Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 5, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for William Mull or search for William Mull in all documents.

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rown, of Waterford, shot in the right thigh; Harrison Browner, shot through the shoulder-blades severely; James Alder two wounds, one through the shoulder and the other in the thigh; Enoch Cantwell, shot through the shoulder, badly; James W. Russell, slight fresh wound; R. Graham, shot through the right arm; Thos. Leman, shot through the shoulder, badly; Tazewell McAtee, shot through the elbow, shattered; James McDaniel, shot through cheek bone; Wm. Galloway, through the thigh, flesh wound; Wm. Mull, shot through the head, mortally; G. W. Griffin, of Maryland, shot in the arm; Jarred Atwell, very slightly on the lip; Thos. Leslie, slight contusion of the thigh; John Bowlin, slightly on the lip; Joseph Janney left thigh amputated; Robert White, knocked down by grape shot striking cartridge box, and stunned by ball through the hat; Albert Heaton, Minnie ball in the thigh, seriously; Richard Grubb, three balls in hat; and several others with musket balls through their clothes. Evergr