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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 2 2 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 2 0 Browse Search
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army 1 1 Browse Search
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oone. Grayson — J. J. Cunningham. Hardin — H. E. Read, G. W. Maxson. Henry — B. W. Jenkins. Hopkins — L. M. Lowe, C. S. Greene. Jefferson — John Jones. Larue — J. S. Churchill. Logan — R. Browder, G. T. Edwards, W. M. Clark. City of Louisville — J. D. Pope, B. H. Hornsby, J. G. Gorsuch, W. Johnston, E. D. Ricketts, Blanton Duncan, Henry Gray, H. W. Bruce, R. McKee. Marshall — I. C. Gilbert. Marion — G. S. Miller. Meade — J. P. Walton, J. S. Taylor. Mercer — Philip B. Thompson. Muhlenburg — H. D. Lothrop, R. S. Russell. Nelson — J. D. Elliott, J. C. Wickliffe. Oldham--Mr. Miller, J. R. Gathright. Ohio--Dr. W. G. Mitchell, F. W. Forman. Scott — G. W. Johnson. Shelby--Colonel Jack Allen, J. F. Davis. Spencer — T. L. Burnett. Todd — James A. Russell, W. B. Harrison. Trigg — Mat. McKinney, H. C. Burnett. Washington — Pat. Symmes. Lyon — W. B. Machen, R. L. Cobb. McCracken — W. Bullitt. McLean--Rev. Joseph Gregory, J. S. Morton. Ga
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 10: revivals in the Lower Valley and around Fredericksburg. (search)
ed disposed to converse on the subject of religion, and freely admitted that it was a matter of the deepest importance. On the 4th day of October, the reserved artillery, under command of Brigadier-General Pendleton, moved to Camp Nineveh, about twelve miles from Winchester, on the road to Front Royal. Here they halted for four weeks, in one of the most beautiful regions of the State. Besides the natural beauties of the place, it was rendered more attractive to us from the fact of General Muhlenburg, of the Revolutionary War, having officiated as a clergyman in a church in the immediate vicinity. On the first evening after our arrival here, I held the first of a series of services, that were kept up, when the weather permitted it, every evening during the stay of the army in this region. These services were held after dark, in the open air, around a blazing camp-fire. They commenced always with singing, which quickly attracted a congregation, and were followed by prayer, and
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 5: (search)
the time I was obliged to listen in polite silence to a sonata of Mozart twenty-four pages long; the supper was better than German suppers are wont to be. October 20.—I called this morning on Prof. Sprengel, and delivered him a letter from Dr. Muhlenburg of New York, with a small package of botanical specimens. He seems to be a man of quick feelings, and it was almost amusing to see how suddenly he passed from tears at receiving a letter from one he loved, who had so long been dead, to delight at receiving so many curious botanical specimens which he had never seen before . . . .When he had got partly through his delight at the specimens, he asked me a multitude of questions about Dr. Muhlenburg, and told me many anecdotes of him, which showed how true his feelings were to the memory of their early friendship. He interested me more than German scholars commonly do. . . . . He remains, by general consent, not only one of the best botanists in Germany, but a good scholar, and an
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), chapter 30 (search)
5, II. 178. Morley, First Earl of, I. 407, II. 181; Countess of, I. 407, II. 181, 384. Morley, Second Earl of, 11. 366, 372; Countess of, 372. Morley, Third Earl of, II. 482. Mornington, Countess of, 1. 295, 296. Morpeth, Viscount, II. 197. See Carlisle, Earl of. Morris, Gouverneur, I. 256. Morris, Rev. Mr., II. 396. Morrow, Governor, I. 372. Mortemart, Viscomnte and Viscomtesse de, II 61, 66. Mos, Marquesa de, I. 207. Motley, J. Lothrop, letter from, II. 256. Muhlenburg, Dr , I. 111. Mulgrave, Countess, II. 179. Mulgrave, Earl of, I. 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 435, 437, 438. Muller, Johann, I. 115. Muller, Johann, II. 412. Munchhausen, Baron, I. 501. Munich, visits, II. 34, 99. Munster, Count, I. 77, 78. Murchison, (Sir) Roderick, I. 419, 421, II. 155, 176, 179, 371 Mure, Colonel, William, II. 70, 77, 80. Murray, J. A., I. 277, 408. Murray, John, II 147, 255. Murray, John, senior, I. 58, 60, 62, 68, 294. Murray, Mr., II. 149.