Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 29, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for William Mull or search for William Mull in all documents.

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o yesterday morning, Recorder James K. Caskie, with his usual promptness, disposed of the following subjects which were up for adjudication. A youth named William Mull was charged with feloniously picking the pockets of Dr. John Phillips. On Saturday afternoon while Dr. P. was standing in a crowd at the corner of 7th and Bro in Dr. P.'s vest pocket drew from it divers papers, but did not succeed in getting any money, as his pocket-book was in his pantaloons pocket. The doctor feeling Mull drawing his hand out grabbed hold of it, but as no money had been taken he immediately released him. Through the advice of his friends, however, he subsequently had Mull arrested. The prisoner was committed to prison in default of $500 security to keep the peace for twelve months. Jerry Sullivan, a youth about twelve years of age, charged with selling tobacco in the streets without a license, was discharged with an admonition. Sullivan had been repeatedly warned by officer Granger ag