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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 145 25 Browse Search
John Beatty, The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of a Volunteer 63 19 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 60 2 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 39 3 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 30 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 27 1 Browse Search
Philip Henry Sheridan, Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army . 12 0 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 10 0 Browse Search
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman . 10 2 Browse Search
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 10 0 Browse Search
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November, 1862. November, 9 In camp at Sinking Spring, Kentucky. Thomas commands the Fourteenth Army Corps, consisting of Rousseau's, Palmer's, Dumont's, Negley's, and Fry's divisions; say 40,000 men. McCook has Sill's, Jeff C. Davis', and Granger's; say 24,000. Crittenden has three divisions, say 24,000. A large army, which ought to sweep to Mobile without difficulty. Sinking Spring, as it is called by some, Mill Spring by others, and by still others Lost river, is quite a large stream. It rises from the ground, runs forty rods or more, enters a cave, and is lost. The wreck of an old mill stands on its banks. Bowling Green is three miles southward. When we get a little further south, we shall find at this season of the year persimmons and opossums in abundance. Jack says: Possum am better dan chicken. In de fall we hunt de possum ebbery night ‘cept Sunday. He am mitey good an‘ fat, sah; sometimes he too fat. We move at ten o'clock to-morrow. November, 11
he vicinity of the most illustrious of men. We are hardly prepared now to say that we are on intimate terms with the gentlemen who bear these historic names; but we are at least allowed to look at them from a respectful distance. A few years hence, when they are so far away as to make contradiction improbable, if not impossible, we may claim to have been their boon companions, and to have drank and played whist with them in the most genial and friendly way. December, 16 This afternoon Negley sent over a request for help, stating that his forage train had been attacked. The alarm, however, proved groundless. A few shot only had been fired at the foragers. December, 17 The news from Fredericksburg has cast a shadow over the army. We did hope that Burnside would be successful, and thus brighten the prospect for a speedy peace; but we are in deeper gloom now than ever. The repulse at Fredericksburg, while it has disabled thousands, has disheartened, if not demoralized a g
dred and twenty captured; loss on our side inconsiderable. The reporters have probably contributed largely to the brilliancy of this affair. It is always safe to accept with distrust all reports which affirm that a few men, with little loss, routed, slaughtered, or captured a large force. Peach and cherry trees are in fill bloom. The grass is beginning to creep out. Summer birds occasionally sing around us. In a few weeks more the trees will be in full leaf again. March, 23 General Negley, who went home some time ago, returned to-day, and, I see, wears two stars. General Brannan arrived a day or two ago. He was on the train captured by guerrillas, but was rescued a few minutes after. The boys have a rumor that Bragg is near, and has sent General Rosecrans a very polite note requesting him to surrender Murfreesboro at once. If the latter refuses to accept this most gentlemanly invitation to deliver up all his forces, Bragg proposes to commence an assault upon our
housand dollars. Hush! Yer ain't got five cents. Gor way, yer don't no nuffin‘. And so the debate continues; but, like many others, leads simply to confusion and bitterness. April, 20 This evening an order came transferring my brigade to Negley's division. It will be known hereafter as the Second Brigade, Second Division, Fourteenth Army Corps. April, 28 Late last Monday night an officer from Stokes' battery reported to me for duty. I told him I had received no orders, and knew and companion of the poet. It was of him he wrote this epitaph, at an ale-house, in the way of pleasantry: Below these stanes lie Jamie's banes. O! Death, in my opinion, You ne'er took sic a blither'n bitch Into thy dark dominion. April, 30 This afternoon called on General Thomas; met General R. S. Granger; paid my respects to General Negley, and stopped for a moment at General Rousseau's. The latter was about to take a horseback ride with his daughter, to whom I was introduced.
t seldom, if ever, travels with so small a command as he is said to have had on this occasion. May, 13 An order has been issued prohibiting women from visiting the army. I infer from this that a movement is contemplated. May, 14 General Negley called to-day, and remained for half an hour. He is a large, rosy-cheeked, handsome, affable man, and a good disciplinarian. I am going to have a horse-race in the morning with Major McDowell, of Rousseau's staff. Stakes two bottles of een unfortunate. When we hear, therefore, that the Eastern army is going to fight, we make up our minds that it is going to be defeated, and when the result is announced we feel sad enough, but not disappointed. May, 19 Generals Rosecrans, Negley, and Garfield, with the staffs of the two former, appeared on the field where I was drilling the brigade. General Roseclrans greeted me very cordially. I am satisfied that those who allow themselves to be damned once without remonstrance are ve
By invitation, the mounted officers of our brigade accompanied General Negley to witness the review of Rousscan's division. There were quiteht, and known of him well, for months. Many officers of Wood's and Negley's divisions were present. After the review, and while the troops wnd the review a success. In the evening, a large party gathered at Negley's quarters, where lunch and punch were provided in abundance. agner's long-legged white was the most wonderful pacer he ever saw. Negley seemed possessed with the idea that every body was trying to escapeuipped. I kept them on the jump for two hours. Generals Thomas and Negley were present, and were well pleased. I doubt if any brigade in theille he has been commanding what was known as the Second Brigade of Negley's division; but the colonels of the brigade objected to having an i gathering leaves and twigs to keep them from the damp ground. General Negley's quarters are a few rods to my left, and General Thomas' just
the thick woods, and drove him from point to point for seven miles. Negley followed with the other brigades of the division, ready to support mit, and some four miles on the ridge beyond. In the meantime, General Negley ordered the artillery and infantry to return to the foot of the It has, during the last week, served as a sort of a cowcatcher for Negley's division. At Elk river General Thomas rode up, while I was makinve been certain of a decisive victory. July, 9 Dined with General Negley. Colonels Stoughton and Surwell, brigade commanders, were prese McCook, whose corps lies near Winchester, called while we were at Negley's; he looks, if possible, more like a blockhead than ever, and it ially obtains, prove it beyond a peradventure. July, 20 Mrs. General Negley, it appears, has been allowed to visit her husband. Mrs. Geou've got a good ridge. Who lives in that house? Find a place for Negley on your right or left. Send me a map of this ridge. How do ye do?
ed on Colonel Scribner, remained an hour, and reached Decherd after nightfall. My request for leave of absence was lying on the table approved and recommended by Negley and Thomas, but indorsed not granted by Rosecrans. General Rousseau has left, and probably will not return. The best of feeling has not existed between him aley, Hobart, and I rode down to the Tennessee to look at the pontoon bridge which has been thrown across the river. On the way we met Generals Rosecrans, McCook, Negley, and Garfield. The former checked up, shook hands, and said: How d'ye do? Garfield gave us a grip which suggested vote right, vote early. Negley smiled affablNegley smiled affably, and the cavalcade moved on. We crossed the Tennessee on the bridge of boats, and rode a few miles into the country beyond. Not a gun was fired as the bridge was being laid. Davis' division is on the south side of the river. The Tennessee at this place is beautiful. The bridge looks like a ribbon stretched across it. The
John Beatty, The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of a Volunteer, September, 1863. (search)
imperative, and that I was to be supported by Negley with the other two brigades of his division. ptain Wilson to the rear to hasten forward General Negley to my support. My regiment on the right wscape capture or utter annihilation, found General Negley, and were ordered to remain with him, and is time Captain Wilson, whom I had sent to General Negley some time before the Second Brigade reache execution of this order until I could see General Negley and explain to him the necessity of maintaky and One Hundred and Fourth Illinois, or General Negley, the enemy made a fierce attack on Stanley that he had been ordered by Major Lowrie, General Negley's chief of staff, to join Negley and retirNegley and retire with him to Rossville. He also had much to say about saving many pieces of artillery; but it occuabandon me. Supposing my regiments and General Negley to be still on the field, I again dispatcdescription of the locality where I fell. General Negley rendered me good service by giving me some[5 more...]
ignaling to the Confederate generals what he observes of importance in the valley. From his position he can look down into our camp, see every rifle pit, and almost count the pieces of artillery in our fortifications. Captain Johnson, of General Negley's staff, has just been in, and tells me the pickets of the two armies are growing quite intimate, sitting about on logs together, talking over the great battle, and exchanging views as to the results of a future engagement. General NegleyGeneral Negley called a few minutes ago and invited me to dine with him at five o'clock. The General looks demoralized, and, I think, regrets somewhat the part he took, or rather the part he failed to take, in the battle of Chickamauga. Remarks are made in reference to his conduct on that occasion which are other than complimentary. The General doubtless did what he thought was best, and probably had orders which will justify his action. After a battle there is always more or less bad feeling, regiments,