lives of Mosby and his men will not be touched on here. The subject would become enthralling were it to be more than alluded to — the pen would drag the hand into a sketch, and not a short one, of that splendid ranger-life amid the Fauquier forests, the heart of Mosby's Confederacy. Not to-day can I delineate the lithe, keen partisan, with his roving glance, his thin curling lip, his loose swaying belt containing the brace of pistols ready loaded a
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., A fight, a dead man, and a coffin: an incident of 1864. (search)
same manner the band of the celebrated bandit Mosby — which result once achieved by the commander f the Stars and Stripes. To ferret out Colonel Mosby was a difficult task, however; and to crusd object. In fact, no pains had been spared. Mosby had proved himself so dangerous a foe to wagonn sent into the wilds of the Blue Ridge, or to Mosby's - Confederacy that is to say, the county of had so long eluded them. All had failed. Mosby refused to be captured or destroyed. If a larperville, Paris, Oak Grove, or elsewhere; then Mosby set out; and he nearly always came back with so retire — that wolf with the sharp claws; but Mosby, the veritable wildcat, still lingered in the terror amid the population. To the Valley Mosby accordingly directed his attention, and this raptain Mountjoy, that accomplished partisan of Mosby's command, suffered a reverse. Were it wit the Shenandoah. This house was well known to Mosby, well known to many hundreds of Confederate so[1 more...]<