Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 5, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Newsom or search for Newsom in all documents.

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intelligent, delicate, and rather effeminate-looking lad, who gave his name as Newsom, made application and obtained employment at the Crescent office as a sub-newsped the reputation of being the best carrier in the office of that journal. Newsom (a good name for a carrier) became well known to all his fellow-carriers, and fut a murmur, and ever looking bright and cheerful. In the latter part of 1858, Newsom suddenly disappeared, much to the regret of his fellows, and more especially tofter to follow. Time's dark sullen shadow or departing years stole by, and Newsom became forgotten in the busy whirlpool of this world's affairs. Some days ago d smiling face was of itself a picture of happiness. Seated near her was — not Newsom, but somebody else, for Newsom was the identical lady herself! And thus is expom, but somebody else, for Newsom was the identical lady herself! And thus is explained the true, but romantic history of the mysterious newsboy.-- N. O. Crescent.