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a full general; so wholly had his heart and his mind been consecrated to the public service that he had not remembered, if he ever knew, of his advancement. In organizing the bureaus it was deemed advisable to select for the chief of each, officers possessing special knowledge of the duties to be performed. The best assurance of that qualification was believed to be service creditably rendered in the several departments of the United States army before resigning from it. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel A. C. Myers, who had held many important trusts in the United States Quartermaster's Department, was appointed quartermaster general of the Confederacy, with the rank of colonel. Captain L. B. Northrop, a gallant officer of the United States Dragoons who, by reason of a wound disabling him to perform regimental duty, had been employed in the subsistence department, was, after resigning from the United States army, appointed commissary general of the Confederate States Army, with the r
pted, 197. Election of officers, 197. Moore, Dr. L. P. Surgeon general of Confederacy, 268-69. Morehead, —, 344. Morgan, John H., 342, 351. Morris, Gouverneur, 117, 123. Proposed method of presidential election, 135-36. Island, 243. Motley, John Lothrop, 112, 113, 119. Extract from letter to London times, 110-11. Remarks on sovereignty, 121-22, 127. Munford, Col. George W., 231. Extract from letter of Judge Campbell, 232, 233. Musser, Col. R. H., 369. Myers, Col. A. C. Quartermaster general of Confederacy, 268. N Nashville Convention of 1849, 198. Nebraska, 24. Settlement, 26. Nelson, Judge, 231, 232, 233. New Hampshire, 63. Instructions to delegates to Constitutional convention, 80. Ratification of Constitution, 93, 119; amendments proposed, 93, 124. Use of term sovereign in Constitution, 122. New Jersey. Commissioners to Annapolis, 76. Instructions to delegates to Constitutional convention, 78. Ratification of Const