Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 18, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Mosby or search for Mosby in all documents.

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anks to General Booker, Banks, Meade, and Burnside, and the troops under their command, were reported. The operations of the Confederates in Western Virginia--Mosby's Assault on Loudoun Heights. The Yankee papers publish the following summary of official accounts of the recent Confederate operations in Western Virginia. Thed, because General Early could not reinforce them with artillery and supplies. A correspondent of the Baltimore American, writing an account of the attack by Mosby on the camp of a battalion of Maryland cavalry at Loudoun Heights, says: Our new camp on Loudoun Heights was, just before the early dawn this morning, baptizasy victory over the "sleeping Yankees." The rebels rallied, and so did our men, as best they could, and a "rough and rumble" fight of fifteen minutes ensued, when Mosby sung out, "Retreat, boys; they are too many for us!" And the discomfited Major and his midnight assassin made a precipitate flight in the direction of Hillsborough