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The Daily Dispatch: February 15, 1862., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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glish journals construe the allusion to the United States as a covert threat, and as intimating the impatience of France, which, when the occasion appears to demand it, will interpose in our affairs.--One British journal, indeed, asserts that Louls Napoleon had decided to announce in his speech his intention to raise the blockade, calculating on the promised moral support of England; but that Earl Russell deemed it politic to maintain a "masterly inactivity" for a few weeks; and therefore the E Trent. At the same time, it is evident that they are looking around for some leak or flaw in the position of the United States, which will enable them to make out a case for intervention, such as will satisfy the public opinion of Europe. Napoleon announces that the civil war which desolates America has greatly compromised the commercial interest of France. Let us see now this is. It is well known that the French Government depends for its revenue, to a very great extent, upon the sale o