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Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for Mower or search for Mower in all documents.

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railroad from Columbia to Decatur, thence to Stevenson. This will give him much additional force. At the same time Grant planned the transfer of A. J. Smith and Mower's commands from Missouri to Tennessee: If Crook goes to Missouri, he will drive Price out of the country in time to send A. J. Smith and Mower to Tennessee, beforMower to Tennessee, before Hood can get far, even if Sherman's movements do not turn him, as I think they will. Canby's forces also will be relieved for operations, wherever they are needed. But the troops from Missouri were slow in coming, and on the 26th of October, Grant said to Halleck: An order, with an officer to see it enforced, should go to Misl; and has at least 20,000 to 25,000 men, with new regiments and conscripts arriving all the time, also. General Rosecrans promises the two divisions of Smith and Mower belonging to me, but I doubt if they can reach Tennessee in less than ten days. If I were to let go Atlanta and North Georgia, and make for Hood, he would, as he d
ville attack by Johnston repulse of Slocum arrival of Howard position of Johnston attack by Mower opportunity of Sherman he prefers to wait arrival of Schofield retreat of Johnston Sherman anston for supplies. On the 21st, it began to rain, and Sherman remained quiet till noon, when Mower, in Howard's command, broke through the rebel line on their extreme left flank, and pushed with nd the bridge across Mill creek—the only line of retreat open to the enemy. But Sherman ordered Mower back to connect with his own corps, and, lest the rebels should concentrate on him, directed a strong skirmish fire to be opened against the entire line of the enemy. Had he followed Mower's lead with the whole right wing, a general battle must have ensued, and the national forces were so vastse strength he was ignorant. I think I made a mistake there, and should rapidly have followed Mower's lead, with the whole of the right wing, which would have brought on a general battle, and it c
pedition, December, 1862, 135, tortuous course of, 157; forests and jungles of, 158. Mississippi squadron, saved by Bailey, II., 78. Mississippi valley, character of, i., 156. Mobile, proposed capture of, i., 412, 413; Canby's force before, III., 637; capture of Spanish Fort and Blakely, 637 evacuation of, 637. Montgomery, occupation of, III., 635. Mott General G., at battle of the Wilderness, II., 110-121; at Spottsylvania, 166, 167; at Deep Bottom and Bailey's creek, 507. Mower, General Joseph A., command transferred to Tennessee, III., 154; at Bentonsville, 431. Murphy, Colonel R. C., abandons Iuka, i., 110; surrenders Holly Springs, 138; cashiered, 139. Nashville, battle of, III., 249-279. Nashville, situation at, in December, 184, III., 210-234; topography of, 249. National army, right of suffrage of men in, III., 167; fourteen states authorize their soldiers to vote, 172. National losses.—At Belmont i., 20; at Fort Henry, 32; at Fort Donelson, 51