Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 14, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for William Mull or search for William Mull in all documents.

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Charge of Theft. --William Mull has been arrested and committed to the cage on the charge of stealing one pair of boots, one pair of pants, one pair of drawers, two shirts, one vest, one coat, one pair of socks, ten pounds of butter, and a lot of fruit, bread, and apples, all valued at $230, the property of Jas. Leach. Patrick Lee was also arrested and caged, charged with being concerned with Mull. What the evidence will prove, remains to be seen; but the friends of the prisoners think to the cage on the charge of stealing one pair of boots, one pair of pants, one pair of drawers, two shirts, one vest, one coat, one pair of socks, ten pounds of butter, and a lot of fruit, bread, and apples, all valued at $230, the property of Jas. Leach. Patrick Lee was also arrested and caged, charged with being concerned with Mull. What the evidence will prove, remains to be seen; but the friends of the prisoners think the affair will prove nothing more than a breach of trust at farthest.