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Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Advance of Van Dorn and Price-Price enters Iuka --battle of Iuka (search)
r, a cause so just as ours would come out triumphant. Up to the 11th of September Rosecrans still had troops on the railroad east of Corinth, but they had all been ordered in. By the 12th all were in except a small force under Colonel [R. C.] Murphy of the 8th Wisconsin. He had been detained to guard the remainder of the stores which had not yet been brought in to Corinth. On the 13th of September General Sterling Price entered Iuka, a town about twenty miles east of Corinth on the Memphis and Charleston railroad. Colonel Murphy with a few men was guarding the place. He made no resistance, but evacuated the town on the approach of the enemy. I was apprehensive lest the object of the rebels might be to get troops into Tennessee to reinforce Bragg, as it was afterwards ascertained to be. The authorities at Washington, including the general-in-chief of the army, were very anxious, as I have said, about affairs both in East and Middle Tennessee; and my anxiety was quite as gre
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, The campaign against Vicksburg-Employing the freedmen-occupation of Holly Springs-Sherman ordered to Memphis-Sherman's movements down the Mississippi-Van Dorn captures Holly Springs-collecting forage and food (search)
olly Springs, my secondary base of supplies, captured the garrison of 1,500 men commanded by Colonel Murphy, of the 8th Wisconsin regiment, and destroyed all our munitions of war, food and forage. Tht the one at Holly Springs, which was larger than all the others attacked by him put together. Murphy was also warned of Van Dorn's approach, but made no preparations to meet him. He did not even notify his command. Colonel Murphy was the officer who, two months before, had evacuated Iuka on the approach of the enemy. General Rosecrans denounced him for the act and desired to have him triedr, have destroyed them. This last surrender demonstrated to my mind that Rosecrans' judgment of Murphy's conduct at Iuka was correct. The surrender of Holly Springs was most reprehensible and showed either the disloyalty of Colonel Murphy to the cause which he professed to serve, or gross cowardice. After the war was over I read from the diary of a lady who accompanied General Pemberton in h
t and services of the several members of my staff, namely, Lieutenant Colonel F. F. Sevier, assistant inspector general, and his assistants, Lieutenants Cohal and Hopkins, and private Williams, of the New Orleans Light Horse; Major Douglas West and Captain W. D. Gale, of adjutant general's department; Major Foster, Captain Porter, Lieutenant De Saullet and McFall, of the engineers; Lieutenants Ridley and Stewart, aids; Captain Vanderford, ordnance officer; Major Mason, quarter master, and Major Murphy, chief of staff. To Captain Greenleaf and his company, the Orleans Light Horse, I acknowledge my obligations for valuable services. Very respectfully, Colonel, your obedient servant, (Signed,) Alexander P. Stewart, Lieutenant General. Reports from Loring's Division and from Major General French of action, July 20th, forwarded with this. Others will be forwarded when received. Respectfully, (Signed,) A. P. S. Official report of Major General G. W. Smith, Commandin
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 9 (search)
nd had a mild look of amusement, as he read out: Captain Brady's grey mare. --Captain Brady bows. Captain--, Hey? What is that name? I can't read the writing. Murphy, suggests General Miles. Oh, dear me, of course, yes; Captain Murphy's bay gelding. No! red, suggests Miles. Ah, yes, to be sure — red. Here, says the long-expCaptain Murphy's bay gelding. No! red, suggests Miles. Ah, yes, to be sure — red. Here, says the long-expectant Murphy. Then a bugler blows at a great rate and the horses are brought to the line; the bugler blows at a great rate some more, and away they go. There were a good many different races, some of which were rather tiresome, by reason of the long waiting and the fact that none of the horses were really racers, but only swift Murphy. Then a bugler blows at a great rate and the horses are brought to the line; the bugler blows at a great rate some more, and away they go. There were a good many different races, some of which were rather tiresome, by reason of the long waiting and the fact that none of the horses were really racers, but only swift officers' steeds, which were not enough trained to go round regularly, but often would balk at the hurdles and refuse to go round at all. Wherefrom we had tragic consequences: for one, scared by the crowd and by the brush hurdle, bolted violently and knocked down a soldier; and Colonel von Schack, in another race, had his horse, w
a brass band, playing Hail to the Chief. The band, accompanied by Gen. Sandford and his staff and a corps of sappers and miners, halted in front of the stand. Col. Blenker with his regiment led the column. Next came the Twelfth, Col. Walrath; then the Fourteenth, Col. McQuade, preceded by a drum corps. The beautiful ensign of Col. McQuade's regiment attracted many a compliment, as did the beautiful flags of the several regiments. Next to the Fourteenth came in order the Fifteenth, Col. Murphy; the Sixteenth, Col. Davis; the Seventeenth, Col. Lan-sing; the Eighteenth, Col. Jackson, marching thirty-five men abreast, and exhibiting great superiority in drill; the Nineteenth, Col. Clark, with his large corps of drummers; the Twenty-second, Col. Phelps, with its fine silver cornet band and beautiful flag; the Twenty-sixth, Col. Christian; Twenty-eighth, Col. Donelly; Twenty-ninth, Col. Von Steinwerh, with fine brass band; Thirtieth, Col. Frisbie, and drum corps; Thirty-first, Col.
d from the Rogues' Gallery. And your petitioners will ever pray. Blinky Riley. little Felix, alias Felix Duval, alias Thomas Wilkins. Jack Davis, alias Jack the Fiddler. mysterious Jimmy. sailor Jack alias Jack Harris. little Davis, alias Sammy Davis. long doctor, alias Bill Johnson. Isador Goldstein. George Velsor, alias Old Sheeny. Jim Patterson, alias La Grange, alias Fancy. Ed. Argentine, alias Burns, alias Osborne, alias Wilson. Jack carpenter, alias Murphy, alias Dobbs. White cloud. Ned Timpson. John Hickey, alias Spectacle Smith. Liverpool Jack. Cobbler Jack. Charley Fisher, alias Wagoner. Molly marches. Jimmy Clutes. Hans Williams, alias Blackhawk. Charley Crout. Jimmy, alias Boots and Shoes. Joseph Brown, alias Greenburg, alias Nigger. Jim Johnson, alias Halleck, alias Webb. Jack Smith, alias Hamilton, alias Fatty. Jack Hatfield, alias Williams, Chief Mourner. Jack Woodhull. Andy Bartlett.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Defence of Fort Morgan--reports of General R. L. Page. (search)
enemy were likewise destroyed, as of no further avail in defence. Early in the night the woodwork of the citadel was fired by the mortar shells, and burned furiously for some hours; the enemy during the conflagration pouring in his missiles with increased vigor. With great efforts the fire was arrested, and prevented extending around near the magazines, which would have been in imminent danger of explosion. In the gallant endeavor to prevent this disaster, I would especially mention Privates Murphy, Bembough and Stevens, First Tennessee regiment, for great courage and daring displayed. At daylight on the 23d (all my powder had then been destroyed), the citadel was again set on fire in several places by shells, and burned until it was consumed. The report made to me now was that the casemates which had been rendered as safe as possible for the men, some had been breached, others partially (Captains Johnston, Fisher and Hughes informed me that another shot on them would bring
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 4: (search)
mn following the first occupation of the latter place. From General Sherman's account, however, the reader would suppose that General Rosecrans had behaved badly in both these actions. Of the battle at Iuka, he says: In the early part of September the enemy in our front manifested great activity, feeling with cavalry at all points, and on the 13th General Van Dorn threatened Corinth, while General Price seized the town of Iuka, which was promptly abandoned by a small garrison under Colonel Murphy. Price's force was about eight thousand men, and the general impression was that he was en route for Eastport, with the purpose to cross the Tennessee River in the direction of Nashville, in aid of General Bragg, then in full career for Kentucky. General Grant determined to attack him in force, prepared to regain Corinth before Van Dorn could reach it. He had drawn Ord to Corinth, and moved him by Burnsville on Iuka, by the main road twenty-six miles. General Grant accompanied this c
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
17 Jly 63; 5 Jly 65 Charleston, S. C.; dis. ——. Monroe, George C. 20, sin.; laborer; Littleton. 18 Mch 63; 18 Jly 65 Beaufort, S. C.; dis. $50. Monroe, Henry A. Mus. 18, sin.; laborer; New Bedford. 25 Feb 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. New York. Murphy, Francis H. 18, sin.; teamster; Hudson, N. Y. 19 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 20 Feb 64 Olustee, Fla. $50. Naylor, Benjamin 18, sin.; mechanic; Montrose, Pa. 21 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Montrose, Pa. Nelson, Daniel 20, sin.; mechanic; Montroseg 65. —— New Orleans, La. Montgomery, John H. 28, mar.; laborer; Hillsboro, Md 22 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Morse, George. 26, sin.; blacksmith; Fayetteville, Pa 22 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded Jly 63 ——. $50. Murphy, Charles 18, sin.; boatman; Detroit, Mich. 23 Apl 63, 20 Aug 65. Wounded 20 Feb 64 Olustee, Fla. $50. Murray, Horace W. 32, mar.; laborer; Harrisburg, Pa. 16 Dec 63; 20 Aug 65. $325. Myers, John 33, mar.; teamster; Oxford, O. 28 Apl 63
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Appendix no. 2: the work of grace in other armies of the Confederacy. (search)
c celebration of St. John's Day at Bell Buckle. The lodge furnished a fine dinner for the fraternity of the army. While I was addressing the brotherhood in the afternoon, there was an assault at Hoover's Gap. The officers of Second, Thirteenth, and Fifteenth Arkansas Regiments were ordered to their commands. I hurried to Fairfield, and found our brigade was engaged. Soon we were busy with the wounded, and sixty were brought to the house of Mr. Fields, among them Captain Carter and Lieutenants Murphy and Hutchison of our regiment. Major Claybrook, Twentieth Tennessee, mortally wounded. Private Waggoner, of Carter's company, Thirty-seventh Georgia, died during the night, saying: I am ready. I aided the surgeons in taking of the arm off young Castleman, Twentieth Tennessee. He is a son of a Methodist preacher. I preached to him before the war. Chaplain Ellis and I ministered to the wounded till after midnight. Visited the wounded, and gave them such temporal and spiritual aid as