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y had crossed the river at another place, and dashed on to cut us off from Chattahoochee. We tried to make a stand, but they outnumbered us, and flanked us, and we were forced to save ourselves by flight. We came into the neighborhood of Newman, and found that eight thousand infantry were there prepared to receive us. With these fresh troops before us and Wheeler's cavalry behind us, we found ourselves in a fix. But worn out as we and our horses were, we charged, and fought our way to td have reached the Chattahoochee if we could have found a road. By this time we were demoralized. We had all lost confidence in McCook. I don't believe there was a man in the brigade that would have paid any attention to him after we passed Newman. But curses, bitter and deep, were heaped on him on all sides. We broke up into squads, following our own regimental or company commanders, or, still worse, two or three old comrades swearing to live or die together, and going on their own h
hile a squad of prisoners would be added to our company, till we numbered over three hundred, when they started us toward Newman. By talking together we learned much of the extent of our disaster. We learned from some of Brownlow's men that he er sitting around in the rain all day, I think it would have weighed five pounds. When they got ready to start toward Newman, we were marched along the road in four ranks, with Rebels to right of us, Rebels to left of us, Rebels in front of usit of you! I write this incident because it helps to show the feeling of the South toward the Union army. We got to Newman about the middle of the afternoon, and were put in an old cotton warehouse and closely guarded. When we entered that war to the bitterness of our capture was that we felt that it was due to the incompetence of our leader. They kept us at Newman that night and the next day while they mended the railroad at Palmetto. As soon as they could get a train through they m