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tunity to prepare food. They were now hurriedly put in motion. At midnight, on the 18th of January, the Confederate army marched against the enemy in this order: First, with Bledsoe's and Saunders's independent cavalry companies a-a vanguard, Zollicoffer's brigade ; thus Walthall's Fifteenth Mississippi Regiment in advance, followed by Rutledge's battery, and Cummings's Nineteenth, Battle's Twentieth, and Stanton's Twenty-fifth Tennessee Regiments. Then came Carroll's brigade, as follows: Newman's Seventeenth, Murray's Twenty-eighth, and Powell's Twenty-ninth Tennessee Regiments, with two guns under Captain McClung, and Wood's Sixteenth Alabama Regiment in reserve. Branner's and McClelland's battalions of cavalry were placed on the flanks and rear. A cold rain continued to fall upon the thinly-clad Confederates, chilling them to the marrow, but they toiled painfully along. The road was rough, and very heavy with the long rain following severe freezes. Unencumbered with artill
y had crossed the river at another place, and dashed on to cut us off from Chattahoochee. We tried to make a stand, but they outnumbered us, and flanked us, and we were forced to save ourselves by flight. We came into the neighborhood of Newman, and found that eight thousand infantry were there prepared to receive us. With these fresh troops before us and Wheeler's cavalry behind us, we found ourselves in a fix. But worn out as we and our horses were, we charged, and fought our way to td have reached the Chattahoochee if we could have found a road. By this time we were demoralized. We had all lost confidence in McCook. I don't believe there was a man in the brigade that would have paid any attention to him after we passed Newman. But curses, bitter and deep, were heaped on him on all sides. We broke up into squads, following our own regimental or company commanders, or, still worse, two or three old comrades swearing to live or die together, and going on their own h
hile a squad of prisoners would be added to our company, till we numbered over three hundred, when they started us toward Newman. By talking together we learned much of the extent of our disaster. We learned from some of Brownlow's men that he er sitting around in the rain all day, I think it would have weighed five pounds. When they got ready to start toward Newman, we were marched along the road in four ranks, with Rebels to right of us, Rebels to left of us, Rebels in front of usit of you! I write this incident because it helps to show the feeling of the South toward the Union army. We got to Newman about the middle of the afternoon, and were put in an old cotton warehouse and closely guarded. When we entered that war to the bitterness of our capture was that we felt that it was due to the incompetence of our leader. They kept us at Newman that night and the next day while they mended the railroad at Palmetto. As soon as they could get a train through they m
justice. The message and documents were finally referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Flag--officer Foote, with the gunboats Essex, Lexington, and Tyler, made a reconnoissance down the Mississippi River to a point within two miles of Columbus, Ky. He went within two hundred yards of the range of the rebel batteries, and on returning was fired upon by the rebel gunboat Mohawk, but her shots all fell short. In the State Senate of Virginia, (rebel,) a resolution offered by Mr. Newman was adopted, appropriating so much of the public debt of the State and other securities held by resident citizens of the United States and the District of Columbia, as might be necessary to indemnify the citizens of Virginia who were loyal to the State, for losses sustained by them in consequence of any confiscation act of the Congress of the United States, or any other act growing out of the war.--Richmond Examiner. A skirmish took place between a part of the Second Virginia (Union)
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 15: siege of Fort Pickens.--Declaration of War.--the Virginia conspirators and, the proposed capture of Washington City. (search)
near to Fort Pickens as possible. Launches were lowered, and marines, with Captain Vogdes's artillerymen, immediately embarked, The landing was effected not far from the flag-staff bastion, at about midnight, under the direction of Lieutenant Albert N. Smith, of Massachusetts. They had passed into the harbor, and under the guns of Forts McRee and Barrancas, unobserved. The whole expedition was in charge of Commander Charles H. Poor, assisted by Lieutenants Smith, of the Brooklyn, Lew and Newman, of the Sabine, and Belknap, of the St. Louis. The insurgents, in endeavoring to conceal their own movements, had assisted in obscuring those of the squadron, by extinguishing the lamp of the light-house. In the thick darkness, the expedition struck the designated landing-place with great accuracy. Report of Commander H. A. Adams to the Secretary of the Navy, April 14, 1861. When the important work was accomplished, heavy guns were fired on the vessels, the fort was lighted up, and the i
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
e Courier, by an eye-witness, January 25th, 1862. Zollicoffer was immediately ordered to lead the column. He started at midnight, Carroll's Brigade following his. Zollicoffer's Brigade was composed of the Fifteenth Mississippi, and the Tennessee regiments of Colonels Cummings, Battle, and Stanton, marching in the order here named, with four guns commanded by Captain Rutledge, immediately in the rear of the Mississippians. Carroll's troops were composed of the Tennessee regiments of Colonels Newman, Murray, and Powell, with two guns commanded by Captain McClung, marching in the order named. Colonel Wood's Sixteenth Alabama was in reserve. Cavalry battalions in the rear; Colonel Branner on the right, and Colonel McClellan on the left. Independent companies in front of the advance regiments. Following the whole were ambulances, and ammunition and other wagons. Following these as a reserve were the Sixteenth Alabama, Colonel Wood, and Branner's and McClellan's battalions of caval
C. S. Army. headquarters Army of the Mississippi, Corinth, Miss., April 9, 1862. Brig. Gen. John C. Breckinridge, Commanding C. S. Forces: General: Your note of this morning has been laid before the general, who directs me to say a regiment (Newman's) will be sent out to meet your command at the intersection of the Ridge road with one from Monterey to Purdy, to which point you are authorized to retire at once. A number of men were also sent forward this morning — the guards left here in the encampments of the several regiments. As soon as these troops and Newman's regiment shall join you will place Colonel Wheeler, Nineteenth Alabama Volunteers, in command of the demi-brigade, and your present command, except the cavalry, may then be withdrawn to this place without further delay. The general regrets exceedingly to hear of your indisposition, but trusts it is only a transient ill, from which you will soon recover, so that he and the country may have the benefit of your highest
ould hardly be a more eligible encampment. It is within two miles of the Kentucky line, and has 5,600 soldiers. At half-past 9 the drum-call gathered our congregation in Col. Battle's regiment. Rev. J. A. Edmondson has lately been elected their chaplain from the ranks. We had a respectful hearing for the sermon, reverent attitude in prayer, and were assisted by some good voices in singing. About the same hour, Brother Armstrong, Chaplain of Col. Hatton's regiment, Brother Crisman, of Col. Newman's, Brother Tucker, of Col. Fulton's, Brother Poindexter, of Col. Savage's, were conducting Divine service. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon we conducted a brief religious service for Col. Palmer's regiment. This regiment held an election last Thursday, and has secured an excellent chaplain, Rev. J. H. Richie, of the Tennessee Conference. Brother Richie went through the Mexican campaign, in the ranks. After dinner, in company with Brother Armstrong, we went through the hospitals located i
fought with spirit. The enemy engaged was composed of a portion of Gen. Zollicoffer's command, and consisted of two regiments of Tennessee volunteers under Colonels Newman and Bowler. These regiments charged up the hill upon us, and were met by a galling and deadly fire which scattered them, wounding and killing many. The fronhe enemy had ascended unseen to within a hundred and thirty yards of the hill-top — then forming, were advancing on two sides and in four ranks. Two regiments, Col. Newman's Seventeenth and Col. Cummins' Second Tennessee made the attack on the brave little band of less than six hundred, commanded by Cols. Coburn and Woolford. Thesissippi tigers, Col.----, from their hill opposite to our extreme right on the cliffs, attempted to drive Col. Garrard's companies stationed on our side, while Col. Newman's regiment again attempted to scale the Round Hill. The latter charge was rather intended as a feint to prevent our men from shooting at the Mississippians acr
Battle. Twenty-fifth Tennessee, Captain Stanton. General Carroll. Seventeenth Tennessee, Colonel Newman. Twenty-eighth Tennessee, Colonel Murray. Twenty-ninth Tennessee, Colonel Powell. Two gunRutledge. Then moved the brigade of Gen. Carroll, consisting of the Tennessee regiments of Colonels Newman, Murray, and Powell, with two guns commanded by Capt. McClung. Then moved the Sixteenth Alis plan should be carried into execution, Gen. Zollicoffer, at the head of portions of Battle's, Newman's, Stanton's, Powell's, and Murray's Tennessee regiments, and the Fifteenth Mississippi regimentn two miles and a half of our fortifications at Mill Spring. Here the brigade was reinforced by Newman's and White's regiments. This was about eight o'clock A. M. With the assistance of the reinforcimmediately arrested, and is now a prisoner of war, held by Cols. Stanton, Battle, Stratham, and Newman. The papers discovered are said to reveal the character of our fortifications at Mill Spring, th