Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 29, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Robert Muir or search for Robert Muir in all documents.

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Curious developments. The reader is directed to another column of this paper for an article of the New York Herald, detaining certain developments which were elicited by the capture and search of Mr. Muir's baggage upon the occasion of his arrest a short time ago. They make the knees of the hoary-headed sinner who governs the Herald smite together in the very extremity of terror. He goes, as plainly as it is possible for a man who has of late shown himself so willfully blind to all the sit is, if Russell had told a lie about the Yankees at Bull Run, he would have been in no danger but the truth is more than they can stomach. It is always the first step of cowards in battle to revenge themselves on the weak and helpless. The cowardly scoundrels who field at the first fire join the hand of Sheriff Muir, revenge themselves by misusing a poor dropsy woman — the property of Meg Melodies — who was supposed to be tainted with Jacobus principle, and a oy in the Prominent war
n Times, alluding the rebels.[from the New York Harald Aug. 25.] Our readers will recollect that on the 14th inst. Robert Muir — who had previously registered his name at the Brevcort House as "Mr. Millan" --was arrested on board the steamer Afrcity, attracted attention and led to his arrest. He is now imprisoned at Fort Lafayette. Among the papers found upon Muir was a letter bearing date at Charleston, August 3d, signed by Morris Seligman. The writer says that he knows pretty wells that Lord Lyons and Mr. Russell are both with the South and against the North in this war. The letter is dated August 3. Muir was arrested in Jersey City, August 14, and Mr. Seligman's letter was at that time in his possession. Mr. Russell's lettncing as that which we have already cited. Another commercial letter, written at Charleston, was found in possession of Mr. Muir, from which we make the following extract: Mr. B. [Mr. Bunch, the British Consul at Charleston,] showed me confiden
he fort, to see that it contains nothing designed to give aid and comfort to the enemy. Letters of a domestic nature are merely glanced over. In short, the officer in command adheres strictly to the letter and spirit of Gen. Scott's injunction, "Treat them kindly, make them comfortable, but keep them securely." The prisoners now confined in the fort are as follows: Charles Howard, (president,) Wm. Gatchell and John W. Davis, Baltimore police Commissioners; R. H. Alvey,--Lyon, Robert Muir,--Smith, Thomas S. Serrill, Chas. Kopperan, Pierce Butler, Louis De Bebian, Samuel Alken, Col. Chas. H. Tyler, and G. Berrett, Mayor of Washington. The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger writes: No more State prisoners, it is understood, will be sent to Fort Lafayette, for the reason that the number of "transient boarders" at present occupying that place is fully equal to its capacity. Even if this were not so, however, the exposed condition of the fort to atta